Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries of the world, besides Stonehenge and pyramids, is “What do men want sexually?”
Seriously, what do they want? A lot of women ask this question because they hear so many conflicting reports on what men supposedly want. Some people claim that men are pigs, or dogs, and just want sex all the time. That they would probably dump a woman after sex and move onto another conquest ASAP. That’s just the way a man’s mind words, or so they claim.
But is that really true? What about those nice guys, those gentlemen and those single dads that seem so sweet? Are they all really raging sex machines that just want more sex and more women?
How about we be realistic about the scenario and find the similarities in what women want and what men want? Men, like women, want to fall in love. They want to have an emotional connection. And maybe you’re skeptical about that. But I assure you no matter what guy you talk to, even though most free-loving player in the world, he will admit that what he wants most is an emotional connection. Sex is temporary. Sex without love, without emotional connection, feels empty.
So do guys want a bunch of meaningless sex? If they do, they outgrow it pretty quickly. What seems to be the issue is that men want BETTER sex, more intense and out-of-this-world sex, but not necessarily more of it. They may date lots of women and go looking for that one amazing lover, but realistically these guys are only going to meet a handful of women that they really like.
So if you meet a guy you really like your aim should not be to contain or limit his drive for sex. Don’t shame him for it, don’t try to guilt him into controlling his sex drive. Instead, be a superior lover. Go beyond “average”. Be a fulfiller of fantasies. Sound hard? No, surprisingly easy. Here are four sex secrets about men that you’ve probably never heard before, but that are worth sharing and remembering.
1. A man wants you to be aggressive in bed.
If you’ve ever been told that men don’t like bossy women, mean women, perverted women or selfish women in the real world…well, okay but we’re NOT talking about the bedroom, are we? In the bedroom anything goes. In fact, your man actually WANTS you to be horny, insatiable, unreasonable and just insane with lust.
He wants you to take the lead in showing him how to please you. He wants you to be proud of your kink and OWN IT. He wants you to feel hot, out of control and do anything that feels good. He wants you to embrace your self-pleasure because frankly, he doesn’t KNOW what you like in bed until you tell him.
So whatever shyness you feel, or whatever worry you have about offending him, shocking him or embarrassing him, I assure you, it’s only limiting your sex life. He wants you to be more into it. He wants you to initiate sex more and not simply “be ready” whenever he wants it. Allow yourself to embrace the role of a nymphomaniac and just enjoy that freedom, because that is what he wants.
2. A man wants you to use MORE of your body and touch more of his body.
More, more, more is a good rule to live by, at least when it comes to sexual touching. Men not only love oral sex, hand job sex, and penetration—they also love touching. He likes touching your body (being told where to touch) and he loves it when you touch him more, with your lips, your fingers, fingernails (lightly of course) and palms. He even loves the feeling of your hair tickling his belly, shoulders, arms and so on. “Grope him” during sex. Give attention to his butt, his back, his arms and behind his neck.
Embrace more touching as a form of foreplay. He may not like the word “foreplay”, or understand what it means, but he loves receiving more of it.
3. He wants to feel manly…like he’s turning you on like no one else can.
At the heart of really good sex is what you do for his ego. That’s what really gets his emotions involved, when he feels in control, feels sexy, and feels like you’re responding to him. It’s not just a matter of being supportive—which includes not acting offended or “confused” when he’s dirty talking and loving you. It’s also about anticipating how he wants you to react. He wants to think of you as his best partner, someone who understands him, is very turned on by him, and will grunt, groan and sigh every time he touches you. You don’t have to fake an orgasm but you definitely need to SHOW enthusiasm when having sex so that he can finish, thinking he’s a sex god.
4. A man wants good feedback on his looks, performance and technique.
Don’t believe the myths suggesting that men are selfish and just care about their own orgasm. Most men today are considerate lovers and that means they want feedback about how their doing. First, understand that a lot of guys are self-conscious about their body, particularly the ones who aren’t models. (Most of the population!) Physical compliments will let him relax, let loose and enjoy the experience.
Next, give him feedback on his “performance” which just means you dirty-talk him, you praise him, you use words like “Oh God”, F___, and cheerleader talk like, “Keep going!”
Finally, DO give him tips on technique, just be sure to keep it positive. That means if you like what he’s doing encourage him to keep right on doing it at that pace. But if he’s doing something wrong, instead of correcting his technique, simply ask him to do what you want in a more positive and sexy way. He’s much more likely to volunteer help and be enthusiastic if you ask him to do something rather than explain what he’s doing wrong.
Remember these sex secrets and make the guy feel like a champ. Keep up the good work and he will become addicted fast, as he realizes he has the BEST life ever when he’s with you!
97% of women make this sex mistake
And I’ve got a CRAZY statistic for you that will not only SHOCK you it might just make you
feel sick with embarrassment and make you question everything you think you know about men
and sex . . .
What is it?
Well, according to an anonymous survey my friend Cassidy Lyon at Digital Romance, Inc. conducted . . .
