Attn: To any woman who’s ever lost that special power over him and couldn’t get it back...

How To Kiss A Man So Good He Never Fizzles Out or Forgets!

Yes, getting better at this simple everyday act taps into Mother Nature’s “commitment cure” by flooding a man’s mind with natural “monogamy chemicals”... to strengthen his love and affection (in a way no other woman can touch)...

Hi there,

I know this all might sound a little too good to be true…

...But bear with me. 

Because today I’d like to talk with you about an all-too-often overlooked key to unlocking the soul of a good man. And about how that tender juicy 7.88 mm or so of nerve-rich space on your face…

…(Yes, I’m talking about your LIPS)...

...May just be the missing ingredient it takes to make your man fall in love and stay in love... 

couple kissingcouple kissing

To create an intoxicating feminine influence that gets him completely obsessed with you… even as hypnotized by your presence as he was the first few weeks you started getting to know each other....

Because that magic spark when your lips touch in just the right way… can be all it takes to create a deeper, more powerful connection. 

One that inspires him to come back (if he’s been pulling away)...

...Makes him stop pulling away in the future… 

...And leaves him borderline-ADDICTED to your kiss and your touch… So there’s NO DOUBT in his mind that you’re the woman for him.

But Before We Talk About “Magic Lips”…

A Few Quick Questions For You

Have you ever noticed men just don’t kiss or touch you the same after the heat of a new relationship is gone…?

Or woken up one day to realize you’re committed to a man… who’s NOT committed to you? 

Do your relationships keep fizzling out (just when you think they’re getting good)?

And are you sick and tired of guys who pull away, go cold, or even disappear right at the moment you really start to fall?

Ever wondered why the man you REALLY want never loves you the way you love him? Even as all those other guys can’t seem to leave you alone? 

And why nothing you try seems good enough to catch and keep his attention once he gets used to you always being available?

Have you given everything to a man who barely seems to notice? Only to be taken for granted, ignored, stepped on? Maybe even used for his pleasure and casually brushed aside?

Or found yourself constantly staring at your phone, waiting for his call… when it’s obvious he’s still out there looking for something better? 

Maybe even finding it...?

Are you sick and tired of feeling the complete emotional drain of giving your all to an emotional connection he doesn’t appreciate or understand?

Imagine If You Could KISS Your Way To The Throbbing, Pulse-Racing Certainty That He’s Yours (And Only Yours)...

Passionate Kiss

Like I said, this might all sound outrageous… and I’m not trying to get all X rated on you or anything… BUT

...Here’s a little secret about physical intimacy that most women wouldn’t guess in a million years…

Stimulating the human lips actually has more of an effect on the human brain than stimulating the genitals! 


...I’m totally serious right now.

Kissing really does matter THAT much! 

And yet I’ve seen so many women just accept and ignore it when their guy seems to lose any real interest in kissing anymore...

Here’s the thing.

Kissing is super super important when it comes to preserving that “crazy about each other” feeling we all miss so much when it’s gone…

But kissing is far from just sexual or sensual…

In fact it’s a form of nonverbal COMMUNICATION. And in fact you have to know how to kiss the right way to avoid sending the wrong types of signals… 

Because often when you get hurt or abandoned or taken for granted... it’s because the way you kiss and touch your man sends the wrong message about where you stand and what your relationship means.

However When You Know How To Kiss A Guy The Right Way…

...You can very deliberately (often easily) use your lips to build a stronger and better connection every time you pucker up...

Yes, kissing techniques can make all the difference in the world when it comes to the nonverbal communication between you and the guy you love. 

What are you SAYING to him every time your lips meet?

Because as any girl who has just felt the intoxicating rush of her first kiss can tell you…

...Kissing is a deeply deeply EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE. 

And all too often we assume that rush has to be short-lived. It doesn’t at all!

By purposely guiding those emotional triggers and building upon them to make your kissing experience together more and more powerful over time, you can use your lips as a vehicle to connecting him deeper with you again and over again… 

And build more and more momentum every time you’re close enough to feel the heat of his breath on your skin...

