How to Be a High Value Woman (And Make Him Want to Love You Forever)

How to Be a High Value Woman (And Make Him Want to Love You Forever)

Sometimes I hear this from women who are trying to improve their social life: “I understand what high value and feminine means…but I can’t seem to do that.”

Worse yet, some people think that being feminine or very attractive is some genetic gift, or as the French used to call it “je ne sais quoi”. They used to call it the It Factor in early Hollywood.

Well here’s the big secret. No one is born with it. Babies are not born feminine, attractive and successful. They’re babies! We all learn social attitudes and skills that round out our personalities and shape us into individuals.

So can you “learn” how to be a high value woman, the kind of feminine beauty who dates millionaires, young hot cubs, or practically any kind of man you want?

Absolutely. And I’m going to show you five proven ways how to be a high value woman and cultivate those essential qualities of:

• Femininity
• Success
• Empathy
• Intelligence
• Maturity and “maternal qualities” that he likes

Here we go…

1. Don’t try to be “feminine.” Work on becoming gentle, energetic and happy.

These are the qualities that femininity “looks like.” Femininity is not about wearing certain clothes or keeping a perfect posture. Sure, that helps. But ultimately a guy will be more interested in how you come across. Are you “Feminine” in the sense that you are interested in HIM and want to get to know him? Are you a naturally sweet and expressive person?

Do you bring a sense of positive energy to a conversation and can he tell you are happy in life? These are the true qualities of femininity and they are only enhanced when you make an effort to add good posture, good fashion choices and of course, that flirty giggle.

2. Don’t try to be “strong”. Be self-confident instead.

Too many women make the mistake of presenting themselves as so “strong”, they actually come across as overly masculine, which a lot of guys don’t like. The answer is to not alienate men by trying to challenge them, intimidate them or become sexually aggressive. The best thing to do is to BE self-confident.

Learn self-confidence through self-improvement. If your dietary habits and exercise regiment are lacking or nonexistent, start your new lifestyle today. Build a better body, one that you love.

Pamper yourself and create inspiration boards (even on social media if you prefer) that focus on the positive things in life, the stuff that personally inspires you. Visualize a “new you”, in career and life goals. Do those things, even if it’s just one day at a time. Challenge yourself and question NOT your success but the “inner critic” inside you.

The best way to learn self-confidence is not to fake it but to change your lifestyle and get busy doing the things you LOVE doing.

3. Don’t try to be “nice”…work on becoming empathetic and uncompromisingly compassionate.

Hey, I’m with you. “Nice” women don’t get very far. But that doesn’t mean you have to work on being rude, pretentious or difficult. Instead, become the “evolved” version of nice and get in touch with your empathetic side.

You care about people. And because you care about people you care about issues. You care about helping others and being interested in other people’s stories. It’s no coincidence that millionaire guys and terrific men all have a “type.”

And no, it’s not the trophy wife, it’s actually the activist type. The woman who volunteers, who supports causes and who campaigns for the poor and needy. That’s the type of high value woman successful men just love. They don’t want to marry a woman who worships them. They want to impress a woman who does good for the world.

And hey, taking an interest in other people sure makes you a wonderful human being apart from all this dating stuff, so it’s a “nothing to lose” scenario.

4. Don’t try to wow him with your smarts…be a smart conversationalist.

Some women make the mistake of coming across too strong during the first impression. They bombard the guy with hard intelligence, trivia and even argument. But that’s pushing the guy away, even before he can start to feel attracted.

Instead, let your intelligence show in the way you communicate. Let him talk. In fact, let him impress you with his knowledge. Use your intelligence to ask him smart questions. Talk about current events in the world that directly relate to your unique conversation.

The key thing about intelligence is that it’s of no value to anyone unless you can converse about it and start a two-sided conversation with your knowledge. This may require some extra reading but it will always benefit you.

Sometimes emotional intelligence (which is the art of using what you know to make a really interesting and exciting conversation) is even more highly valued than book smarts.

5. Don’t worry too much about being “classy”…project yourself as emotionally stable.

A lot of men might tell you that they like a down-to-earth woman, not a super model or celebrity. That simply means that being classy and perfect is not the priority. Rather, they value emotional maturity and stability in life.

Boys may like mind games and wild and crazy behavior. But honestly, as men we grow up and look for stability. We look for someone we can trust. Some men look for a woman who would make a good mother, if they’re interested in raising a family. The average man usually marries a woman who resembles his mother at least in terms of what we call “core values” (or fundamental beliefs about life).

He wants his future wife to work hard for what SHE wants, love him completely and live an active and full life with him but also apart from him. He also supports her independent goals just as he hopes she will support his. This is a truly equal relationship and it starts with the union of two stable and emotionally mature partners.

These are the five activities to focus on as you get serious about long-term relationships and finding a high-value man that lives up to your expectations. Before you can attract that man you must project high value yourself. Remember these fundamentals will improve your dating odds and lead you into the arms of a man you can really trust and love.

This makes him see you as the One Special Woman in his life…

If you’re struggling with a man who plays “hot and cold,” is slipping away, or taking you for granted…

And you want him to see you as “the one special woman” in his life…

Then you’re probably missing this one strange secret…

Click here to discover the secret << 

This one thing makes a man feel an irresistible desire to pursue you…

…invest in you…

…fight for you…

…and move mountains to please you and be with you.

If you’re ready to finally be seen and cherished by the man you choose, you may just need to just do or say one thing differently.

Click here to be cherished by the man you want << 

Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

P.S. Even if a man is pulling away, ignoring you, or taking you for granted…

You can completely change the way he sees you and make him yours with this one little secret…

Click here to discover the secret that will make his heart yours <<

8 thoughts on “How to Be a High Value Woman (And Make Him Want to Love You Forever)”

  1. This makes so much sense, Matthew. I do some of this especially #1 and did not follow through with being myself and confident.
    Wow, is what I want to say!

    I love what you do and write.
    Thank you for bringing sense, empathy and compassion to women and men in this part of our lives

  2. You nailed it right on the head! Women need to work on themselves after a break up. You have to fix yourself. Heal yourself before you can date, otherwise it’s a rebound guy !

  3. sheila franklin

    Thank you so much Mathew, you always give really helpful advice and you put things perspective for for us women, especially starting again!

  4. Mathew, even though I am a widow I love to read what you put in plain words, it makes me dream of some one, somewhere is somebody who would value me

    1. Nice guys do go fishing & love outdoors. Be doing the hobbies & lifestyle you love. If you really desire s husband, Heaven already has one in Reserve.

  5. Thank you Mathew even 70+ old I’m learning from your advice.Beeing married for 50 years and widowed for 4 years I met widowed man.
    We made it work.Was not easy- because I was married to angel I didn’t realize it at the time.
    This one was also faithfully married 50+ years and spoiled by His wife.Thank you and reading your emails I’m learning to understand man personality.
    Thank you
    Renata McDonald Florida

  6. Born a natural Empath, and being well versed in some out of the box subjects, has men fascinated and thinking I am the sweetest person. Too many interested, my goal is to find right one for me!

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