5 Steps to Staying High Value When He Doesn’t Call Or Text

5 Steps to Staying High Value When He Doesn’t Call Or Text

How do you stay high value when he ghosts, pulls away, or goes cold on you?

What you do when a guy pulls away can determine everything for you and him moving forward.

Whether you’re single and just dating a guy or in a relationship, here’s what you’ll want to do when he pulls away…

1. Shift your focus

Remember… What you focus on, you feel. What you feel, you receive.

If you’re focused on things like…

  • What’s wrong with you…
  • Why men do this and what’s wrong with men?
  • Why he isn’t contacting you back?
  • Or you’re just questioning everything…

You’ll just be angry, bitter and resentful… and you’ll attract more of that into your life.

Instead, take your focus off of him, what he’s doing, and what it means

And put it on yourself, your life, building something else.

You’ll feel a lot better, you’ll be happier, and you’ll attract better things into your life.

2. Remember the Queen’s Mantra

If you’re having a hard time, remember the queen’s mantra…

“I am valuable, I am worthy, I deserve to be cherished.”

Anytime you start questioning yourself, anytime you’re feeling down, you can immediately change things by saying this mantra.

I recommend saying it three times, every time you say it.

3. Give Him Some Space

Depending on why he’s taking space, he may have needed some space!

Men often need time away to process certain emotions and feelings and get their thoughts together.

Sometimes, you might want to give a guy some space.

Sometimes, you it might even be a good idea for you to reach out to him.

It depends on why he pulled away, what’s going on with him, and what he needs.

If you want to try reaching out, I have a 4 word text message that is one of the best things you can send when a guy pulls away…

Click here to learn more about the text

4. Build Abundance

If you’re not in a committed relationship, date other people.

Have an orbit of men who are competing for YOUR time attention and love.

Be less concerned with what he’s doing or not doing.

Let him prove to you that he’s the right one.

Make him take you off the market, if he wants you.

If you are in a committed relationship, build an abundance of connection

Connect with yourself, connect with your hobbies, connect with friends, animals, nature.

If you’re coming from abundance, you’ll make better decisions than if you come from scarcity.

5. Have compassion for yourself

Don’t take what’s happening personally…

It’s easy to beat yourself up and get into a place of feeling not good enough. This doesn’t help you, him, or the situation you’re in.

Instead, build yourself up

Love on yourself…

Imagine times when you’ve felt love in the past until you start feeling it again. Make a practice of doing this.

Take care of yourself. Do things that build your sense of self. Do hobbies or activities that you are good at. Progress in something that you love.

Love on other people around you. If you want love, give love. Eventually, it’ll come back to you… maybe not from the same place you gave it but it’ll come back from somewhere.

When He Pulls Away Or Goes Cold, Text Him This…

Fact: whenever a man likes a woman, there’s almost always a moment when he pulls back his attention from her…

His interest will seem to dwindle, his texts will slow down…

In your gut, you can feel something changed and he’s slipping away…

And what you do in this moment can make the difference between him feeling like you’re just like all the other women he’s met…

Causing him to pull away further and disappear altogether…

Or, it can make him feel like you’re unique, special, and exactly the type of woman he wants something REAL with…

Causing him to chase you, invest in you, and prove to you that he’s the right man for you…

There’s a 4 word text message that you can send to a man that gets his attention…

And makes him realize that it was a mistake to pull away in the first place…

Women who have used this have experienced men apologizing, asking to meet up again, and even taking the women out for dinner or drinks just to make up for pulling away…

If you want to know what that 4 word text message is…

Stop what you’re doing and click the link below and go watch a video I put together for you…

Click here to learn more <<

My name is Matthew Coast…

And over the last 15 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world…

And helped them attract and keep men who love them, see them, and cherish them in committed relationships…

And I want to help you too…

If you’re tired of men pulling away, losing interest, or taking you for granted…

If you’re frustrated with giving everything to a man and getting nothing in return…

I want to show you the secret to turning things around with a man…

So that he’s the one chasing you, fighting to have YOU in his life…

And convincing YOU to commit to him, instead of the other way around…

Click the link below right now…

Click here to learn more <<

After you click the link…

You’ll watch a video where you’ll discover my 4 word text message that gets a man’s attention…

You’ll learn what to do when a guy pulls away…

And how to make him want to come running back into your arms and NEVER want to leave again…

You’ll also discover a 5 word phrase that you should NEVER say to a man…

Because it’ll make him go cold and never want to speak with you again…

If you’re ready to discover how to turn things around for yourself…

And have a man who truly loves you, sees you, and cherishes you…

Stop whatever you’re doing and click the link below, right now…

Click here to learn more <<

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