Imagine A Relationship With The Man You Already Love… 

But With All The “Seductive Power” And Certainty Back In Your Corner...

See when you can increase that connection AT WILL…

You develop a certainty that your man is yours…

Because HE becomes more certain about YOU.

And when HE’S more certain… He WANTS you to feel special, valuable, and important to him… 

Imagine KNOWING that you’re truly seen and valued by him. And feeling bonded, loved, accepted for who you are at any given moment… 

Imagine KNOWING that he has no room in his mind for doubts, second thoughts, or even innocently “shopping” for other women… a relationship full of passion and that stomach-tingling excitement every time you touch… and intimacy that actually GROWS with each passing year.

Imagine KNOWING that your relationship oozes so much vibrant passion and connected energy that everyone around you can clearly see just how good you’ve got it…

Now imagine that it can all start with just a little kiss. Or simple little changes in the way you kiss and when. Even if you feel like you’re already WAY off track…

How is any of this possible? We’ll get to all that in just a moment.

First Allow Me To Introduce Myself

(And How I Became Known As “The Commitment Coach”)

My name’s Matthew Coast and I’m the head dating coach, author, and founder at…

For over 16 years I’ve taught, coached, and spoken to tens of thousands of men and women all over the world. About how to get more from dating and build longer-lasting relationships when they want them.

But the truth is that before I started teaching women all this stuff, I ONLY worked with men...

Matthew Coast

See, after teaching men the powerful tools of human attraction for years, I realized most would take advantage of women in all the wrong ways.

Because it gave them too much power…

And if the woman didn’t know how to keep her man interested…

...He’d always wander away eventually…

(Even when his intentions were good)

...Because well that’s just kind of the way us men are wired… We lose interest if women don’t know how to push those primal buttons that continually keep us under their spell.

Well I didn’t get in this business to create MORE friction between the sexes. My true passion lies in helping couples come together and stay together forever. So I decided to put the tools of attraction and commitment in the hands of women instead of men. 

Since I refocused on commitment, I’ve helped save marriages, I’ve mended broken hearts, and yes many of my happy clients have gone on to get married, raise families, and live happily ever after.

Now I’ve worked with the biggest names in the dating industry. And I’ve been interviewed by dozens of the top podcasts, summits and radio shows on the research that I’ve done…

Hear It From Women Who’ve TRANSFORMED Their Love Lives With My Advice:

"Go Matt. I love the passion you speak with. My man came back after I used your concepts. I told him the relationship that I wanted and that he was unable to give it to me so I would have to leave. He came back with a different attitude and said he wanted a monogamous, committed relationship with me. He told me he needed the kick in the pants."

- Robyn

"Used some of Matt's suggestions right away with a guy who seemed to ghost on me. It. Freakin'. WORKED. It goes against what I've believed in all this time (I'm 52) cuz I'm one of those, "but it's TRUTH! WE MUST BE TRUTHFUL" But that obviously wasn't working so I thought, hey, I can still be truthful without being the guy's moral police. That's on him. So I applied my new learning and I will continue to use it. And thanx Matt."

- Lisa

5 Star Rating

"It works! Matthew, I am so grateful for all of the videos. The past two and a half months have been almost more than I could take, but we managed to compromise and put things back together, starting around New Years. Thank you!"

- Amanda

5 Star Rating

"This program works! I found a boyfriend, we dated, he proposed to me today! I'm so happy!"

- Emily

5 Star Rating

"I should say Thank you Matthew. I had totally lost self-confidence. I was almost forgetting my worth after going through an abusive relationship but finding you brought me back to life. I love you Matthew may God continue blessing and using you."

- Rachel

5 Star Rating

"He has responded  in the way I was hoping he would and I'm so glad he did we are in a very committed relationship now and talking a very long term commitment and it's like I opened a book to his heart and he's very open about everything  now I couldn't ask for a better man than him thank you so much I'm glad I found your help."

