Learn the Secret to Making Any Man Want You Without Playing Games...

...FOR JUST $1

If you accept the proposal, it will cost you exactly $1.

That’s right..

Four quarters.

One hundred pennies.

That’s the “bad news.”

Now For the Good News...

In exchange for this miniscule investment, I am going to give you the greatest gift I could give a woman who is looking to meet Mr. Right.

It’s the key to attracting a romantic life partner… a committed, lasting relationship with a quality man.

You can attract this man…

…into a committed, lasting relationship…

…for just $1.

I’ll tell you why in just a bit. But first, I have a question for you…

What if you knew the secret to capturing any man’s heart so that he becomes SO infatuated with you that he can’t even think about any other woman?

You can flip a switch in that one special man’s mind who you’ve been dreaming about…

That makes all the other women around him fade into the background so that he only thinks of you.

In a minute, I'll reveal to you my 3 step formula to win any man’s heart and make him absolutely addicted to you.

This secret will ignite is passionate desire for you so much that he’ll dream about the future he wants to have with you and only you.

First: let me tell you about a client of mine, Rachel, who came to me because she felt like she was intimidating men.

You see: Rachel is smart and successful.

She’s worked very hard to build a career for herself and doesn’t need a man for anything.

But she had a problem. No matter where she went to meet men or how many men she met, she rarely got a second date.

And the ones she did get, seemed to only want sex from her and nothing more.

Being a dating coach, I’ve seen similar situations, many times before.

Here’s the problem she faced:

The strategies that made her successful at work were the same strategies she used when she went on a date.

And while these strategies helped her get ahead in the workplace, they were actually pushing men out of her life.

Let me explain what I mean…

We’re biologically wired to connect and create relationships with each other.

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans didn’t need dating coaches.

We “just knew” how to create workable relationships.

And we didn’t lose this.

You have a natural, in-born ability to hypnotize a man into craving you…

And feeling so addicted to you that he can’t help but fantasize about you, even when you’re not around.

Yet here’s the problem:

Once humans became civilized, we began teaching each other rules about how to behave and how not to behave.

And as a result, you were taught from a young age mixed messages about how you should act and what your role is as a woman.

And it was only further confused once you got a job where the only way you can succeed in that environment is to take on masculine traits.

While it’s awesome that women are succeeding so well in their careers, many women are now finding it difficult to connect with men.

And when you go to get dating advice, it usually falls into one of two categories:

Either you’re told to play games, which gets you a lot of short term attention.

But if you’ve ever played games or used manipulation tactics on a guy, you know they’re exhausting and nothing ever seems to last.

Or you’re told to “just be yourself…”

Which would be great advice if anyone actually knew what it meant.

Most women these days who follow the “just be yourself” advice usually either throw themselves at men or they accidentally push men away.

Neither of these actions work very well and they’re both part of the same problem.

You See:

Men want to pursue women...

A man commits to a woman because of how much HE INVESTS in the relationship.

Not financially but how much energy he invests in it.

And a man won’t invest in you or pursue you if you’re the one pursuing him.

He also won’t pursue you if he feels like there’s no room for him in your life.

The problem is that you may not even realize that you’re shutting him out.

So what’s the solution?

Here’s the key… the answer that will inspire a man to invest in you, pursue you, commit to you…

And it has nothing to do with how pretty you are, how thin your waistline is, or pretending like you’re someone you’re not.

Here it is:

You have to open a space for him to come into your life.

Now that may seem simple… almost too simple, in fact.

Yet you’d be surprised at how many women screw this up.

For Rachel, she was so used to taking a masculine role in her life and career, that she was taking a masculine role in her relationships as well.

And if you compete with a man for the masculine role in the relationship, he’ll feel like you have no place for him in your life.

Or if you try to cage him in a relationship too soon, he won’t feel like there’s any room for him to pursue and invest in you.

If he doesn’t feel like there’s space for him to be there, he’ll probably just disappear.

And if he does stay, he’ll only want a “friend with benefits” type of relationship with you and he’ll NEVER commit.

This has become a HUGE problem for tens of thousands of women today.

And if you push men out long enough, you may end up thinking that men just want sex… or that they’re all commitment-phobic.

And eventually, if you keep shutting men out of your life, you might give up on men and dating altogether.

And that’s just not what I want for you.

Instead, when I show you how to open a space for a man to come into your life, you’ll notice almost immediately how the men around you completely change.

Men who you thought were commitment-phobic will ask YOU to be exclusive with THEM.

Men who you thought just wanted sex, suddenly want something deeper.

And men you practically had to chase after before… start pursuing and investing in you.

