Texting can be a cryptic medium, especially when it comes to deciphering if a guy is flirting with you. But here are nine subtle signs you may not have known to look for:
- Unsolicited Sharing If he’s willingly offering up personal details or sharing information you didn’t ask for, he’s likely trying to bond with you and hoping you appreciate his openness.
- Genuine Interest in Your Well-being While flashiness can be eye-catching, true interest shines brighter. If he’s regularly asking about your day or your feelings, he’s showing a deep and sincere interest.
- Thoughtful Replies If he takes his time crafting his responses instead of auto-replying, it indicates that he’s investing in you mentally and emotionally, aiming to leave a good impression.
- Initiating Conversations If he often kicks off the conversation, he’s showing that he actively seeks your company and is interested in engaging in meaningful dialogue with you.
- Giving Compliments Finding reasons to say something positive about you implies he’s looking to boost your confidence and make you feel good around him.
- Casual Inquiries About Your Relationship Status If he’s subtly trying to figure out if you have a boyfriend, it’s likely because he’s hoping to fill that role himself.
- Remembering Small Details Recalling minor details you’ve shared shows he genuinely cares about you and is attentively listening to what you have to say.
- Teasing (Even If He’s Not Great At It) If he tries to tease you – even if his execution is a little off – he’s attempting to make you laugh and create a light, fun atmosphere.
- Suggesting a Meet-Up If he’s eager to move from digital dialogue to an in-person meeting, don’t hold his subpar texting skills against him. Some people are simply better at expressing themselves face-to-face. He might be a great guy who just doesn’t shine over text.
Look out for these little-known signs, and you might be surprised to find that your text conversations hold more flirtatious content than you initially realized. Happy texting!