- Nicole

5 Star Rating

“I thank Matthew so much. His program changed my life. His advice and techniques are invaluable. Easy to understand and implement.”

- Kim

5 Star Rating

Okay, Let’s Talk About Kissing Then… And How It Floods Your Man’s Brain With Natural “Monogamy Chemicals” When You Get It Right

See, most women don’t realize this…

...But passionate kissing actually washes over a man’s brain with a powerful stimulant for behavioral change called “oxytocin.”

Oxytocin is so good at making a man more committed to his partner…

...That scientists often call it the “love hormone” or “monogamy chemical!”

And believe it or not this monogamy-priming effect from good kissing only occurs in men!

Why? Well, men just aren’t as naturally affectionate and emotional as women on a daily basis. One reason is that women have higher levels of oxytocin already. At all times..

But scientists have discovered kissing actually raises a man’s oxytocin (nearly to the level of a woman). So kissing is sort of like an “affection equalizer”... which is great news for any woman who wants her partner to be as emotionally invested as she is!

One study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that when you expose a man to increased levels of this “love hormone”... 

...The pleasure and desire regions of his brain light right up if he sees photographs of his lover! Most importantly, this effect DOES NOT occur when he’s shown photos of OTHER beautiful women.

So this hormone for human monogamy actually INCREASES ATTRACTIVENESS for the man’s partner… but ONLY for the woman he’s with!

The researchers were shocked as they even watched some of these guys subconsciously put more physical distance between themselves and attractive research associates while under the influence of this effect!

It’s almost like Mother Nature came up with this spellbinding substance to keep even the wildest, most adventurous men more faithful and committed to the woman they’re with...

Maybe You Don’t Have A ‘Hugs n’ Kisses’ Kind of Guy Anymore...

That’s the Catch 22 of kissing, right? 

Maybe your guy is already bored of hugging and kissing you and has begun to pull away… 

Is there still a way to get him kissing you the way he used to though? So you can unleash this intoxicating seductive force again?

Well here’s the good news…

Yes!! The pair-bonding effect of oxytocin on a man’s brain is completely subconscious…

So even as he starts to WANT you more…

...Even as he STOPS checking out and flirting with other women…

...And becomes completely primed for monogamy with YOU…

He’ll have no idea anything has changed! 

Women may need more than just a kiss to feel an emotional response and sexual arousal from kissing… But men don't.

So as these subconscious chemical shifts work their spell on him (and his affection for you grows), he’ll NATURALLY become more interested in kissing you, holding you, and giving you more of his undivided attention!

So even if your man really has lost emotional connection or romantic interest in you… 

Kissing him more (and kissing him the right way to keep him hungry for more) can STILL stimulate him in ways that draw him back into your sphere of feminine influence. 

And the more great techniques you have to make him ENJOY kissing again…

...The more he’ll be caught up with emotions that make him want to pull you closer and kiss the way he used to.

Bottom Line: Yes, It’s Time To Get Serious About The Way You Move Your Lips!


Our new program for teaching a woman how to stop trying to “talk things out” with men who pull away…

...And instead use the powerful effect of physical intimacy to develop such a strong connection with him he never wants to let her go again….

No More Spinning Wheels With Words!
No More Dry & Lifeless Pecks!
No More Brotherly Hugs As He Rushes Out The Door!
Unforgettable Kissing

What Subconscious Messages Do You Send With Your Kiss?

Listen, most of us don't think of kisses in this way….

And I hate to take the romance out of this... BUT

...Kissing is an act of communication!

A non-verbal dialogue between you and your lover (or someone you want to be more intimate with). Your bodies fuse together right there in the most sensitive, vulnerable part of you… and in a way you’re essentially "streaming information" from one mind to another. 

So why don’t we ever think about the type of information we communicate when we kiss?

Think about it this way:

If you kiss a guy for the very first time and he savagely tries to stick his tongue down your throat… and never bothers kissing you in a gentler, more tender way… how do you feel about the prospects for a future with him?

