Looking For A Sign That He Likes You? Here Are 4 Signs A Capricorn Man Likes You.

Looking For A Sign That He Likes You? Here Are 4 Signs A Capricorn Man Likes You

Capricorn is the Sea Goat according to Zodiac signs, and it covers the calendar dates of December 22 to January 19. This Earth sign is one of the four cardinal signs and is ruled by the planet Saturn. And all that’s well and good…but what does understanding Capricorn mean for your love life? Why care about astrology and Zodiac signs?

Chances are, if the man you like was born somewhere in those Zodiac sign dates, he may think like a Capricorn. That means that if you study Capricorn’s characteristics, you might be able to pinpoint why your crush behaves the way he does. More to the point, you can study the signs to see if a Capricorn man really likes you or if he’s just leading you on. Understanding what motivates your Capricorn man is the first step to courting him and making him chase you for a long-term relationship. It can also help you notice signs that the Capricorn man likes you and has feelings for you.

What Characterizes Capricorn Men?

Capricorn men tend to be leaders and organizers because they think in practical terms. Capricorn men are driven and good at managing time. This man takes his career seriously because he takes all of his life responsibilities seriously. It’s not surprising to hear that Capricorns usually become workaholics because they let their wants and desires for success drive them. It’s not just a job to them – it’s a way of life. It’s also more than a job, it’s a cause, it’s a charity event, it’s something good for the world. A Capricorn guy sees their job as more than work and is willing to devote their life to it.

Capricorn men tend to be leaders and organizers because they think in practical terms. This man takes his career seriously because he takes all of his responsibility seriously. It’s not surprising to hear that Capricorns usually become workaholics. It’s not just a job to them – it’s a way of life. It’s also more than a job, it’s a cause, it’s a charity-event, it’s something good for the world.

When a Capricorn Man Goes Dark

Capricorn has a dark side as most of us do. Capricorns tend to be conservative by nature and their goat-like commitment to doing things their own way can be frustrating to deal with. Along with their strong determination comes negative traits like suspicion, jealousy, inhibition and somewhat a pessimistic perspective.

This doesn’t mean Capricorn is impossible to get along with…he simply has a fragile heart and so you must tread lightly if you want to pursue a serious relationship with him. He is afraid of being hurt and wants someone he is compatible with. He is a soft-hearted man on the inside but he wears a hard exterior to succeed in life. A Capricorn man keeps his life private and isn’t likely to share his feelings, unless you are a close friend.

Signs to Look For in a Capricorn Man

Are you trying to figure out if a Capricorn man loves you? Or if a Capricorn man wants you? Sometimes it can be challenging to tell if a Capricorn man likes you. But you can watch for the following signs to learn his true feeling and to determine if he is falling in love with you.

1. Sharing

Capricorn men are fairly obvious and straightforward when they become attracted to a woman. He is conservative by nature, which means initial shyness. However, when he works up the courage to pursue you, that’s when he starts to open his heart. He will reveal his softer side, his vulnerability, and his true character. A Capricorn guy will begin to share his wants, desires, and feelings. When a Capricorn man starts to make time for you and wants you in his life, this is an indication that he is beginning to trust you.

2. Vulnerability

This may be in subtle ways at first, such as text messages, emails, or phone calls. A Capricorn man will discuss “important” things like his hobbies, interests, likes or dislikes, and life goals. He’s not making small talk – he’s actually revealing himself to you – his man secrets. Your Capricorn man is, hoping that you’ll start to bond with him on a deeper level. He wants you to be part of his family and life. 

3. Investment

A Capricorn man will actually change his schedule to work you into his life – a big sign of commitment and that he likes you, coming from a workaholic! For a Capricorn man, these are all definite signs that he is interested in you. A Capricorn man now figures since he’s sent out his signals, it’s up to you to reciprocate. A Capricorn man wants to see that you like him. If you rebuff him, he might lose interest. If you start to go out with him but then lose interest (or keep him waiting too long) he may become resentful due to his possessive nature and no longer see your compatibility.

4. Testing

Capricorn men test compatibility more than the average man because trust is such an important issue and part of his life. He won’t share his feelings if he doesn’t trust you. Each man tests in different ways, but Capricorn is known for testing his lover’s patience. A Capricorn man may test you by being hot one minute and cold the next. Or he may interrogate you about what you really want in a relationship – especially in the beginning before things get too serious. Be prepared to share your feelings. He may shock you by showing a rebellious side, just to see how you react. At the same time, a Capricorn man will let you know his relationship boundaries, which may seem odd at first, but which you will later recognize as a sign of sincere interest.

Capricorn men ARE respectful of women but do require some investment from you, in learning them and putting up with them during the testing phase. A Capricorn man is looking for a partner but wants to make sure you are a patient and sensible person – someone who can live with him and stay loyal to him once the relationship progresses. It may take time for a Capricorn man to show signs that he likes you.

What Kind of a Lover is a Capricorn Man

Capricorn is a sensitive guy and when it comes to sex and flirting, he strives to be both playful and respectful of this intimacy. He wants sex, he wants to play and be uninhibited…but he also wants you to know he takes it very seriously. In fact, Capricorns are not known to hop in and out of bed with just anyone. Capricorn men have high standards and don’t “need” sex with whoever as often as other signs do.

When it comes to winning the heart of your Capricorn man, try to stay focused, patient, and of course, highly feminine as the perfect complement to his male behavior. He doesn’t want to be linked with a submissive personality. He enjoys the challenge but only when it’s coming from a strong feminine point of view. For a Capricorn man, compatibility is determined with time.

He expects you to meet his high standards (which he himself meets) but also to be adaptable when it comes to dating him. He doesn’t fare well with women who like to take the lead. A Capricorn man is old fashioned and wants to make decisions. If you notice the man taking the lead and initiating contact, this may be a sign that he likes you.

Letting the Capricorn man make all the relationship decisions works to your advantage because it emphasizes to him that he wants you, and he’s chasing you. There should be no pressure coming from you because Capricorn must prove to himself that he’s ready to invest in you and not the other way around. If a Capricorn man is taking the time to get to know you, this is a clear sign that he likes you and wants you in his life.

Final Thoughts on The Signs that A Capricorn Man May Love You

Capricorn men are not always easy to get along with but once you do earn his trust and learn what motivates him to be successful, you will have a very sensual and sensitive lover on your hands. A Capricorn man can make a great partner to spend your life with. He will keep you thoroughly entertained, appreciated and loved, because he is always eager to please!

Text him this to trigger his desire to chase you…

Did you know that you can trigger a man’s hormones through your text messages?

It’s true. How you communicate with a man can actually release different hormones in his body.

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Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

P.S. You can actually trigger a “cocktail of emotions” inside a man that makes him feel like he can’t get you out of his mind and even feel addicted to you, if you text him a certain way.

Click here to learn more <<

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