A whopping 89% of men said they would rather masturbate than get a handjob from their wife
or girlfriend because “she never does it right” . . .
AND almost every guy said that sometimes they just laid there and “endured” a bad handjob
(even pretending he was loving every moment of it) because he “Didn’t want to hurt her feelings.”
That’s the bad news…
The good news is that Cassidy took everything she learned in her research (and after going
through the worst handjob horror story I’ve ever heard) and created this amazing video where
she teaches you EXACTLY how to give your man a truly ASTONISHING handjob (where he’ll beg
you for more and even give up masturbation and porn) in shockingly little time . ..
Click here to watch the video <<
What’s amazing about this video is that it teaches you the shocking truth about male sexuality,
what goes through guy’s minds when you’re touching them and what they SECRETLY want you to do
but are PETRIFIED to tell you.
Click here to watch the video <<
If you want to know how to make a guy so sexually addicted to you he’d rather cut off his
right arm than even talk to another girl you need to go watch this right now.
Click here to watch the video <<
Matthew Coast
I can’t tell you how much your tips and advise have helped me get closer to my man I’m interested in every time I read this or that I think” oh my God ” that is the man I’m with
Single Dads ARE sweet. At least for the fact that they are single parents. A guy sticking around is rare. I know about a man’s sensitivity. They are a special breed there.
That’s nice IAM also going to try them
Mr.mathew thanx very much for the work you are doing coz us helping many
Wow! this is so awesome, I love every minute I read your articles. Just know am that type now a man praises all the time. Thanks a lot Mathew
Matthew, i look forward to your articles. You saved my relationship. And i want to keep it that way. Thanks soo much. Rose keep sending
Very right! Just onto the passion and be in love to make him happy
Hi, im having trouble with my relationship and i need your help! My patner and i have been together for quite some time but its at braking point, because of my family. They dont accept him. He has done nothing wrong towards them and im stuck in the middle.
How do i get my family to accept him? To give him a second chance? How can i help their relationship? I absolutely adore this guy and what a future sith him but he doesn’t see the point in our relationship lasting if he isnt accepted by them.
Please please help me
I have a question about winning a man in mourning. His wife passed 10 months ago. He is showing signs of taking the next step and moving on, like most of the time he is ready but he has a road block when it comes to sex. At this point he is not ready for a relationship and I get it. I just dont know what action I should do to progress the situation.
Honestly, give him some time and some space. He’s hurting, don’t be selfish here. You can’t do anything to progress his mourning; that’s his timetable not yours! My goodness, take yourself out of it. Pushing a man to move on after 10 months is in your best interests not his. You’re pushing a man to be ready for something he’s apparently NOT READY FOR. This man is in mourning and for good reason, have some respect for not only him but his wife. I personally wouldn’t want to date anyone who just lost their spouse less than a year ago. If you push him into a relationship and sex later down the road he’s going to resent it and take his hurt and anger out on you. Back off, give him time. Be his friend, be there for him if you really care about him. I don’t know the whole situation but I think you’re being incredibly selfish (not to mention a little trashy), leave the man alone to mourn the death of his wife. If he says he’s not ready for a relationship he’s truly NOT READY. He’s going to see you as low value if you don’t back off. Also,if he has a family, they are not going to have any respect for you if you push him. They’re going to think you’re trampy and displaying no class because honestly that’s how you’re coming across.
As a widow I can tell you 10 months is not a very long time in order for him to move on. From my experience, I can say that it’s hard to open yourself up completely to loving another. It took me almost 2 years to realize why…for me, it’s that I’m scared of losing another. Is it worth the risk? Absolutely! But, it’s still hard to bravely go forward. Maybe have a conversation with your man about this and be patient. When you lose a spouse to death you don’t have a magic switch to turn off your love for them.
What a sad but sincere message, Wendy. Big hug xx
Very true
Am gonna try all these tactics when I meet him.Thanks so much Matt.
Thank you very much Mr. Matthew
ohh mom gggg… now I understand…. and thank you for this tips might it would be helpful for me in the future…
I love it..please hw do u dirty talk on the phone
Matt is anal a thing for most guys sexually? That they maybe are just afraid to ask? The guy I’m with now love it but we haven’t experimented at all together with it.. it kind of freaks me out a little..but he literally loves it just as much as sex.. well when he’s alone.
I just don’t know how to handle it. This is the first time I’ve faced this.. but is it more common from men than I thin..? To be into it? And want me sticking a figure up there during sex?
When you guys do this, make sure he is very clean down there and guys would love it and especially if you massage their prostate glad which can give off a slightly different orgasm. If you need to know about this organ, go into search and type down “advance search prostate massage for guys” also, type in “sexual” in that search bar if you can’t find the information you need.
Guys would love it if you use your finger (as long he cleaned down there) and just massage that gland for. Y other information on it, just google 🙂
I’ve dirty text with with a guy that I am dating and I use “ * “ for actions what I am doing to him. Guys actually really response to dirty texting and be very creative and objective what you are doing to him, it’s a massive turn in for him 🙂