And what if you meet the greatest guy on earth BUT all he can ever manage is a dry little peck before going about his night? What if he did that even after you slept together?


Is it any wonder a miscalculated kiss can completely hit the brakes an bring an amazing possibility to a grinding halt?

Your man’s lips aren’t just for talking and eating… they form a sensory organ rich in nerves and an erogenous zone that humans NATURALLY use to make a variety of intimate connections...

What kind of connection are you making when YOUR lips meet? What are you TELLING him about where you stand?

Do you know how to use your lips to turn him on in a moment’s notice? To show him how much you want him… or how much he should want YOU? Do you know how the subtle variations in the way you kiss can make him want you and only you?

Or show him that you're worth keeping?

These are the priceless life skills you’ll learn inside “Unforgettable Kissing!”

What A Powerful Way To Overwhelm His Senses And Put Him Under Your Spell Again!

There’s a lot more to kissing than just this “love hormone”.... 

Lips have the slimmest layer of skin on the human body and there are all kinds of nerves in there… So many that if you look at a map of the human brain, these delicious nerve endings take up way more brain space than you would think...

So when you kiss him it really fires up his brain with a wide range of sensations and emotions, creating reactions all through his body.  Meanwhile he’s receiving all kinds of subconscious information about your qualifications to be his woman and how good of a mother you’d be...

And then when you bring the tongue and mouth into it, you've got a key for unlocking brain chemistry that is unrivaled in humans… 

Think of that feeling of closeness and warmth…

That euphoric glow and effortless sexual arousal

...When you get a kiss just right!

Kisses also stir up a cocktail of chemicals for relieving stress, increasing motivation, bonding together, and of course getting more sexual…

(As I mentioned before, stimulation of the lips has more of an effect on the human brain than stimulating the genitals!)

What’s more is this waterfall of chemical reactions awakens so many processes inside his mind and body that men who kiss their wives before leaving for work live an average of 5 years longer and earn 20-30% more income!! 

As you can see there's so much more potential in the way you use your lips to lead your man exactly where you want him to go…!

And as long as you can still sneak in a kiss with your man you have a chance to keep the passion alive!

Because a good kiss is a chance to speak to each other with your lips. 

You lock together in that intimate embrace and your senses are overwhelmed with the scents, the tastes, the textures, the hot anticipation of what comes next. The feeling of your bodies getting dangerously closer and the emotions that go with that.

Can you use your kiss to addict a man?

If it’s possible then “Unforgettable Kissing” is the way to do it!

And “Unforgettable Kissing” Gives You Secrets You Can Use To Spin His Head Around Anytime You Want To! Like:

Why kissing the wrong way can turn a man off and make him feel like you’re just not the right girl for him…

You’ll learn the 10 most common complaints about kisses and 11 different negative things someone can read in a kiss almost subconsciously…

Once you understand the “Kiss of Death” you’ll never let your lips work against you again!
Why it's important to CREATE “perfect moments” (instead of waiting for them to happen)...

And how becoming the director of your own romance movie will get him to kiss you and love you in ways you’ve always fantasized about...
The exact 10-step recipe for a “Man Melting Kiss”...

Let’s face it, most of us didn’t learn this stuff in school… But once you learn these simple steps you’ll never question your technique for teasing a man with your lips again!
The art of "Kiss Listening" with 12 types of kisses a man uses and why... 

How would you like to know exactly what each kiss means and what's really going on in a guy's head when he does it?…

PLUS you’ll discover how to use mirroring, body language, and other techniques to “play a rhythm” he knows and loves…
How to make him kiss you whenever you want him to

Remember, even if his heart and mind has already moved on, you can STILL regain your power over him…

As long as you can still kiss him there, are all kinds of techniques you can use to regain your influence over his heart and mind so that he becomes completely infatuated with you again!
Practical tips for adding variety through speed, energy, lip and tongue movement...

You’ll learn how to change things up as the kiss becomes more intense and increase attraction and sexual tension at whatever pace you choose...
Exactly what you should be doing with the rest of your body and your hands while your lips are busy...

