Never Chase a Man. Here's Why...

Never Chase a Man. Here’s Why…

After working with hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world, I’ve noticed a pattern of what goes wrong when women chase men.

Here’s what it is…

If you chase a man, you have run the risk of missing VERY important red flags.

There are 4 major red flags that women miss when they chase men.

And ALL of them are incredibly important.

Here they are…

1. He Loses Interest

When women chase men, men tend to lean back and let the woman do all the work…

Even if he’s not all that interested in her or only slightly attracted to her.

Since you’re the one doing everything, most men will enjoy the benefits of getting their physical and emotional needs met without putting in any of the effort.

Normally, when a man starts to lose interest, you can tell by his actions.

So instead of chasing him, you want HIM to be chasing YOU.

That way, if there’s something wrong, you’ll know it because he’ll go cold or pull back or seem less energetic.

If a man has pulled away or gone cold on you, there’s a 4 word text message you can send him to get his attention.

Click here to learn more about it <<

2. He Was Never That Interested From The Start

Like the last situation, if you’re chasing him and he’s not that interested from the start, you won’t know it until you’re already emotionally and mentally invested in him.

This is a problem because YOU will end up getting attached and he’s not even that interested!

I know a woman who wasted over 12 years with a man like this…

She thought that it was heading to marriage but he was never really that serious or interested in her from the beginning.

But since she was doing all the work and he just let her do the work because it was fulfilling his needs, she didn’t know that he wasn’t that serious about it.

Don’t let this situation happen to you.

Instead, if you let a man chase you, he’ll reveal his true intentions through his actions.

Here’s a secret you’ll want to write down and remember.

His investment into you of his time, energy, and emotion is far more important than your investment is in him.

His investment will make him feel more attracted to you, allow him to fall in love with you, and it’ll tell you how interested he is in you.

And that’s something you DON’T want to miss.

3. He’s Not Really The Man You’re Looking For

If you end up chasing a man, you might end up getting so caught up in trying to make things work with him that you won’t even realize that he’s not really a good man for you.

Again, you’ll miss this red flag because you’re so caught up in doing things that you don’t notice that he’s not really right for you… he’s not relationship oriented, he doesn’t want kids and you do, your values don’t really line up…

Whatever it is, there might be deal breakers in there that you miss because you were too busy trying to make things work with someone who was never right to begin with.

You don’t want to invest weeks, months, or years of your time, energy, and emotion into a guy if you can’t really grow together in a relationship because your values are too misaligned.

This only causes pain, heartbreak, and feeling like you’ve wasted your life.

4. He’s Not Moving the Relationship Forward

If you’re doing all the work and trying to push and move the relationship forward, again, most men will just lean back and let it happen.

Why is this a red flag?

Because it means that YOU will be doing ALL of the work in the relationship and that’s not going to stop anytime soon.

You’re setting a frame around the relationship that YOU are the one who will do all the work while he gets to lean back and wait for you to do the work.

And here’s a fact that you need to know about men…

Men value women that they put effort into.

And the flip side of that is that men tend to take women for granted when the woman does all the work.

You deserve to be a priority to a man. You deserve a man who loves you, sees you, and cherishes you.

Let him put in the effort, pursue and chase you, and show you that he’s the right man for you.

And don’t settle for anything less because THAT is how you get into an amazing relationship.

When He Pulls Away Or Goes Cold, Text Him This…

Fact: whenever a man likes a woman, there’s almost always a moment when he pulls back his attention from her…

His interest will seem to dwindle, his texts will slow down…

In your gut, you can feel something changed and he’s slipping away…

And what you do in this moment can make the difference between him feeling like you’re just like all the other women he’s met…

Causing him to pull away further and disappear altogether…

Or, it can make him feel like you’re unique, special, and exactly the type of woman he wants something REAL with…

Causing him to chase you, invest in you, and prove to you that he’s the right man for you…

There’s a 4 word text message that you can send to a man that gets his attention…

And makes him realize that it was a mistake to pull away in the first place…

Women who have used this have experienced men apologizing, asking to meet up again, and even taking the women out for dinner or drinks just to make up for pulling away…

If you want to know what that 4 word text message is…

Stop what you’re doing and click the link below and go watch a video I put together for you…

Click here to learn more <<

My name is Matthew Coast…

And over the last 15 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world…

And helped them attract and keep men who love them, see them, and cherish them in committed relationships…

And I want to help you too…

If you’re tired of men pulling away, losing interest, or taking you for granted…

If you’re frustrated with giving everything to a man and getting nothing in return…

I want to show you the secret to turning things around with a man…

So that he’s the one chasing you, fighting to have YOU in his life…

And convincing YOU to commit to him, instead of the other way around…

Click the link below right now…

Click here to learn more <<

After you click the link…

You’ll watch a video where you’ll discover my 4 word text message that gets a man’s attention…

You’ll learn what to do when a guy pulls away…

And how to make him want to come running back into your arms and NEVER want to leave again…

You’ll also discover a 5 word phrase that you should NEVER say to a man…

Because it’ll make him go cold and never want to speak with you again…

If you’re ready to discover how to turn things around for yourself…

And have a man who truly loves you, sees you, and cherishes you…

Stop whatever you’re doing and click the link below, right now…

Click here to learn more <<

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