8 Signs of Falling in Love with Your Best Friend

8 Signs of Falling in Love with Your Best Friend

Do you remember the very first moment when you fall in love with your best friend? Some people do. They call it a magical experience. Maybe it’s a touch, a look, or something that he says.

Or maybe the opposite is true. You can’t pinpoint a moment when it happened, but it just sort of sneaks up on you and you’re not sure what to make of your feelings. You might not even be sure if you are in love with him, in lust with him, or maybe just confusing friendship for romantic love.

It’s true – there is a difference between romantic love and friendship. Some people today seem to think that you can’t be friends with the opposite sex because eventually, you will develop romantic feelings for each other.

However, for most relationships, this is simply not true. You don’t fall in lust with every one of your friends! Usually, they just stay your friend. Likewise then, if a guy friend-zones you (or if you friend-zone a guy) it’s actually very difficult to change his mind. Once we lose romantic attraction for someone we don’t just turn it on or off like a switch.

The reason we’re talking about this is because confessing to your friend that you have feelings for him is risky business. It will change the dynamic of the relationship. If you tell him and he doesn’t know what to do with your confession, it might even ruin the friendship. Don’t conclude that these scenarios usually end “happily” – with him reciprocating. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out the way we hope.

A better approach is to first consider some signs that you’re falling in love with your friend. If you’re confused, or suspect you might have a crush on him but are not sure, then read over these signs and try to determine where those feelings are coming from.

1. You begin treating him as your “partner” in life, confiding everything.

He’s become a life partner to you, whether he knows it or not. He’s always the first one you want to talk and run ideas by, because you value his opinion over everyone else. Whenever big news hits, good news or terrible news, you always go to him first. You need to hear his voice and his thoughts in order to process what you feel. This is usually beyond regular friendship. You don’t want there to be any secrets. That’s how intense the relationship has become.

2. You are extremely jealous of his romantic life.

The more oblivious he seems about dating you, the more depressed you feel. The very idea of him dating someone else makes you angry. You may start to find faults with his dates or girlfriend, figuring you would make him much happier.

3. You have no desire to date anyone else not even as a curiosity – only him.

Why not date someone else? Your friend doesn’t seem to care. It might do you good to get out and meet new people just for curiosity’s sake. One problem though – it feels wrong! He is the only man you’re interested in. Your heart is just not in dating anyone else and so you can’t do it or do it begrudgingly.

4. You think about him constantly and want to be around him as often as you can.

If he’s constantly popping into your thoughts and you find yourself missing him more often, you may have already fallen for him. You sense something special in him and now your brain is preparing itself for the idea of dating him. This feels like a full-blown obsession!

5. People start to assume you two are a couple.

The fact of the matter is, you are always around him, always talking about him, and always giving him “girlfriend” vibes. No wonder people see you two together and assume you must be a couple!

6. You are always trying to make him happy.

You sacrifice your own comfort trying to reach him, trying to please him, or getting him to notice you. If you’re making him your number one priority in life it’s more than a crush. You’re falling for him and he might know it by now. Maybe you’ve even dropped hints or left gifts for him, just to gauge his reaction. And if he smiles, it’s worth the effort, right?

7. You always find a reason to text or call him.

He’s not really the one pursuing a closer friendship, you are. You find reasons to text him or call him. You making more demands on his time, hoping he notices the effort and enjoys the closer communication. But it’s a gamble if you don’t know for sure!

8. You think about a future with him.

Finally, the true tell of a romantic heart is how you see yourself and him in the near future. Is it one of those complicated futures? Do you have trouble imagining how it could end happily ever after? Are you more interested in planning a future in the real world or just following your emotions to where they lead you? Planning a future is a sign of falling love.

If you see the signs and realize you’re fallen for a friend, try to take a more cautious approach, at least in the beginning. Try to work out in your mind if your feelings are logical and consistent. Ask questions like is he available? Has he said anything that would indicate he’s interested in you? Why do you think there would be a mutual attraction? Is it based on lifestyle similarities or opinions you both share?

What about eye contact or body language? Does he seem more respectful and platonic when you interact? Once you determine how he feels, based on signs he’s given, you can determine when it’s best to tell him how you feel – or maybe direct your attention elsewhere, if you know the relationship is a bad idea.

Just remember that friendship, even a platonic one, is a wonderful thing to have in life and not everyone has it. Through honest communication, maybe you can tell the truth but save the friendship.

The 5 Word Phrase That Destroys a Man’s Love For You And Drives Him Out Of Your Life

There’s a simple 5 word phrase that will destroy any man’s love for you and drive him out of your life completely…

It usually comes out as an honest question when you want to connect with him…

But only serves to push him away and slowly kill your relationship from the inside out…

It can take a man who is filled with love and passion for you…

And make him feel cold, distant, and uninterested…

Have you figured out what it is yet?

Many women send this as a text message when they’re feeling insecure…

And then are confused why he suddenly pulls away and disappears completely…

Most of the women who ask it don’t even know how harmful it is…

Yet it can take a relationship that seems like it’s perfect…

A relationship where you feel loved, cared for, and like you’ve finally found “the one”…

And overnight, it can tear that relationship apart…

Leaving you confused, frustrated, and heartbroken…

If you don’t know what this simple yet seemingly innocent question is…

I want you to stop what you’re doing and go watch this video presentation that I put together for you at the link below…

Click here to watch the video now <<

My name is Matthew Coast and I’ve been teaching in the dating industry on since 2005…

I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of women, all over the world…

Get into relationships where they feel loved, seen, and cherished by the men they’re with…

When you click the link this link right here <<

I show you what this 5 word phrase is…

I’ll teach you about why men pull away, how to stop it from happening…

And how to attract the man you want…

Into a relationship where you’re loved and adored and treated like a priority…

No matter how painful things have been in your past…

You can attract a great man and have a great relationship…

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If you’re struggling with men pulling away from you…

If you’re tired of giving everything to a relationship and only being taken for granted…

And if you’re ready to have a man see you as a woman that he wants to be with forever…

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