Once you know how to touch him while you kiss, you can turn up the heat and accelerate or slow down the experience as you see fit… because once you are in control of the moment the experience is completely YOURS...
The right way to use sexy sound effects... and how "The Feedback Stage" is the perfect time to communicate that you're "losing control" in his presence….

Ways to inject love and romance into your kiss to keep him coming back for more… get this right and kissing becomes a better magnet than even good sex!
Why the "True Love Kiss" isn't just for the movies

And the 3 dynamics that will make your kiss so perfect it stands out from any other he’s had in his entire life...

Why men need to kiss with their eyes closed… 9 reasons you might catch him looking anyway… and exactly what to do when a man doesn't close his eyes... so you can keep the intensity of his attraction burning bright enough for him to fall in love with you FAST…
How to maintain the chemistry after that first kiss, the secrets to a sexy kiss, and why you should never give a man sex as a lure or bribe!
What to do to create that nervous, excited teasing feeling that lets him know he's in for a long and amazing kiss… and how to make sure your man FEELS the moment in the most pleasurable way possible…
The secrets of teasing a man with your kiss and touch so you’re constantly hinting at what's to come…

How to amaze him with your kissing skills so he sees that you know how to please a man way better than all those average women who just wait for him to do all the work...
How to be mysterious and let him experience the joy of non-verbal attraction and the thrill of a budding sexual relationship…

Once you know how to "speak through your kisses" and communicate what you want without words, you can totally lose yourselves in the moment together...
Exactly how to end a kiss on a more emotional note that leaves him feeling desired physically, mentally, and emotionally… send him the signal that you can't resist him so he walks away feeling dominant and successfully seductive...
A detailed walkthrough of a man’s erogenous zones from his head to his feet and the best way to kiss him in every spot to maximize the experience

With these instructions you’ll know exactly how to “torture” your man with fun desire... and leave him tingling and shuddering with pleasure and anticipation as you make your way down his body...
What science says about "being in the moment" while kissing and 12 sexy ways to kiss a man so you can strike just the right balance between slowing him down and completely surrendering to his will...
Where to kiss a man to drive him wild... from small kisses to big kisses to naughty kisses to gentle romantic kissing to kissing a man's erogenous zones...
A little known place to kiss your man that actually increases blood flow and makes him more aroused than usual (it's not what you think)...
Techniques like... how to make a man crazy with your voice... how to rev up his libido and healthy sexual function... the most sensitive part of a man's back to kiss to make him feel vulnerable and out of control…

How to make a man who works out, feel big and muscular and manly… and even how to go "down there" without getting sexual too fast...
Oh and of course how to get “down there” for real and tease and please your man for that ultimate pleasure...
A fun and naughty secret for making his orgasms more intense… Not every guy will be willing to try it but the ones who do will never forget!
Kissing secrets for turning a man into your love slave... so you can “demand” he kiss you anytime you want because his mind and body is YOURS… and he’ll listen!...

With 6 ideas for shocking him and bringing him just past the limits of his expectations… once you become his “bad girl” he’ll feel so crazy about you he’ll never be able to leave your desires unsatisfied again...
The 5 golden rules of being pursued and how to minimize your masculine side while maximizing your feminine side so he gets ADDICTED to chasing you...
7 tips for preluding a kiss to turn his willpower into mush and ramp up the moment until it's burning hot (even if he's a bit of a shy boy)...
How a strong and emotional kiss ensures that he won't think of anyone but you even when you’re gone... get this right and you can occupy space inside his head rent-free!
6 clever ways to end a kiss so you leave him with that "I always feel amazing when I'm with her" feeling... with ideas for reminding him that he has to work for you if he wants it to continue...
A great idea for stealing the fantasy from his mind and then delivering it!… showing him that you can fulfill his fantasies better than anyone else…

Once he gets the message, he can't help but fall in love with you!
The right kind of positive feedback to make every kiss like chicken soup for his soul… and why kissing from the heart can be more important than technique when it comes to developing a special bond with your man...
What a kiss says about a man's bedroom style, health, and temperament...
Why men want to lead the kiss... and 7 nonverbal signals you can use to let a guy know you're ready to submit!

