In This Article
The real reason online dating feels like a second job…
(and it’s not your profile, your photos, or your message…)
The seven types of men who ruin love for women all over the world
How to avoid scammers, players, liars & losers, entirely! (With simple, rapid-fire tricks. Tricks that take less than 7 seconds…)
… And a seven-point action plan. A plan you can download for free, once you read this page.
A step by step plan to the relationship or the fun flings you deserve.
With men who will make your knees weak and your lower lip quiver from joyous relief!
You could be like my client, Janet...
She dates for fun…
She flirts, free from commitment…
She enjoys new, exciting experiences…
… and she cherishes her new adventures. (Even though she’s 64 years young!)
She enjoys her rich and varied sex life…
She cherishes her connection…
… And she never has to do anything by herself, unless she wants to.
Or you could be like my client Grace...
Who dates romantic men.
She dates men who have their lives together, and share her interests…
She loves that these men are interested in her.
(Not just her profile pictures…)
She stays up all night talking…
… Because she feels so comfortable with them.
She wakes up eager to get their text messages…
And to have thrilling phone calls…
…. And she loves how these men light up, when she is around.
Or you could be like my client Karen...
… Who says, “I met the man I was made for.”
Her new boyfriend shares her values.
He has the same, deep-rooted faith she does…
He has dreamy looks…
He is financially stability…
And Karen tells me, “Thanks to your advice, I was able to go on my last first date!!”
Says my client Alice, “I had a lot of fun. Thanks to Matt, I can weed out the ‘bad’ guys. So I enjoy men who are worth my time!”
Says my client Mary, “Thank you Matt! I’m dating a nice man now and we agreed to get off the app! It's been 5 months and I'm so excited!”
Says my client Linda, “All I ever wanted was a guy I share special moments in life with. Honestly, the apps seemed like a wasteland of toxic guys. But I found him!!! I don't want to get married again but I want someone I can go to concerts with and he's way more than just that!”
My name is Matthew Coast and I’m the “Commitment Coach.”
I’m the head dating coach, author, and founder at
Since 2005 I’ve taught, coached, and spoken to tens of thousands of women…
… to help them with dating and relationships.
Many of these women have gone on to:
Get married...
Start families...
Live happily ever after...
I’ve helped save marriages... mend broken hearts... and heal struggling relationships.
Many of the female clients I work with turn to online dating…
… And, when they do, they ask me why online dating is so damn tough...
If you’re like any of my clients…
Then your experience with online dating has been… “mixed”...
… At best.
Maria tells me, ‘Whenever I log on online dating apps, I feel like I’m a purse… a nurse… or worse!”
So many women have:
• Fallen head over heels for a liar…
• Given their time (or money) to a scammer…
• Met a man who was hiding something…
• Slept with a man who only wanted sex…
… Or worse…
“I don't wanna try a dating app again.😔” said one woman…
Another woman said,
“I will NEVER EVER use Bumble again… I had to block guys repeatedly. And some men changed their screen names/created new accounts to email me again.”
Said another woman,
“So many of the profiles are boring copies of each other. It's always pictures on a mountain or on a holiday they did a few years ago, a sunglasses pic, and a dog pic.
And bland answers to bland questions. And the same goddamn hobbies that require zero actual investment. Or I'm a jaded bitch with super high standards, idk.”
So many “experts” say YOU’RE the problem!
… They say YOU are “bad” at online dating!
For example, take this paragraph from a best-selling book titled, “How To Meet A Man After Forty.”
The author says,
“One of the reasons you are single in your mid-30s, 40s, and beyond is that you have written off every kind of man who might conceivably cross your path”
Is this what passes for advice these days?
No wonder everyone is confused!
The author goes on to give ground-breaking dating advice (I'm being sarcastic if you can't tell).
Dating advice like “Stop Frowning” and “Keep the Conversation Light.”
… He must really be a keeper 🙄
Unfortunately, he’s not alone:
If you read main-stream online dating advice…
… It’s just more of the same:
“Don’t message first”
“Don’t respond too quickly”
“Pick photos of yourself on adventures”
… But… at its core…
… That advice doesn't really help you get the man that you want.
… And you will still find your inbox flooded with messages from men you do not want to date!
This is the simple truth about online dating.
And it’s the reason why you log on to Bumble… to Hinge… or even paid sites like…
… And you end the evening frustrated.
While most dating advice teaches you how to attract more men…
… It doesn’t teach you how to weed out the losers.
