Does He Like Me Or Am I Just a Booty Call Quiz

Does He Like Me Or Am I Just a Booty Call Quiz

It’s a familiar tale as old as time – girl meets guy, chemistry sparks, things get intimate fast. Before you know it, you’re texting late at night to “hang out” (wink wink), but your days are filled with radio silence.

You start to wonder – is this really going anywhere or am I just a convenient booty call?

It’s a confusing place to be, especially when you already have feelings growing. You want to believe all the sweet nothings whispered in private, but the sneaking around and mixed messages tell a different story.

You deserve clarity and understanding around where you stand. While the beginning stages of dating are ambiguous by nature, there are ways to discern a casual fling from a budding romance.

This article will delve into the hallmarks of a dead-end booty call situation versus a guy who wants to get to know you on a deeper level. Take our quiz at the end to get a definitive assessment based on your unique situation. The insights will empower you to approach your dating life with clearer vision.

What is a Booty Call?

A booty call is generally defined as a sexual relationship without the expectation of further emotional commitment or investment. Typically the calls or texts are late night invitations to come over “for some fun” or “company.”

There is an unspoken understanding that this connection exists just for physical intimacy and pleasure in the moment. Outside of coordinating trysts, communication tends to be minimal. Real dates, social media ties and integration into each other’s lives are nonexistent.

Booty calls provide instant gratification and can be a mutually fun outlet when both parties are on the exact same page. The trouble begins when one person starts developing deeper feelings and wanting more. The ambiguity can be confusing and heartbreaking once you realize the attachment is completely one-sided.

Let’s explore the key signs that you may be viewed as nothing more than a convenient booty call…

Signs He Sees You as Just a Booty Call

  • Communication is sparse outside of coordinating hookups. He only reaches out late at night or during the time he wants to arrange a meeting. Any other chit chat is limited.
  • There are never any real dates. Your hangouts consist of mostly hooking up or occasionally grabbing a late night bite after. He never puts effort into planning thoughtful dates or going out in public together.
  • He doesn’t show interest in your life or deeper details about you. Conversations lack depth and he seems to steer away from topics beyond surface-level.
  • You don’t meet each other’s friends or family. He keeps you separate from his social circles and personal life.
  • Social media ties are non-existent. No following each other or interaction on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. It’s like you barely know each other online.
  • He is vague about making future plans and shuts down any discussions about “where this is going.” He lives firmly in the moment with you.
  • His compliments are limited to the physical realm – how hot you look, how good the sex is, etc. He doesn’t praise your other qualities.
  • Whenever you try to have a serious discussion about labels or exclusivity, he finds a way to dodge the subject or jokes it off.
  • After the hookups there is never much cuddling or quality time spent together. He is quick to leave or usher you out the door.

Those are some of the telltale signs that he unfortunately sees you as a sexual outlet and not much else. But there are also men who want to build something meaningful out of a physical connection. Let’s explore what to look for…

Signs He Likes You As More Than A Hookup

  • He asks questions and shows interest in learning all about you – your past, goals, interests, opinions, etc.
  • He opens up to you about personal topics and is vulnerable sharing details about his life.
  • He introduces you to his friends in group hangouts and brings up wanting you to meet his family.
  • He communicates frequently throughout the day just to chat or share funny updates. You talk about more than logistics.
  • He makes thoughtful date plans based on things you’ve mentioned liking such as a cuisine or activity.
  • He is very affectionate not just sexually but also with hand-holding, cuddling, complimenting beyond the physical.
  • He talks about future plans with you in them. He references doing things down the road together.
  • He posts about you on social media and makes your relationship known publicly.
  • He is direct when you ask about status and doesn’t run away from labels or the exclusivity talk.
  • He looks for opportunities to integrate you into his life and have you meet the people close to him.

When a man shows this kind of consistent care, affection and investment – he sees you as relationship material, not just a fling. But still have some lingering doubts? Take our quiz to gain total clarity!

Take Our Quiz!

If you’ve felt confused about where his heart is at, this quiz will clear things right up. Answer each question honestly about your unique situation. The customized results will reveal if he truly likes you as more than a booty call. Let’s put your ambiguity to rest!