Plus what to do when you send a guy a signal and he plays it too safe...
Exactly how to look at a guy when you want him to kiss you... and what to do after the kiss is over so you "stroke his ego" in a way that keeps him excited and coming back for more...
A simple truth about all human relationships from intimate to individual to Hollywood and politics… do this and you can leave any man in a perpetual "wanting" state so he can't ever stop thinking about you...

“Unforgettable Kissing” Is A Completely Different Approach To Fixing Relationships Forever!

Listen, I have been doing this for a lot of years. And a lot of these “dating gurus” on the internet have copied my stuff…

...So I spend a lot of time researching what’s available to women these days and am pretty hip to all the different programs available for fixing relationships or finding lasting love.

One thing I’ve noticed is that most people want to teach women a bunch of tricks and sneaky tactics for messing with a guy’s head. 

Just pick up any copy of Cosmo to see what I mean. We’ve all seen the nonsense they’re telling women to do with their men these days.

But if you have any brothers or guy friends (or have ever watched a guy get tormented by women who like to play games), you probably know this already. 

Most guys AREN’T looking for another girl to play head games with them!

What I find is that women who rely on that stuff too much are often just lacking self confidence. So no matter which of my programs you enroll in, the first thing I do is help women see their value.  I believe that having a more grounded relationship starts with making you a more centered person. And rediscovering that belief that you CAN have something better… and that you deserve it!

Another thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of relationship programs overthink attraction and connection WAY too much. 

Building a relationship that lasts is about building real emotion… and then learning to preserve it. And while I’ve got some great programs that really dig into all the different aspects of a relationship, something so seemingly subtle like the act of kissing is a minefield of subconscious communication that most of us have ignored…

...Many women find that just sorting out this simple area of your relationship is all it takes to rekindle that fizzled-out spark and get your love life back on track… 

So you can have a better relationship, a better connection, a better happily ever after… 

So you can turn a frustrating, disappointing mess into a fairytale romance even your friends can’t stop talking about.

No More Tying Yourself In Knots To Save Your Relationship!

“Unforgettable Kissing” Lets You Stop Overthinking Everything For Once…

...And Just “Settle Into” The Emotional Experience Of Locking Lips With Your Man!

Are you tired of spinning yourself in circles trying to turn the dynamic in your relationship around?

Then it might surprise you to know that saving a relationship can actually be FUN!

Remember when you were younger and first knew what it was like to make out with a guy? When he was still young and eager and excited… and more than happy to lay down with you and kiss you… seriously just kiss you… for hours and hours on end?

For a lot of us that type of thing hasn’t happened since high school when things were just a bit simpler… I mean who has time for that now anyways, right?

But c’mon, do you remember how EXCITING it was?

Chances were you never had to beg or plead or play games with him for attention back then...

The truth is that kissing is FUN! When you kiss a man who’s connected with you and eager for you, he LOVES IT (and so do you)...

And how much more fun do you think it will be when you actually know what you’re doing?… When you know to use your lips the right way... When YOU are subtly running the show because you know how to toy with your man (not with sick and dysfunctional games but in a good way)... 

Because there’s nothing like that feeling when you can tease and touch and tempt until you turn the tables on your man…

...And get him chasing you all the way home every chance he gets. 😉

Some women who’ve learned this stuff have even told me that turning their man off and on at will has become their favorite new hobby! Imagine having enough femine power in your relationship to have that kind of fun tomorrow night!

But Why Would You Need An Online Program For This?

After all, if the secret to bring a dying relationship back to life is more kissing...

...You should be able to just start, well, kissing more often and watch him turn into a lovesick fool again. Right?

Well I wish it were that simple.