And so… you are stuck wading through messages from:
… So you can meet the great men you deserve.
To help you do this...
If you’re ready to spend less time swiping… and more time swooning over the man of your dreams…
… Simply click the button below:
Or keep reading to meet...
Imagine falling for a man…
… Only to learn he had a fake profile.
Yes, some scammers are easy to spot:
The dreamy man who works on an oil rig… and would marry you if only you pay his ticket home…
The foreign doctor… who needs to borrow money…
The romantic soldier serving his country… and needs to pay for supplies...
… But other scammers are much harder to spot…
… After all, scamming is big business:
According to this report from the FTC:
Romance scams were the largest scam in 2019...
… And these scammers stole more than $143 million dollars…
… Which is a stack of $100 bills that stands seventy five feet tall!
Here is my favorite way:
I call it “The Instant Swoon,” and it is a classic scammer technique…
A multi-step scam that starts at the first message...and leads you... trust them...
To love them…
… And to send your money to them.
What’s so dangerous about this “Instant Swoon” technique?
This is because the “Instant Swoon” feels like he is falling in love with you…
… Except for one difference.
When you know “The Instant Swoon” and how to spot it…
… It will stand out like a sore thumb.
And you will block the scammer trying to take your money...
… All in less than seven seconds!
… And I share all of them in a powerful new book I wrote.
A book titled, “The Toxic Man Screening System: How To Weed Out ‘The Losers’ In Less Than 7 Seconds.”
In this book, I show you how to spot “The Instant Swoon.”
And I will show you the two other techniques that Scammers love best…
I also show you:
… And much, much more!
Why would I send you “The Toxic Man Screening System: How To Weed Out ‘The Losers’ In Less Than 7 Seconds” for free?
It’s a bribe.
A shameless bribe, to get you to try my new program, “From Internet to Commitment: How to Attract Your Dream Man Online.”
Online dating is too big a topic to cover completely on either this website or in a free book...
That’s why I made a step-by-step course.
One which guides you from boring men…
… To the perfect man, for you.
I’ll tell you more about From Internet to Commitment, in just a moment…
… But… if you’re ready to claim your copy of “How To Weed Out ‘The Losers’ In Less Than 7 Seconds”...
… Simply click the button below:
Or read on, to discover:
The Second Time-Waster:
My client Sarah met the “perfect man” on…
… Or so she thought.
She told me he was:
A vital, powerful man...
A man who looked ten years younger than his age…
A man who was trim and active…
A man who loved to travel...
… And so Sarah had her hopes high.
Maybe this man could be her “perfect fit,” she thought.
However… when Sarah finally met this man… she was disappointed…
Because he was ten years older than his pictures...
… And the last ten years had not been kind to him:
He had put on weight…
The tan had faded out of his skin…
And he had, “The most ridiculous moustache,” Sarah says…
When Sarah came to me, the first words out of her mouth were,
So many of my clients complain that men lie…
And the numbers back them up:
In a recent study by Pew Research Group, more than 71% of women reported that men lied in their online profiles…
… If three out of every four men lied on your first date…
… You’d give up dating, completely.
So it’s no wonder why so many women give up online dating…
But there is some good news:
And it works in all circumstances:
Has he put on weight? Find out before a first date...
Does he still have his hair? You’ll know if he’s gone bald…
Is he still muscular and active? There’s no way he can trick you, as long as you know this secret...
If you have a smartphone, you can use this simple trick to spot any fake photos...
And you can weed out any liars…
… All in less than seven seconds.
I call this secret, “Legal Lie Busting.”
And I reveal how you do it on page four of my report, “The Toxic Man Screening System: How To Weed Out ‘The Losers’ In Less Than 7 Seconds.”
I also show you:
Are you love sick… or just addicted to his attention? Here’s how to tell… and what you must do, if you want to feel better, fast.
Which Netflix shows may keep you from the love of your life… (HINT: The Office… Parks & Rec… both at the top of the list!)
Do you use Google reverse image search? Here’s a faster, simpler way to spot cat fishes… scammers… and liars. (Takes just 10-15 seconds)
Say good-bye to boring messages! These quick responses force him to be interesting… or leave you alone, for good.
How to get liars… scammers… narcissists… to tell the truth. Never mind what they say, they’ll cave if you follow this 3-step plan.
… And I would like to send your copy of “The Toxic Man Screening System: How To Weed Out ‘The Losers’ In Less Than 7 Seconds.”
Absolutely free:
To claim it, simply click the button below.