Quiz Questions:

  1. How often do you communicate during the day over text or phone calls?
  2. Has he introduced you to any of his close friends or family members?
  3. Do you connect about deeper topics beyond surface-level small talk?
  4. Has he taken you out on any official dates?
  5. Does he like or comment on your social media posts regularly?
  6. Does he make an effort to cuddle or bond after hooking up?
  7. Have you met any of his coworkers or been to his place of work?
  8. Does he reference future plans or activities with you included?
  9. How does he respond when you bring up being exclusive or official?
  10. Do you feel he makes an effort to show care and affection outside the bedroom?

Get your unique results now to unlock the definitive answer to where his heart is at!

Analyzing Your Quiz Results

If you answered mostly with:

A) Frequent communication, he includes you in his life, quality time bonding, public relationship, talks future plans – He wants to be your boyfriend! This man is showing all the signs he sees you as a priority. The consistent effort he puts in shows keeping you in his life matters. Discuss becoming official if you’re on the same page about building a committed relationship.

B) Occasional non-booty call communication, some integration into his life, minor public ties – He likely wants to continue dating you, but is still feeling things out. Have an open and honest conversation about what you both want. Make your needs clear and see if he rises to meet them before fully investing emotions.

C) Limited communication, zero integration, avoids labels – The signs point to you just being a convenient booty call. Don’t waste time hoping he’ll suddenly change. Either accept strictly casual or walk away if you want real love. You deserve effort from a partner, not breadcrumbs after hookups.

While the beginning of dating leaves the future unclear, trust actions over words. If he shows no interest beyond the physical by now, your energy is better spent elsewhere. Prioritize partners who want to build intimacy inside and outside the bedroom.

Moving Forward When It’s Just Physical

Being treated as just a booty call when you want something real can hurt. But don’t fault yourself – unhealthy relationship patterns happen, especially in modern dating. Reflect on your standards so you don’t repeat the experience. Here are tips for staying empowered:

  • Be honest with yourself. If you’re only getting late night texts and nothing more – adjust your expectations rather than over-fantasizing.
  • If you want a casual fling too, great. But set boundaries like only hooking up sober to ensure mutual respect.
  • Don’t let yourself be strung along for months hoping he’ll want a relationship. Pay attention to actions revealing where it’s actually going.
  • Raise your bar for how you expect to be treated going forward. Require effort, respect and reciprocated interest from new dates.
  • Have the courage to walk away once it’s clear he won’t give you what you want or deserve. You have nothing to gain clinging to one-sided affection.
  • Reflect on any inner work to do to shore up self-esteem or confidence before pursuing new connections. Know your worth.

Staying grounded in reality will help immunize you from wishful thinking. Not every intimate connection is meant to be long-term. But by listening to your instincts and seeing clearly, you can avoid giving your body, heart or time to those not willing to cherish them. You are worthy of so much more.

Navigating the grey area between hookups and relationships can be tricky terrain filled with mixed signals and confusion. But arming yourself with the insights to discern casual flings from meaningful potential can help you approach dating with less anxiety and more empowerment.

Remember that consistent effort and investment speak louder than any late night sweet nothings. The way he follows up a sexual encounter shows his true intentions. Keep your standards high and know you deserve to have your needs met.

While physical chemistry provides that initial spark, a real flame needs the fuel of shared intimacy, vulnerability and plans for the future. Don’t waste time on someone who only wants you after 11 PM.

Hopefully the signs and quiz covered here will prevent you from spending weeks in ambiguity trying to gain clarity from a man who refuses to communicate it. The answers are in the actions – or lack thereof.

Trust your gut instincts and don’t downplay any red flags just because you feel chemistry. That will only lead to heartbreak down the road. You deserve to feel secure and valued in intimate connections. Never compromise on being treated with respect.

The takeaway is simple – refuse to minimize or rationalize away treatment that leaves you questioning your worth. Pay attention to actions, not words. You are worthy of so much more than just being someone’s booty call. The right man will show you through his consistent efforts to win your heart!

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