And sure I admit that if you started doing that tomorrow you might see some TEMPORARY changes...BUT

...If you already knew the ins and outs of communicating with your kiss... and how to keep it exciting and interesting over the long-term... you probably wouldn't be reading this right now. Your man would already be head over heels with you and pawing at you every time you came in the house...

See the truth is that most women (and men) have no idea how to use kissing to control the “conversation” they're having with their significant other.

Mostly because kissing isn't something you ever learned how to do. There wasn't any program in school that talked about how to perfect your kissing technique or how to push and pull when you kiss to keep your man interested.

And I'd be willing to bet Mom never pulled you aside and talked to you about the finer details of "kissing him the right way" either.

So most people are just kind of "winging it" when they kiss. And that's one reason kisses get so boring and routine. And that’s why guys lose all interest in doing it at all…

And as he gets more bored with kissing he does it less. So his oxytocin levels dip and he basically starts feeling like a single man again (and starts feeling that itch to play the field).

"Unforgettable Kissing" solves that problem by giving you the masterclass on kissing that you never got as a young girl.

It's borderline tragic that most women don't have this information. Just think of how many relationships and marriages would be saved if every woman knew how good kissing could keep that hormonal dance going on in her man's brain…

...To keep his eyes on her and only her… possibly forever!

So How Much Does It Cost To Engorge Your Lips With The Power Of “Unforgettable Kissing?”

Before we go there, you might be wondering why I need to charge for this at all. If I want to save relationships shouldn’t I just give this away for free?

There are a couple important reasons.

First off, I’ve spent years of my life researching the secrets of attraction and commitment to death. Since this is my life’s work and I really care about creating happier marriages and homes for a better society…

...I wish I could give this stuff away for free, sure. But if I did that, there’s no way I could afford to spend my life learning this stuff and putting it in the hands of the thousands of women who’ve watched their lives change as a result!

Secondly, I just find that nobody takes this stuff seriously if they get it for free. 

Just think of all the articles you’ve browsed in women’s magazines while waiting to get your hair done... how often have you put that information to use in a way that changed your life? 


Women from all over the planet pay $1200 to attend my live events!

This isn't a live event... so while you’d probably agree $1200 would be worth it to dramatically change your love life forever, I’m not going to charge that for this program….

No, I’m going to make this offer as much of a no-brainer as possible.

For just a $27 one-time payment, you can get your hands on lifetime access to “Unforgettable Kissing” right now. Yep, for just $27 you can start going through the program materials and applying these techniques in your relationship… or next date… starting today!


Don’t Forget That The Average Woman Spends Over $300 Per Month Just On Makeup!

And yes, yes, I know most women want to look and feel their best with or without a man. Of course makeup isn’t all about finding a mate...BUT

...Most women DO want true love that lasts. 

And most women DO want the ability to keep her man’s attention and reap all the rewards of a satisfying relationship where the passion never dies. And I think any woman would admit that paying $27 for that ability would be well worth it!

Because for just a one-time payment of $27 you’ll gain the ability to take control not just of how your man kisses you and how often… 

...But how affectionate he is for you (and only you) and his level of investment in your relationship…

(Not to mention whether or not he has the desire to still check out other women at all…)

The best part is that these kissing techniques tricks will work on almost ANY man! So even if you’re not in a relationship right now… Or if your current relationship STILL doesn’t work out for whatever reason… You’ll still have these nearly magical monogamy-inducing powers for casting a spell on the next amazing man you meet… and without him suspecting a thing. And everyone who knows you will see how good you’ve got it!

That’s a gift that can keep on giving back to you for the rest of your life.

And you can give it yourself right now for the one-time cost of $27!


<<Limited Time Offer!>> 
Get In Now Before The Price Goes Up

Just so you know, this is an introductory price because this is our NEWEST relationship-building program…

...And because we’ve NEVER released a program quite like this before.

But make no mistake, we’re expecting this one to be a HUGE hit. 

I suspect the price will start going up fast when our students learn just how good this stuff works for crawling into a man’s head (and never coming back out)...