You will get a no risk, thirty day trial to my brand new course, “From Internet to Commitment...”
Growing older means growing happier, right?
After all,
You learn to set boundaries…
Your orgasms get easier and more powerful - starting AFTER you turn 40…
… And the list goes on.
Which is why a recent study shows that 59% of women grow more confident as they grew older…
Many of my clients tell me meeting a good man gets harder as they grow older…
My client Evelyn tells me,
“I’m a divorced woman on the wrong side of 45...
I feel like I’m in a relationship ‘no man’s land.’”
And she is not alone:
One woman writes, “I feel like a plankton on the food chain of sexuality.”
… That’s why I created a course to help women over 35+ navigate online dating.
My secret?
I help you conquer the entire online dating process, one step at a time:
Most women LET men waste their time.
… But not you.
I’ll show you a whole new set of standards.
Standards which make dating easy…
Standards which make flirting natural…
And standards which keep time-wasting men from wasting YOUR time.
In this first step, you’ll learn:
Why you should never “date” a man you meet, online. Little-known time wasters most women don’t know to look for…
Your friends fantasize about their dream guy. You set this goal, instead… and meet the man of your dreams, in half the time.
Say good-bye to heartbreak! If you’ve had no luck falling in love, then you have to read this. Rich, deep connection without the downside.
… And much, much more.
Men make complete sense…
… Only after you know how they think.
I’ll show you how a man’s brain works…
So you never wonder what is on his mind.
(And I’ll help you use this info to wrap him around your pinky finger.)
In this second step, you’ll learn:
The secret to being best friends with a man you love. What to say… when to touch… how to flirt… and when to be serious.
Why Russian women almost never get ghosted. And what you can do to make your app messages virtually ghost free.
The mysterious reason why guys get “too macho” all of the sudden. How to avoid these little triggers… and help him “man up” when they happen.
Do you ever wonder who else he’s seeing? Then you should know about the quick, and easy way to make a man commit.
… And much, much more.
… So time-wasting men just screw right off…
… And only the great guys send you a message.
In this step, you’ll learn:
The best picture to put first. (Whatever you do, DON’T fall into this culture trap!)
The type of photo that can make you “look” fat (even if you’re skinnier, IN the picture!)
Can your profile be short as four words? Yes! Here’s how to save yourself agonizing hours.
“Serious men only”... “No hookups”... “Real men only”... and other Red Flags you need to avoid.
… And much, much more.
If you’re ready to spend less time swiping… and more time swooning over the man of your dreams…
… Simply click the button below:
We’re not on dating apps to make pen pals…
That’s why I give you a clear, step by step plan to:
Get him to ask you out
Plan a date that will “wow” you completely
Make him think about you, for days and days
In this step, I will show you:
How to go on a date without asking him out. No tricks, no secrets. Just four, short words that tell a good man, “It’s time to ask me out.”
What to do when he drags his feet. One fast text that forces him to make plans with you. (Without looking or feeling “pushy.)
When it’s OK to have a first date at your place - or his. Never mind what the “experts” say, follow this rule, instead.
The type of first date that can lead to everlasting love. Weeds out time-wasters… broke dudes… and players. All in thirty minutes or less!
… And much, much more.
We all make mistakes. And that’s ok…
… As long as you don’t make one of these mistakes.
In this section, you’ll learn:
Why falling in love can mean you met the wrong guy for you. Protect yourself by taking these simple precautions.
What to do if you meet a man you like. The most common approach usually backfires. Here’s what to do instead.
Frustrated? Try this simple breathing exercise, so your emotions don’t ruin your next message.
Better than Brad Pitt. The little-known way to tell if a man is willing to commit… just looking at his face!
… And much, much more.
If I were to cover everything you’ll learn in From Internet to Commitment, I would be writing and writing for another 12 pages…
… But here are some of my favorite techniques I’ll teach you, in From Internet to Commitment:
The amazing first date question that gets him to share his soul. Simple, natural, and proven to work by the New York Times!
How to quit getting scammed or ghosted, for good. Forget looking for “red flags,” try doing this, instead.
The #1 thing all men are looking for. Ignore his pictures… ignore his profile… ignore his messages. Know this and you’ll own his heart, in minutes.
So…. If you’re ready to spend less time swiping… and more time cuddling up to the man of your dreams…
… Simply click the button below.
And claim your free report, “The Toxic Man Screening System: How To Weed Out ‘The Losers’ In Less Than 7 Seconds.”