At least that’s what happened to Rachel. When I told her about opening a space for a man to come into her life, she completely understood and got on board immediately.

And while it took a few weeks for her to start using what I showed her, she began getting results practically overnight.

She’s been seeing a guy for about three months now… the longest REAL relationship she’s ever had.

And she said she’s never been so happy in her life.

Remember when I said you have an in-born ability to attract men?

The truth is that most women just need to get out of their own way…

And reconnect with that part of themselves that is irresistible to men.

You have that in you.

The reason that games don’t work in creating a long-term relationship is because the guy realizes at some point that he’s not attracted to YOU…

He’s attracted to chasing you or whatever game you’re playing with him.

Instead: You want him to connect with the REAL you.

You want him to fall in love with you for who you are, not just because of some game you played on him.

That’s the ONLY way you can have a long-term relationship that will stand the test of time.

So you may be thinking…

“That’s great Matt. But how do I do it?”

Here’s the answer…

My 3 step formula to capture the heart of any man and make him absolutely addicted to you.

First: You need to recognize which behaviors you have which are sabotaging your ability to connect with a man.

If you don’t figure out how you’re pushing men away, you’ll end up in and out of relationships for the rest of your life… thinking that maybe you just weren’t meant to fall in love and live happily ever after.

Second: You need to relearn behaviors that make you irresistible to men…

It’s okay if you’ve never experienced being this attractive to a man before.

Most women are taught behaviors which sabotage their ability to be attractive to men at a very young age.

But once I show you these new behaviors and you start using them, you can get men to start drooling over you with very little effort.

Third: You need to understand why some behaviors attract men while others push them away so that you don’t slip back into patterns of sabotaging your relationship… ever again.

This is how you gain power and control over your love life. The power to attract any man you like…

The power to make that “one guy” you’ve always wanted start dreaming about YOU and wanting YOU in his life.

Have you ever wondered why one woman is a man magnet while another can’t seem to get a man to give her the time of day?

Have you ever wondered why a guy will treat one woman like a jerk yet the same man treats another woman like a queen?

Have you ever wondered why some women have no problems getting a commitment from a man while others seem to only attract men who never commit to anything?

Here’s the difference: It has nothing to do with how you look… and has everything to do with what you say and how you behave.

A man will go from ignoring you completely to acting like a love-sick puppy dog if you learn how to say and do the right things…


Matthew Coast
"The Commitment Coach"

My name is Matthew Coast and I’ve been teaching in the dating advice industry for over 11 years now…

I’ve helped thousands of men and women get into committed, loving relationships that last…

And I’m the creator of Make Him Want You: How to Be Irresistible to Any Man Without Playing Games or Being Manipulative.

This program is the most powerful way to capture any man’s heart without needing to pretend like you’re someone you’re not.

This radically simple yet effective man attraction System will work for you, EVEN IF you think:

No men consider you “relationship material” or you’ll only ever end up in a “friend with benefits” type of relationship…

You find yourself stuck with dysfunctional men and you think there’s nothing you can do about it…

You’re sick and tired of dating and you feel like all the good men are already taken…

Most men seem to lose interest in you after just a few dates or getting physically intimate with you…

You attempt to open yourself up to men but it only seems to push them away…

And even if you believe you've seen and tried everything!

To make sure this is a good fit for you, let me be upfront and tell you what Make Him Want You is NOT, before I tell you what it is...

Make Him Want You is NOT About playing games or using manipulation tactics on a guy.

It’s NOT about “tricking” men to give you what you want.

It’s NOT about pretending like you’re someone you’re not in order to “bait and switch” a man into liking you.

I think you've been deceived enough by “dating advice” marketers and all the horrible advice that’s out there... THIS is the REAL DEAL.

I’ve done my research. I've worked with dozens of the top relationship experts in the world... plus I’ve coached thousands of men and women into committed relationships, all to come up with this unbelievably effective System...

This passionate research revealed SPECIFIC PATTERNS that women who are “man magnets” do that's virtually hidden from all other women!

And now, starting TODAY, their success can be your success.

The techniques, "do this next" strategies, and the "avoid THIS" lessons are now yours to replicate... and that means:

Enjoy being the type of woman that men naturally crave and passionately desire…

All while getting more in touch with who you are (the authentic you), making sure that men see you as the valuable woman you are to them…

And finally create the life and relationship that you know in your heart you deserve.

