You have to respect a man whose strong will and firm convictions overpower his evolutionary instinct to mate. There’s no doubt that men are attracted to women. Men want sex and yes, men DO forgive women for a lot. A lot of men are in that place, that lonely place, where they’d much rather have a less-than-perfect woman keeping them company rather than continue to live alone.
Now that said…don’t think for a minute that these lonely guys will tolerate anything. Every man has a breaking point. You might call it a threshold for punishment and disrespect. Men are surprisingly sensitive at times, yes, even the macho guys and the alpha males that come across so strong in the beginning have limits.
After all, a man can only fully embrace his confidence and masculinity IF he’s getting the right signals from a woman. If he’s not getting that encouragement and that welcoming presence that keeps him chasing, then he will walk away. Guaranteed, no matter how desperate he is or how lonely, no matter how much likes you.
Guys do have dating rules, believe it or not, even if they don’t know it at first. Every guy has standards, every guy gets his feelings hurt. And every guy has a “NOPE!” moment when he’s ready to call it a night and walk back to a drama-free life.
So let’s consider nine specific ways to turn a guy off and kill his interest for good. Make sure you or someone you know isn’t inadvertently making these date-killing mistakes!
1. Playing cold-to-get
One of those most misunderstood motifs in dating is “playing hard to get”. The keyword is playing—when a woman likes a guy she plays with him…she resists with a wink, with a smile, encouraging him to try harder and continue this game. A woman who’s cold, however, moody and rude to men misses the point entirely. There’s no play, no flirting…just hostility. Guys will only tolerate cold behavior for so long before they give up.
2. Being overly critical and seldom ever rewarding him
Men love compliments! So while you can make a case for how men love to work hard and chase a woman for attention, he will also get tired very quickly if his partner never compliments him and only offers criticism. Even if that criticism is “friendly”, it’s beside the point. Men thrive on encouragement and positive reinforcement. Criticism is also a sex-killer in the bedroom for sure.
3. Being helpless and staying that way
Ironically, the same impulse a man has to “rescue you” and be a big daddy for the damsel in distress type…is the same impulse that will backfire and turn him off completely. Men do love helping women and saving women…but this doesn’t mean he WANTS a woman who’s helpless. He’s turned on by ambition, success and a woman who achieves things. It makes him feel extra special if he can help a woman who usually doesn’t need help. On the other hand, a woman who feels like a project and has no real independence in her own life will never truly have his respect.
4. Lying and dishonesty
Men are fiercely loyal to a woman who earns their respect and trust. So it’s not all that surprising that when a man’s confidence is betrayed—through lying, sneaking around, hiding information and so on—he loses all the intimacy built thus far in the relationship. Even little moments of dishonesty that feel too much like manipulation can seem threatening to him. For example, pouting about something he doesn’t do rather than just telling him what you want him to do can create friction.
5. Close-minded attitudes, especially about the people and pursuits they care about
Men are highly protective about family, friends, hobbies and career/passion. He wants you to be generally supportive about the things that matter most to him. That’s why judgmental attitudes about your friends or narrow-mindedness in other aspects can be very upsetting to a guy. He wants you to be open-minded and willing to discuss subjects without exploding into anger or lecturing. And the closer you get to his heart, the more dangerous it is to clash philosophically.
6. A lack of ambition
The more successful the man, the more he admires ambition, smarts and work ethic from women. He simply won’t find a woman very attractive if has no goals, no dreams, and a complaining spirit. He wants to meet someone more attuned to his own life, someone
who matches his lifestyle. Uneven power relationships, where a man is very successful and his wife stays at home, are usually not that common in today’s competitive world.
7. A condescending attitude
Beware the subtleties of a condescending attitude because men pick up on it fast. It’s not merely the quality of arrogance that turns him off. It can also be a woman’s boredom on a date…the attitude that says “You entertain me while I contribute nothing.” A man can likewise find mundane conversation uninteresting and unworthy of his time. True, this is not “every man” but among the wealthy and successful, you will definitely find this pet peeve.
8. Nagging or being too motherly
Sure, guys have mother issues and may even want to date a hot mom, right? But guess what, none of those moms actually ACT like the dude’s own mother. That is, nagging, overly critical and too controlling. That’s a mom thing, not a date thing.
9. Not caring about one’s appearance
Men are not always about looks and many guys do actually avoid the “trophy wife” look. That said, they DO pay attention to hygiene, grooming and a basic sense of fashion. They can sense when you “don’t care” and they’re not impressed. On the other hand, a woman who dresses up and “looks the part” always captures a man’s attention.
Men are horny and in search of women, that’s a given! But it’s not all about looks and it’s certainly not all about “attitude”. It’s about giving a great first impression and showing each other proper respect. Avoid these nine date killers and you’ll definitely feel more chemistry as the night goes on.