So you can avoid the seven types of toxic men who ruin online dating.
Men like…
THE PLAYER - “So many older men are divorced, and still acting like high school boys!,” said my client Amelia. “They want to have as many women as they can!”
If you run into these “players” on your apps, you are not alone.
I’ll show you the seven little signs in the average “Player’s” profile. (If you see a single sign… run for the hills!)
I’ll also show you which first text screams “Player!!!”... even though most women think it means he’s really, truly into you.
(Don’t trust another man with your body, until you read this!)
Recent studies have shown that men have grown less reliable… that men have become less emotionally stable… and that more and more men can’t even support themselves, financially…
This is why you run into so many “sad sacks” and losers; who spill their guts about how life abused them again and again… who hope you’ll be their salvation.
I’ll show you three “red flags” to avoid, immediately…
Including one red flag in the very first message…
… Even though most women think it’s “cute” or “endearing.”
THE PEN PAL: Some guys only want to text, back and forth… But you should kick their asses to the curb.
Thanks to porn, more and more men get their satisfaction virtually…
… And have no intention to actually meet with you, in person.
That’s why I give you five ways to weed out pen pals...
Do this and you’ll watch your penpal friends vanish into thin air
THE GHOST: What if you could tell which men will ghost you, right away?
Well, there are three, common letters all ghosts say, when you ask them
a basic question.
The second you read these three letters, ditch the dude and run for the hills.
If they make it through that test, I have two more that weed these men out,
in minutes…
So you can save your time and attention for the good guys who matter
Too many men simply aren’t physically attractive…
Or they won’t do ANYTHING to move the interaction forward…
Or they refuse to commit…
Or they’re looking for a sugar mama…
… The list goes on and on.
Whatever the case… you do not “owe” these men your attention!
And so… I want to give you the tools to cut them out of your life, completely.
I’ve packed my very best techniques into my new report “Weed Out ‘The Losers’ In Less Than 7 Seconds.”
When you claim your copy, you’ll learn:
Liars? Cut them out of your life with Google maps and a cup of coffee.
Best time of day for a virtual date. It’s harder for men to lie during these two hours of the day… and the lighting won’t mask their looks!
The popular first-date question that players will never answer. Skip straight to this question on your first date - and save yourself the drama.
What to do if he won’t commit. Try this one sentence, and watch him run straight into your arms.
When it’s OK to “fix” a guy. If you do it right, you’ll settle down with an amazing man who loves & cherishes you.
The little-known link between men who complain and great sex. What you need to know on.
Why you should never sext a dude before noon. Never! And when it’s safe to flirt, revealed.
… And so much more.
When you’re ready to spend less time swiping… and more time flirting with the man of your dreams…
… Simply click the button below:
… But I would like to give you this report, absolutely free.
All you have to do is claim your copy of my new program, From Internet to Commitment.
To claim your copy of From Internet to Commitment, simply click the button below, and then fill in your information:
Normally, From Internet to Commitment sells for $47.
But… since you’re reading this page during a special market test…
I’d like to give you a limited time discount:
I’d like to cut 50% off of the purchase price.
So you can download your copy of From Internet to Commitment for only $27 today.
All you have to do is click this button, then fill in your information on the following page:
Plus, I’d like to guarantee your complete purchase price…
Try From Internet to Commitment for yourself.
Watch - like so many women have - your inbox fill up with messages from men you actually want to date…
Swipe right as often as you want… knowing only the great men will ever match with you…
… And laugh, as the players… the losers… the liars… the scammers…
… They disappear from your matches, as if by “magic.”
All sorting themselves out in seconds.
And you enjoy fun flirting with great men who truly care about you.
And enjoy it all with complete confidence for a full 60 days.
For any reason or no reason at all… you can email me for a full and complete refund.
No questions asked.
You can even keep your copy of “How To Weed Out ‘The Losers’ In Less Than 7 Seconds” as my gift, to you.
That’s how confident I am that you will enjoy the amazing benefits of From Internet to Commitment.
No matter how much you’ve struggled with online dating so far.
And so… if you’re ready to spend less time swiping… and more time swooning over the man of your dreams…
… Simply click the button below:
If no one takes me up on this reduced price…
… I’ll have to take From Internet to Commitment off the market.
It just won’t be worth my time to teach this powerful information...
That’s why I urge you to download your copy of From Internet to Commitment today.
Before this offer disappears, forever.
When you’re ready to spend less time swiping and more time romancing the man of your dreams… simply click this button:
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