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How to Make a Leo Man Chase You

Astrology tells us that Leo is one of the more complicated personality types and in the case of a man, a dramatic and flamboyant personality type that must be understood to be loved. Not understanding Leo’s nature may well be the reason why your Leo crush has eluded you. Leo men are born between July 23 and August 22 and are the “lion” of all the zodiac signs.

Leo men are light-hearted, fun loving and very charming…at least they are, when things are working out. However, Leo men also have a dark side, which some disgruntled lovers describe as arrogant, egotistical and selfish.

Understanding Leo’s nature is important in understanding how he wants to chase you, and how to respond to his affection in the short-term and long-term future. First, realize that Leo has a great need to express himself and BE theatrical since that’s his dominant feature. Leos are natural performers but they don’t necessarily “act” – they really do wear their hearts on their sleeves and get swept up in the beauty and passion of the heart.

It’s true that Leo is a leader and domineering personality, but that doesn’t mean that he is cold to the feelings of others. Leo wants others to shine too and if one was to summarize Leo’s attitude towards love it would be a “hopeless romantic.”

Why does Leo have a bad reputation for being cold, greedy, jealous and ego-driven? It has more to do with an extreme passion, more so than a character flaw. Leos are very ambitious and fun to interact with – but their flair is what gets them in trouble. Leos have extreme reactions, but they’re usually not narcissistic or cruel-hearted. They are very misunderstood.

If you don’t “get” Leo, then he won’t respond to you. Understanding his heart is the first step to making him boyfriend material. Let’s consider four ways to capture his attention and then get Leo man to chase you.

1. Pay attention to his “show” and let him know how great of a performer he is!

Leos love attention! So it shouldn’t be too difficult to identify WHERE his passion is in life. Does he take great pride in his art or his career? Is he a huge flirt in public? Or is he more of an introvert with big ideas?

Leos actually take notice of many little details. It’s almost as if they can “sense you” and your interest in them from a distance. Be responsive to the attention he gives you, even if it’s just a little bit. There’s no need to be masculine in your approach. Be friendly, be attractive but notice when he sends you a hidden message.

2. Match his high level of entertainment by being the “best” version of yourself.

Leos are, frankly, hard to impress. They can command the attention of people, whether through great social skills or even online writing. Attracting women is not a problem for him. But he wants the “best” and can sometimes lose interest in a relationship if you’re not giving him your best.

This means you must be confident (not faking confidence but naturally confident) and project “success” and “mystery”. Ideally, Leo wants to find a partner who is as strong as he is and who doesn’t “need him” because Leo is not going to rearrange his life for you. He is strong and is attracted to great strength.

You could even say that Leo is far more interested in you supporting him and his adventurous life than he is making you happy. This is one reason dating Leo can be a challenge. But once you understand this, you will understand how to court his attention during dating. Make things about HIM in early dating. This will inevitably be exactly how to make a Leo man miss you like crazy when you’re not around.

3. Be sincere in your compliments and avoid criticism.

Leo has a big heart, one might even say a sensitive heart, so it’s no surprise that criticism and insincerity are among his biggest turn-offs. When you interact with Leo look PAST his flattery and flair for drama and instead go for his heart. Make comments that show him you appreciate who he really is on the inside. Praise him for what he most prides about himself, whether that’s his intellect, fun personality or strong features.

Most people who have dated a Leo agree, be very careful about criticizing him or appearing indifferent to his “greatness”. Leo men want partners who are loyal to them, not only in sex and romance, but also in supporting his hobbies, career and personal life missions.

He doesn’t want a pushover or sycophant as a partner, however. He wants you to challenge him in constructive ways and get him excited about evolving and growing as a person. Don’t bring any negative energy or manipulation into the relationship. Rather, show him through example what you like, what you respond to, and the best type of “Leo” that you want chasing you.

4. Don’t stop being sexy and desirable. Be the object of desire for many, but only have eyes for him.

Leos take great pride in appearance and want you to look your best – yes, to be the envy of every man. Leo is sometimes very “material” in his approach to life. He wants to look good and impress other people. However, what really pleases him is the fact that you only have eyes for him. Leo craves feminine women – an intelligent and mature woman who knows how to act in public view but who reveals a wild side behind closed doors.

Leos are complicated but once you learn his motivation you can better handle the demands of a relationship. Although Leos are sometimes criticized for being self-centered, don’t forget that the rewards for loyalty are a kind man, courageous provider and a loyal man who will always protect you.

He is the alpha male and “lion” of the zodiac sign, but his flaws are also connected to his greatest strengths. This is a relationship that could last a lifetime if you understand what makes this lion roar.

The 5 Word Phrase That Destroys a Man’s Love For You And Drives Him Out Of Your Life

There’s a simple 5 word phrase that will destroy any man’s love for you and drive him out of your life completely…

It usually comes out as an honest question when you want to connect with him…

But only serves to push him away and slowly kill your relationship from the inside out…

It can take a man who is filled with love and passion for you…

And make him feel cold, distant, and uninterested…

Have you figured out what it is yet?

Many women send this as a text message when they’re feeling insecure…

And then are confused why he suddenly pulls away and disappears completely…

Most of the women who ask it don’t even know how harmful it is…

Yet it can take a relationship that seems like it’s perfect…

A relationship where you feel loved, cared for, and like you’ve finally found “the one”…

And overnight, it can tear that relationship apart…

Leaving you confused, frustrated, and heartbroken…

If you don’t know what this simple yet seemingly innocent question is…

I want you to stop what you’re doing and go watch this video presentation that I put together for you at the link below…

Click here to watch the video now <<

My name is Matthew Coast and I’ve been teaching in the dating industry on since 2005…

I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of women, all over the world…

Get into relationships where they feel loved, seen, and cherished by the men they’re with…

When you click the link this link right here <<

I show you what this 5 word phrase is…

I’ll teach you about why men pull away, how to stop it from happening…

And how to attract the man you want…

Into a relationship where you’re loved and adored and treated like a priority…

No matter how painful things have been in your past…

You can attract a great man and have a great relationship…

Just click the link on your screen and the watch the video right now…

If you’re struggling with men pulling away from you…

If you’re tired of giving everything to a relationship and only being taken for granted…

And if you’re ready to have a man see you as a woman that he wants to be with forever…

Click this link to watch my video right now <<

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