The 5 Word Phrase That Destroys a Man’s Love For You And Drives Him Out Of Your Life
There’s a simple 5 word phrase that will destroy any man’s love for you and drive him out of your life completely…
It usually comes out as an honest question when you want to connect with him…
But only serves to push him away and slowly kill your relationship from the inside out…
It can take a man who is filled with love and passion for you…
And make him feel cold, distant, and uninterested…
Have you figured out what it is yet?
Many women send this as a text message when they’re feeling insecure…
And then are confused why he suddenly pulls away and disappears completely…
Most of the women who ask it don’t even know how harmful it is…
Yet it can take a relationship that seems like it’s perfect…
A relationship where you feel loved, cared for, and like you’ve finally found “the one”…
And overnight, it can tear that relationship apart…
Leaving you confused, frustrated, and heartbroken…
If you don’t know what this simple yet seemingly innocent question is…
I want you to stop what you’re doing and go watch this video presentation that I put together for you at the link below…
Click here to watch the video now <<
My name is Matthew Coast and I’ve been teaching in the dating industry on since 2005…
I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of women, all over the world…
Get into relationships where they feel loved, seen, and cherished by the men they’re with…
When you click the link this link right here <<
I show you what this 5 word phrase is…
I’ll teach you about why men pull away, how to stop it from happening…
And how to attract the man you want…
Into a relationship where you’re loved and adored and treated like a priority…
No matter how painful things have been in your past…
You can attract a great man and have a great relationship…
Just click the link on your screen and the watch the video right now…
If you’re struggling with men pulling away from you…
If you’re tired of giving everything to a relationship and only being taken for granted…
And if you’re ready to have a man see you as a woman that he wants to be with forever…
Click this link to watch my video right now <<
Looking for Mr. right
So lovely this page please i need more of this please
In my experience I have the found most above a true especially with an Alpha Male…They need a partner that represents the same values as themselves and partner that going to stand by them no matter what…they don’t need another mother, sister or daughter they need another Alpha woman to stand next to them and help them achieve the unachievable
Always more to learn and especially from a man’s point of view.. these are great insight into how the other person feels when comments are made. Keep reading.
I want to Truly Thank YOU Matthew Coast for taking time out of your life to explain a mans mind. breaking it down for woman to understand. Honestly your knowledge and the way you explain how a man works your an Amazing teacher. I would love to learen everything you have to teach. With all of my heart thank you. Bless your heart and Bless your family
looking for mr right
Worth reading
How easy it is to ruin something when we as women are insecure. Is there something that is safe to say when we feel unsure? Maybe something that won’t push him away?
We have to hold onto ourself, even when we’re unsure. Sometimes we project what we feel but don’t clearly see onto our partner. We have to really sit with our thoughts and dissect where it’s coming from, what’s causing it & if it really does have anything to do with him at all. A lot of times it doesn’t, & we just come off needy, clingy, desperate, & it’s the confidence they love. Not co rodent were perfect, or gorgeous, but confident that we are who we want to be, we know what we want, and we want him, we don’t need him. He’s a choice we make, not a necessity we need, and they find that much more attractive knowing you have many choices, but choose him.
We have that voice in our head, I call it my a**hole voice. The one that whispers we aren’t young enough, pretty enough, or something is wrong because he didn’t text like he usually does so he’s cheating, etc. The one that right when you start to fall asleep, says, “Hey, remember in 4th grade when you called the teacher Mom and everyone laughed at you? That was fun…. Anyways, Sweet dreams, good luck falling asleep now!” We have to shut that voice down asap! Not give it space or credit. I like to look at it this way, I am driving this vehicle, not the A**hole voice, that voice is duct taped, mouth shut and in the trunk now! It is not allowed to drive my thoughts, stoke my insecurities or help me push people away!
That’s just my take from experience and a whole lot of love for psychology, specifically the psychology between men and women in relationships or evolutionary psychology. I know you weren’t asking me, but I’ve been digging my way out of insecurity the past 3 years, so I thought maybe something might resonate with you.
That should’ve said in the 1st paragraph “Not confidence that we’re perfect” Not co rodent. I swear I proofread it! I hate autocorrect mishaps!
Thank you for your transparency honesty and great insight
Amen! Feeling this
I love this Anita. Spot on.
Absolutely loved your insight I am also working my way through my insecurities I would love to hear anything else you could share on this I have a very strong feeling that you know what your talking about.
A little late on reading this but thank you it helps
You have to define if you are seeking a friend or lover. We also have this choice. Closeness is a starting point…confidence takes it to the next level. Women are in control as to which road to take. Men pick up on that and react accordingly. If you want romance then show appreciation when he expresses it….it will grow from there bc men love the attention that goes with it.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is very helpful to understand men. Amen. I need to experience this and meet the my soulmate.
I’ve seen it from the other perspective. I don’t like being alone wishing I had a partner but will not stay with a man who disrespects and criticizes me.
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