After working with hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world, I’ve noticed a pattern of why you never want to chase a man, even if he’s pulling away from you or you feel like you’ll lose him if you don’t chase.
Here’s what it is…
If you’re the one always running after him, you might not see some big warning signs that you should know about.
There are 4 big warning signs that women often don’t see when they’re the ones chasing the guy.
These warning signs are really, really important.
Keep reading, because we’re about to talk about them…
1. He Stops Being Attracted
When a girl goes after a guy, the guy usually just sits back and lets the girl do all the hard stuff.
He might not even like her that much, but he’s happy to get what he wants without doing any work.
Usually, you can tell if a guy starts to lose interest in you by what he does or doesn’t do.
So, you shouldn’t be the one going after him. You want him to be the one going after you.
If he starts acting weird or pulls away, you’ll notice it right away because you’re not the one doing all the chasing.
If a guy starts to act distant, there’s a special 4-word text you can send to make him interested again.
Click here to find out what it is <<
2. He Wasn’t Really Into You To Begin With
Just like the first point, if you’re the one going after him and he wasn’t interested from the start, you won’t find out until you’ve put in a lot of feelings and thoughts into him.
This is bad because you’ll get really attached to him, and he never liked you that much in the first place!
I know a lady who spent more than 12 years with a guy who wasn’t serious about her. She thought they would get married, but he never really cared from the start.
She didn’t find out because she was doing all the work in the relationship, while he just enjoyed it.
Don’t let this happen to you.
If you let the guy go after you, his actions will show if he’s really into you or not.
Here’s a tip: write this down and don’t forget it.
The time and effort a man puts into you is more important than what you put into him. This is what makes him really like you, fall in love with you, and it also tells you how serious he is about you.
That’s something you really don’t want to miss out on.
3. He’s Not The Right Guy For You
If you’re the one always running after a guy, you might get so wrapped up in trying to make it work that you don’t notice he’s not the right guy for you.
You’ll miss this big warning sign because you’re too busy doing everything for the relationship. Maybe he doesn’t want the same things as you do—like he doesn’t want a serious relationship, or you want kids and he doesn’t, or you just don’t share the same values.
Whatever it is, you could miss out on really important deal breakers because you’re so focused on making it work with a guy who was never the right fit.
You shouldn’t spend weeks, months, or even years of your life on a guy if you two can’t grow together. This just leads to feeling hurt, broken-hearted, and like you’ve wasted your time.
4. He’s Not Moving Things Forward
If you’re the one doing everything to make the relationship better, most guys will just sit back and let you do it.
Why is this bad?
Because it means you’re doing all the hard stuff and he’s not helping. That’s not fair, and it’s not going to change.
When you’re the one doing everything, he gets used to it and might not treat you like you deserve to be treated.
Here’s something you should know: Guys really value girls they work hard for.
The opposite is true too—guys might not care as much if you’re the one doing everything.
You should be really important to a guy. You deserve a guy who loves you and wants to make you happy.
Let him show he’s worth it by putting in the work and treating you right.
Don’t settle for anything less, because you deserve an awesome relationship.
When He Pulls Away Or Goes Cold, Text Him This…
Fact: whenever a man likes a woman, there’s almost always a moment when he pulls back his attention from her…
His interest will seem to dwindle, his texts will slow down…
In your gut, you can feel something changed and he’s slipping away…
And what you do in this moment can make the difference between him feeling like you’re just like all the other women he’s met…
Causing him to pull away further and disappear altogether…
Or, it can make him feel like you’re unique, special, and exactly the type of woman he wants something REAL with…
Causing him to chase you, invest in you, and prove to you that he’s the right man for you…
There’s a 4 word text message that you can send to a man that gets his attention…
And makes him realize that it was a mistake to pull away in the first place…
Women who have used this have experienced men apologizing, asking to meet up again, and even taking the women out for dinner or drinks just to make up for pulling away…
If you want to know what that 4 word text message is…
Stop what you’re doing and click the link below and go watch a video I put together for you…
My name is Matthew Coast…
And over the last 15 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world…
And helped them attract and keep men who love them, see them, and cherish them in committed relationships…
And I want to help you too…
If you’re tired of men pulling away, losing interest, or taking you for granted…
If you’re frustrated with giving everything to a man and getting nothing in return…
I want to show you the secret to turning things around with a man…
So that he’s the one chasing you, fighting to have YOU in his life…
And convincing YOU to commit to him, instead of the other way around…
Click the link below right now…
After you click the link…
You’ll watch a video where you’ll discover my 4 word text message that gets a man’s attention…
You’ll learn what to do when a guy pulls away…
And how to make him want to come running back into your arms and NEVER want to leave again…
You’ll also discover a 5 word phrase that you should NEVER say to a man…
Because it’ll make him go cold and never want to speak with you again…
If you’re ready to discover how to turn things around for yourself…
And have a man who truly loves you, sees you, and cherishes you…
Stop whatever you’re doing and click the link below, right now…
Very timely. Very Valuable.
Funny enough, this is the 1st time am coming across this, but thanks to you Matthew. All these points are true, am a living example, been through all of them, in the hands of just one man, but thank God it’s over now, I lost myself due to love, but discovering myself now. With God’s help, I will write and publish my story one day, so people can learn from it,God bless.