Love Questions: 21 Questions to Make Him Fall in Love.

Love Questions: 21 Questions to Make Him Fall in Love

What are some questions to ask a guy to make him fall in love?

By now, you may have engaged in flirty conversation with your guy crush, as well as a few deep conversations about life.

Great…the only problem is that he doesn’t seem to be falling in love with you yet. He may want to escalate the relationship to the bedroom, but what about emotional connection? Has he bonded with you and shared something about himself?

If the answer is no, then maybe the problem is you haven’t challenged him in the RIGHT WAY, that is, in a way that makes him feel good about himself AND that associates you with his good moods. One way to help you connect and make him fall in love with you is to ask your partner meaningful questions.

21 Questions to Ask a Guy That Make Him Fall In Love

Let’s consider 21 questions that will make your guy crush fall head over heels in love!

1. What was the happiest time in your entire life?

This question forces him to recall a time in their past life when your partner had something special—something he misses in his life now. But what you are actually doing is helping him discover a forgotten need in his life.

2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done? OR What’s the weirdest thing you believe?

By default, we tend to agree with the majority and have a normal façade that we use to interact with someone around us. However, it’s very possible your partner is hiding something “weird” about his life perspective or past. In other words, men are just dying to confess their “weird thing” because it frees them from the shackles of society. Some also believe that unique qualities or thinking patterns may even be closely connected to how he feels about love and building a life together. This is why it’s good to pique his brain and find what is truly out of the ordinary about him. It is his unique contribution to the world, his survival instincts that help him prosper. Learn to appreciate this and find the combination to his heart. Asking a question like this will bring you one step closer to making your person fall in love with you.

3. What is your favorite childhood memory?

This is an easy question to get a tight-lipped person to open up, even if he’s reluctant to talk about everything else about his life. Something about the past, especially early childhood, really puts a person at ease.

4. What do you like about your job? What process do you like most about your hobby?

If you really want to analyze what’s on someone’s mind, then ask him about their passion in life. Whether it’s a job, a volunteer assignment, or a hobby like reading, something about this activity stimulates their need to contribute to society—to create and do!

5. What personality, in history or today, would you like to have as a dinner guest?

Who does this person look up to as a heroic figure? This is a perfect question to learn about who your partner is inspired by and why.

6. When did you last sing to yourself or someone you love?

A wonderfully intimate and yet light-humored question! It takes a certain level of vulnerability for a man to sing. If you are feeling extra bold, you could even ask your partner to sing for you.

7. What are you most grateful for?

Focus on the positive rather than the negative in life. Reminding your partner to be grateful is a sentiment he would respect—especially since his parents probably told him the same thing.

8. If you could learn one specific answer about the future, what would you want to know?

Get your partner thinking existentially but focus on the future instead of regrets of the past. You can also get a glimpse into his worries about growing older, with this question.

9. What is your dream? Something you always wanted to do in life.

Every guy has a dream, even if it’s simple, or even if it lies latent a few years. Getting your partner to think about it will reinvigorate his ambition in life.

10. What are your greatest life accomplishments so far?

Let him think back to the past with a good feeling, recalling his favorite life memories. Associate yourself with this nostalgia.

11. What is friendship? OR Who is your best friend and why?

Make your partner think about someone he loves and learn what qualities he treasures most in a friend. This also shows you what personal characteristics he values in others.

12. If you were to leave earth and never got the chance to say your final words, who would you most regret not telling? What would you say?

Great question. A little darker than usual, but you can always make it fun by avoiding the topic of death. This gives insight into his heart and the way he feels about people close to him. It also reminds your partner that you want to help him reach all of his goals.

13. In the event of a house fire, after saving your family, friends and pets, what one item do you go for and why?

Learning the story behind a cherished item is always fascinating. It’s a great question to ask your partner. Objects are more about feelings and memories than anything else.

14. Ask for his advice on a problem.

Share a personal problem and ask him for advice—as in how he would handle it. This shows you value his expert opinion, a sign of respect, and a great way to make him fall in love!

15. What’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever received? OR What compliment would you like to receive the most?

Find out his vanities and insecurities with this pair of seemingly innocent questions. This question can give you great insight into his life and who he is as a person.

16. What is your favorite type of food?

Great way of getting a peek at his day to day life

17. Who was your first kiss? Explain!

Guys love kissing and telling…let them relive their innocence with you. Now he associates you with freedom and unfiltered dialog. And he’ll be more likely to fall in love with you when he feels like he can be open about anything.

18. How do you deal with people that rub you the wrong way?

While this is a negative question, because he “solves” the problem he actually enjoys answering it. This question will also help you learn how your partner handles challenges.

19. What would your superpower be?

Find out a metaphor for how he sees himself and his ability to contribute good deeds towards other people in a world of supervillains.

20. Tell me about your parents.

Most women just don’t care about the personal stuff which is exactly why you should start this dialog. You don’t just like him—you admire where he comes from and what stories his parents have to tell. Asking questions about his family shows genuine interest.

21. How would you describe me to your friends?

Great question since it not only reveals his true opinion of you, but also puts the idea into his head that you will soon meet his friends. You’re serious dating material!

These questions will not only intrigue him…they may even help him fall in love!

10 Man-Melting Phrases That Make Him Yours

Have you heard of the secret words that unlock a man’s heart and make him addicted to loving you and only you?

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You have to go discover The Love Frames…

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Then just use them on ANY man in your life to make him fall in love with you

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Maybe that cute guy you have a crush on…

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How he becomes yours and yours alone…

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You can thank me later!

Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

P.S. You’ll be the first thing he thinks about in the morning…

And the last thing he thinks about before going to bed…

Go here now <<

Also read more about how long does it take man to fall in love.




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