Let’s TAKE A LOOK at what you will receive inside of your copy of Make Him Want You:

  • The difference between playing hard to get and having a man pursue you and why it is essential to know what’s different about them (Hint: One of them creates lasting attraction with a man and the other creates the illusion of attraction).
  • How to be so valuable to a man that he won’t want to let you go (There are two main parts to this… and most women only focus on one or the other).
  • One of the most important aspects to getting a man sexually attracted to you that few women know about… yet it can be much more attractive to a man than your body type and size.
  • The key to making a man feel like you’re an essential part of his emotional support team… doing this will make you irreplaceable to him.
  • What women who get approached a lot do differently than women who don’t get approached… and how you can begin doing it immediately.
  • Exactly what to do to get guys to approach you and 3 attractive ways to start a conversation with a man if he doesn’t pick up on your invitation.
  • How to stop men from disappearing… the 3 most powerful ways to get a guy coming back for more.
  • Why most relationships fall apart (if you get caught in this trap, you’ll be in and out of relationships forever wondering if there’s something wrong with you).
  • How to get him to want you again if he’s lost interest (this simple shift in the way you think and act can reignite his desire for you INSTANTLY)
  • Why men lose interest in a relationship (you have more control over this than you probably realize… here’s how to make sure he DOESN’T lose interest)
  • The number 1 way to build desire in your partner (and the exact steps you need to take in order make sure it happens)
  • How to give yourself more power and control in any relationship you get into (this is the absolute key to having a healthy, lasting relationship)
  • How to keep a man wanting you and the keys to allowing him to have a healthy desire for you.
  • What healthy boundaries are, how to set them, and why they’re essential to have if you want a man to be interested in you while you’re dating him or in a relationship.
  • The most important thing that you can do in order for a man to want you for a long-term, committed relationship (if you don’t do this you’ll DEFINITELY be in and out of relationships the rest of your life).
  • And much, much more...

Normally, I charge $47 for this program. But today, you can to try it for $1.

For $1, you get to try the program for 14 days.

If after 14 days, you decide that you love the program, do nothing and I’ll bill you for the other $46 (just one time).

That way, there’s basically NO RISK for you.

If you don’t LOVE Make Him Want You, just email me at support@commitmentconnection.com and I’ll immediately cancel the rest of the payment.

You can download the PDF files and watch the videos immediately after you purchase.

There’s no more time to wait. Capturing the heart of the man you want could be just around the corner…

And with Make Him Want You, you’ll know exactly how to attract him into a committed, lasting relationship.

Click the button below to get started now:

See you on the inside!

Matthew Coast

P.S. Still on the fence? Here’s what others are saying…

“I stumbled upon you Mr. Coast and your wisdom has touched my conscience and subconscious. I've learned so much and so much has smacked me right in the face. I used to call myself "not girlfriend material" and didn't think I could have a relationship last longer than 8 mo. But the universe and yourself have thrown on my lap all the tools I need to realize I AM a woman a quality man wants to be with.

I am now in the first stages of what could potentially become a good healthy relationship with a good healthy man. And I want to thank you for what you are doing!!;-)”


“I used the information and dumped a waster I was seeing and met a really great guy. I've met the most amazing guy and using the program he's already telling me that he wants to be with me and he loves me and we've only been dating for 2 weeks!!

The program is absolutely amazing. I don't have to play games or pretend I'm someone I'm not. This guy likes me for who I am and truly accepts me.”


“I am now in a happy long term healthy relationship thanks to Matt. I spent so much time dating focusing on my outside personality that I failed to connect on a real level.

Being honest and vulnerable opened up a whole new world following Matt’s advice as to how and when to do that was key as well.”


“Your information works. I’m now in a positive relationship. One that is growing.”


“Firstly, I value how Matthew is always honest (even when you wish he wouldn't be because the truth does sting sometimes lol) and this has been especially beneficial to me. It has helped me face my own truths regarding mistakes I had been making in previous relationships and I'm so glad to be part of this community. Secondly, its nice to get advice on how to deal with men from a man's perspective and all the advice really does make sense coming from a man 🙂

I've learnt not to play games with men, to be myself, to be centered and not overanalyze things all the time and that it is okay to let a guy know you are interested without feeling like you are going overboard or pursuing him.”


“Awareness about what I've been doing to sabotage myself. I feel like I'm taking control more than I used too, which is surely a good thing. I love that it makes me feel like I have the power to choose my relationship results.”


"I now feel confident and not so afraid."


“I struggled to understand men... I was a lesbian for many year and decided that I actually do want to be with men... I just have a fear for the unknown... You helped me to overcome my fear by giving me knowledge. Thank You So Much!”


“I wish I would have had this a long time ago.”


"I feel encouraged that I can find someone who will love me for me without playing games. Everyone deserves to be loved and to find love. I get steps to take to find the right guys without playing games."


It's truly amazing when I get to see women in our community attract quality men and get into committed relationships, sometimes, for the first time in their lives.

Join all of these amazing women and become the next success story.