To be honest some will even discover that they don’t even need those other programs anymore because knowing how to kiss better does all the work for them! I guess that’s a risk I’m willing to take...

But I highly recommend you GRAB THIS NOW while it’s still at the introductory one-time price of $27.

Because you’ll probably never see it this low again...


Plus Every Purchase Is Protected By A 100% Money Back Guarantee!

I know it’s hard to trust people online. And I know you’re wondering if A MANcan really teach you the secrets to kissing guys so good they never fizzle out or forget…

But if you’re worried about taking your chances on this at all, don’t be!

I’m here to help. And I want this to be as simple a decision as possible…

100% Money Back Guarantee

So here’s what I’m going to do.

If you invest in this program and feel let down…

...If you feel it doesn’t fit your personality or like there’s no way it would ever work on your man…

...If you go on a first date and try this stuff out and bomb that first kiss experience...

...Heck even if you just don’t like my personality…

Just contact me anytime for a refund within the next 60 days…

...And I’ll send you 100% of your money back right away.

No questions asked.

Does that sound fair?

Then Start Kissing Your Way Back To A More Meaningful Connection With Your Man Today!

There’s no reason to keep wallowing your way through the pain and frustration of seeing things fizzle out…

...When you can learn what it takes to use your lips in a way that makes an impact.

...If you want to reawaken that feeling of connection, passion, and “new” love all over again...

Click the button below to get access to your

copy of “Unforgettable Kissing” now.

I’ll send you straight to the next page with an order form asking for your details. Like your name, email address, and credit card information…

And listen, I know it’s not easy to trust some guy you’ve never met…

So you’ve got a couple secure options for purchasing “Unforgettable Kissing”…

Option #1: You can pay by credit card or debit card through my payment processing company Stripe. They are used by over 3 million websites on the internet and have some of the highest security standards available to make sure your information stays safe.

Option #2: Or you can pay through Paypal, one of the most trusted internet payment processing systems on the planet.

Either option is available when you click the button below…

Also, I want to make sure that you feel safe when you’re making a purchase with me…

If you have any problems or need anything at all, you can either contact me at my support email address ( Or you can contact Paypal directly because they have fast and reliable customer service…

After your payment goes through you’ll be taken directly to the product page where you can access the “Unforgettable Kissing” course materials… Which you can view on your tablet, smart phone, or computer anywhere in the world at any time you need it.

Just Click The Button Below Right Now!

Pay your discounted “introductory” fee as a thanks for trying this new program out…

Go through the course material and tell me what you think…

You could easily go through it in one evening…

(And yes I’d LOVE to hear about your results!)


Remember This Is Your Chance To Recreate That First Kiss Experience Anytime You Want To!

I know you might still be on the fence with this, so let me ask you one more question…

Do you remember the thrilling rush of your first kiss with your lover?

The pressure builds to a boiling point… being cautious around each other... keeping physical touches to a minimum... and your pulse picking up speed as you wonder whether or not he's got what it takes to make the first move...

Then he does it. 

He leans in to kiss you and you can almost feel the hormones and emotions washing over you like a wave, flooding your senses. And a whole new world of possibility opens up between you...

Well what if you could conjure that experience

out of thin air anytime you felt like it?

Most of us just accept this tragic belief that it’s “only a matter of time” before that kind of rush just stops happening anymore... 

“Unforgettable Kissing” shows you that it’s also a matter of TECHNIQUE! 

And once you know how to activate that head-swimming experience out of thin air you can overwhelm your man’s head with that “New Couple Delight” anytime you want to spice things up a little again.

“Unforgettable Kissing” teaches you to take over FOR him anytime he seems disinterested or lost. And steer him in the direction that’s best for your relationship. 

By mastering the art of the kiss, you can tease him and overwhelm with these feel good chemicals and lure him back into total infatuation with you

All I ask of you is to click the button and take a chance.

(And remember, you’re protected by my 100% guarantee, so you really have nothing to lose in giving this thing a try.)

To Love,

Matthew Coast


For Product Support, please contact us HERE.