If you want to attract a man into a committed, lasting relationship then you need to understand what attracts men to women.
First, I want to tell you what does NOT attract men to women because I meet a lot of women who don’t understand this and I want to make sure this is clear to you.
Here are…
4 Traits That Do NOT Attract Men to Women
Now you need to understand that when I say these things are NOT attractive, I’m not saying that they are unattractive… like they will push men away (although some of them do).
What I’m saying is that men won’t be attracted to you for these reasons.
1. Men Are NOT Attracted to Logic
If you’re really smart, that’s awesome! But unfortunately, logic doesn’t attract men.
I get a lot of women who come to me who have tried to “convince” a man to be attracted, fall in love, and be together.
This NEVER works. Attraction is a feeling. And it’s NOT something he can logically choose to feel.
2. Men Are NOT Attracted to Action
A lot of times when a woman is attract to a guy, she’ll try to do a whole bunch of things to show him she cares.
This might look like telling him how much he means to her, buying him things, or trying to be in contact or around him all the time.
This NEVER works… why?
Because he’s not attracted to what you’re doing, he’s attract to who you’re being. We’ll talk more about that in a minute.
3. Men Are NOT Attracted to Women Who Think Men Are the Problem
I run into women all the time who tell me that I should be coaching and working with men because “men are the problem.”
Let me share some news with you…
We’re ALL the problem.
And blaming men for YOUR relationship problems is NOT attractive to men.
4. Men Are NOT Attracted to Women Who Want to Change or “Fix” Them
You want to find a man who accepts you and loves you for who you are.
Well, guess what? Men want the same thing.
Men want to find women who accepts them and loves them for who they are.
A lot of women are so focused on falling in love with a man’s potential and not actually falling in love with who they are as men and it’s incredibly unattractive.
What Does Attract Men to Women?
1. Men Are Attracted to Feminine Energy
This is incredibly attractive to men. Getting connected with your feminine side is so incredibly attractive to men, it’s unbelievable.
It’s so attractive that it’s almost magical to most men.
2. Men Are Attracted to Youthfulness
A lot of women think men just like the youngest, prettiest girl they can find… and there is some truth to that.
But what men really like are women who are playful and young at heart…
Women who are alive, filled with energy, and emotion. THAT is very attractive to men.
3. Men Are Attracted to Valuable Women
A woman who is valuable to him and his life is incredibly attractive to any man.
Value can take the form of many things like support, positive emotions, admiration, companionship and many other things.
The more value that you can bring to a man’s life, the more attracted he will be to you.
4. Men Are Attracted to Women Who Connect With Their Hearts
Men tend to pride themselves on being more logical. So one of the things that’s mysterious and attractive about women are their connections to their emotions.
There’s a misconception out there that men think that emotions are drama. Men don’t think emotions are drama.
Men think that emotions tied to expectations about what he should think, how he should act, and what he should say are drama.
If you place expectations around him and your emotions, that gets unattractive really quickly.
But connecting to his heart through your emotions, that’s incredibly attractive to men and is one of the keys to making a man fall deeply in love with you.
Text him this to trigger his desire to chase you…
Did you know that you can trigger a man’s hormones through your text messages?
It’s true. How you communicate with a man can actually release different hormones in his body.
One of the most important ones is testosterone because that’s what makes him CHASE you, pursue you, and invest in you so that he gets “hooked” and desires something more with you.
Want to trigger this in your man?
Click here to get my guide for free
Talk soon,
Matthew Coast
P.S. You can actually trigger a “cocktail of emotions” inside a man that make him feel like he can’t get you out of his mind and even feel addicted to you, if you text him a certain way.
Click here to get my guide for free