He Will Commit to You

How to Make a Guy Chase You Using Male Psychology (Works With Every Man)

One of the most interesting questions I’ve been asked lately is whether seduction and dating techniques are gender interchangeable – like, can a woman use the same male dating techniques on a man and get the guy to chase her?

The answer is sort of…as long as you’re replacing the masculine energy and masculine attitude with feminine energy and attitude.

Case in point, masculine women are usually not considered attractive by men. Masculine women are clingy, overbearing, domineering, and controlling. Most men don’t like that in a dating relationship and partner.

But there are definitely what I call “high value qualities” that are attractive to both sexes (and every other gender in between) and you should be projecting those good qualities and attitudes when you communicate with guys. Men love women who exhibit those qualities and are more likely to chase them.

When you cultivate these positive qualities and learn how to project them when you speak to a man, you will come across as a high-value woman that he will want to build a relationship with. The effect will be that you will be chased by men who are basically responding to your male seductive techniques.

Kind of funny, right? But of course the joke is that many of these techniques are unisexual and will work on mostly anybody because high-value always feels like high value.

5 Tips to Make Him Chase You and Build Your Dream Relationship

Now you may be wondering how to make a guy chase you using male psychology. If so, let’s consider five “male psychology” techniques/attitudes that are just as effective when women use them on men. This expert advice can work wonders on getting a guy to chase you.

1. Don’t apologize…don’t hold back. Be proud of who you are.

You might think assertiveness is a masculine quality but it’s not exclusively male. Assertiveness is a high-value quality, regardless. And is a great way to make him chase you.

It’s sometimes misinterpreted as controlling and mean-spirited behavior, when in fact, true assertiveness is the exact opposite and can help you get the guy you want. Being mean to others is bullying behavior, a weak attempt to control other people. Being assertive means you stand your ground, you’re not afraid to speak your mind, and you’re confident enough to speak without fear of offending him. Relationships men love are often with girls who are assertive and willing to stand their ground.

2. You don’t need to chase him…if he’s interested in a relationship he will chase you.

This may feel like a mostly masculine attitude but it’s actually a genderless quality of “high self-esteem.” Whereas an insecure person might need to be more aggressive and “force” someone into talking to them as often as possible, when you have high self-esteem you never feel inclined to chase when dating. You let your partner do all the chasing.

You never NEED a man’s attention to feel complete. You are happy in your own skin, happy with your own life. This contentment, this confidence is what draws people to you and will give guys a reason to chase you. And by keeping this very strong “alpha” attitude (speaking of alpha male or alpha female) you will eventually have guys chasing you, because they will learn you never chase. They enjoy chasing you and that suits their masculinity just fine. Making men chase you also allows you to see how committed they are to you and your relationship. It is evidence of how much they care about you.

3. Be mysterious because mystery is always more intriguing than logical conversation.

Mystery is not an exclusively male quality either, though, it’s usually the “mysterious handsome stranger” bit that attracts women and leads women to start chasing men. However, you can do the same thing and become a high value “mysterious woman” who draws men to you. Mystery can be a helpful way to get a guy to chase you. It can also be used as the answer to the question on how to get him to chase you over text. The guy you like will want to solve the mystery and be compelled to pursue you.

What makes a woman sexy and mysterious? It’s not all about looks or about that killer smile and wicked eyes. Being mysterious by nature is simply the art of NOT telling a man all about yourself and actually focusing the attention on HIM. Get him to talk about his own life, interests, hobbies, and passions…all the while avoiding revealing personal details about yourself. He will soon realize although he’s told you everything about himself, he really knows nothing about you. Mysteriousness achieved! He’ll want to chase you and learn who you are. This method works especially well for making a Sagittarius man chase you.

4. Don’t be afraid to flirt with men…at least a little. There’s nothing shameful about light flirting to make a man chase you.

This is actually one of the first lessons that men learn when they’re looking up dating advice. Too many guys are afraid of sexual tension and the same is true of some women. But the simple fact is that sexual tension, confessing your feelings and actually ENJOYING the tension between you, is what jumpstarts the dating process and can make a guy chase you.

Don’t be afraid to flirt with a guy just a little bit. It doesn’t have to be overly sexual or even too embarrassing. Simply learn the art of touching a man platonically (on the shoulder or hand) and making stronger eye contact with him. Smile, giggle when he makes you laugh, and ask him personal questions about his life when the moment feels natural. These actions will catch a man’s attention and help the guy remain interested in you.

In other words, dare him to make a move on you by putting the idea of sexual tension into his head first. Nothing makes guys chase a girl more than a desire to be with her.

Some women are exceptionally good at flirting with guys. They go beyond physical intimacy and superficial gestures and actually start TEASING the man and getting him to laugh. This is a somewhat male behavior but it DOES work when a woman does it to make a guy chase them.

A man likes to laugh and it’s much easier to get him to admit his attraction when you’re constantly teasing him and pushing him to tease you back. It works like a charm…try it some time to make a guy start chasing you!

Speaking of which…

5. Make the man laugh. Make him smile. Keep things positive. Keep him wanting more.

Finally, let’s embrace the male technique of “leave her laughing” and convert that into a guideline for women on men. The more you make a man laugh, the more you talk about fun and positive things, the more positive associations you will leave with the man.

So that means…don’t complain, don’t be too honest with your feelings too fast. Don’t dwell on negativity. Don’t reject him so coldly. Keep things positive. Discuss things that you have in common that are really fun, or interesting, or thought-provoking.

Then, just as he becomes fascinated by you, tell him that you have to leave. You are busy…you have things to do. That makes you high value!

Now that’s a Batman-dating move if I’ve ever heard one. Make him adore you and then tell him you are needed elsewhere just as he wants to flirt and talk more. That makes chasing you the only option for the man!

This always works brilliantly when making a guy chase you, because as soon as we learn that something we like is “hard to get” we work harder to get it. Natural human instinct, regardless of sex or gender.

So yes, certain techniques of male psychology can be used on a man, by a woman, or really by anyone that wants people to like them. We’ve given you expert advice on how to make a man chase you. Implementing this dating advice on how to get a man interested in you can take practice. But experiment a little and you may be surprised at how easy it is to meet a guy you are interested in! And you’ll have a man chasing you in no time!

Text him this to trigger his desire to chase you…

Did you know that you can trigger a man’s hormones through your text messages?

What you text a guy can make him either start or stop chasing you…

It’s true. How you communicate with a man can actually release different hormones in his body.

One of the most important ones is testosterone because that’s what makes him CHASE you, pursue you, and invest in you so that he gets “hooked” and desires something more with you.

Want to trigger this in your man?

Click here to learn more

Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

P.S. You can actually trigger a “cocktail of emotions” inside a man that makes him feel like he can’t get you out of his mind and even feel addicted to you, if you text him a certain way.

Click here to learn more

Also read more about how do you tell if a guy had a crush on you.

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