4 Signs He Wants to Marry You Someday (And How to Make Sure He Does)

4 Signs He Wants to Marry You Someday (And How to Make Sure He Does)

How long does it take a man to fall in love? Not fall in “like” mind you, but head over heels in love? What makes a man want to turn a sexual relationship into an exclusive coupling? What makes him want to move in together? And finally, what makes a man want to betray his spirit of fierce independence and ask you to marry him, forsaking all others?

After all, you may have big plans and may want a general timeframe of just how long this process takes. Planning a wedding is complicated, right?

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this and one size doesn’t fit all, at least not when it comes to men and their feelings. Some men will fall in love fast, taking weeks or months. Some men may fall in love within a day, though he may be a little bit of an idealist! Some men may take years—especially if they’ve been hurt in the past.

The question is, your man—how long will your man take? And how long can you wait for him to make a decision?

It’s best not to think of this in terms of, “how long?” because you may accidentally pressure him to commit—and in that case, expect him to run like Forrest Gump.

Rather, focus on the real issue at hand: is he showing signs that he’s actually falling for you? Are you basing your timeframe on REAL compatibility (and evidence of his feelings) or are you running on the fumes of a fantasy?

Before you go rearranging your life and waiting for the wrong man, please do consider four telling signs that show his love and show you that yes, he does plan on marrying you…some day.

1. He wants you to meet his parents and his friends.

His parents and siblings, and perhaps other relatives, are an excellent gauge as to how well he sees you fitting into his life. If he has already introduced you and seems happy with how well you interact with his parents and other family members, then this is a very good sign. Men who don’t see a future with you will see no point in introducing you to family. Men who want to marry you will “test you out” and see how you get along with his most important social circles. This doesn’t necessarily mean a proposal is coming tomorrow, but it is the start of something beautiful for sure.

2. He is addicted to you and physical intimacy always increases.

When a man is falling in love and is at least contemplating marriage, then the intimacy between you steadily increases. It’s not just sex. It’s physical touching and sleeping over. It’s wanting to see you a few times a week and not just on weekends to make love. It’s wanting to hear your voice and receive cute text messages. It’s planning a vacation with you and wanting it to last forever. He wants to see more of you and is building his life around you, always scheduling time and making plans.

In contrast, a man who is slowly growing distant will not spend more time with you. Or he may stall and be happy with once a week. There’s no growth and physical intimacy seems to moving slowly, and maybe not forward at all. He barely communicates anything beyond sexual desire.

But when he’s thinking about marriage, it’s all about the bonding and the conversation.

3. He sees you in his future.

When he’s getting serious about marriage, he starts seeing the future clearly: and you’re in it. He simply can’t bear the idea of this romance ending. He may even speak of the “future” occasionally and test you to see what your thinking is on the matter.

Don’t fall for it. Don’t tell him that you hope to be with him. Answer only about your own immediate or long-term future, and pretend as if he isn’t in it. Let him realize that there is no major commitment between the two of you because he hasn’t asked for one. This usually evokes a response because a man in love with you will fight to keep you. He will literally move mountains for the woman he loves! He may need a while to work up the courage to propose, but if he’s thinking about the future he is thinking about marriage and family.

4. He is no longer interested in toying with you…but preserves the trust he has built with you through conversation.

In the dating stage, and especially in the first few interactions, men enjoy testing you. They challenge you. They have a distinct air about them that suggests they don’t care how you react to them—and yes, this usually starts the mutual attraction.

However, as a man matures in the relationships and starts to trust you, he will also begin to value the relationship he’s created. He begins to take trust seriously. He takes exclusiveness and fidelity seriously. He will feel more comfortable in your company and actually prefer you to his friends, family and work acquaintances.

When he speaks to you he’s more interested in pleasing you than he is challenging you. He has taken on the role of the “provider” and is showing you what he can do for you and how happy he can make you. He may or may not say he loves you, because part of him may be holding back. But what’s important is that he sending signals of his devotion to you and his work ethic.

Another sure sign that he’s invested in this relationship for the long-term? He is affectionate with you out in public. It’s not just because he’s “drunk” from all the love talk…he actually enjoys showing other men that you’re taken. He is showing jealousy and treasuring the bond he has with you.

Yes, men with marriage on the mind are very subtle. Whereas you might think he’s never even though about proposing, the truth is more likely that he is thinking about it but is scared to rush things. He likes the way things are and is trying to determine how he feels and when he should move things forward.

Rather than pressure him to commit, remember, focus on giving him what he wants. More emotionally resonant experiences. More bonding moments where he feels vulnerable and connected with you. At some point, when he realizes that he can’t lose you and that you make him happier than anyone else ever has, he will make a romantic gesture. And true to himself, he will make sure it’s fantastic.

Say This And Watch Him Stay By Your Side Forever…

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You can thank me later!

Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

P.S. You’ll be the first thing he thinks about in the morning…

And the last thing he thinks about before going to bed…

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