You met a man and everything is going great… or so you thought.
Then, out of nowhere, he’s pulls away and disappears.
It’s no secret that men and women think differently when it comes to relationships… From how to act on a first date to when to have sex for the first time, the outlooks are diverse.
However, when a man pulls away from the woman he’s seeing, there’s usually a specific reason for it.
Here are three HUGE mistakes women make that push men away every time…
1. Being Clingy
If there’s one thing that’ll send any man running, it’s a clingy woman.
There’s nothing wrong with being affectionate or showing him that he’s on your mind. But when you make him your be and end all, he’ll start to feel smothered.
When this happens he’ll try to regain his independence by pulling away.
What’s worse is when you make it known that you’re falling for him, too quickly. Since men are looking for fun in the beginning of a relationship, letting him know that you’re already planning your future together will scare him away if he isn’t already on the same page.
Instead of committing yourself to the relationship before he’s decided that he wants to commit himself to it, it’s crucial that you remain calm, cool and collected.
Remember, if a man senses that a woman wants more from him and the relationship than he’s prepared to give, he will pull away.
2. Being Insecure
Studies have shown that 97% of women are unhappy with their bodies at least once a day.
However, when it comes to relationships flooding a man with your insecurities is incredibly unattractive.
There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable enough with each other to talk about the challenges you’ve faced in your life or some of the obstacles you’re dealing with…
The problem comes when you start baiting a man for compliments like the “do these jeans make me look fat” trick or attacking him anytime an attractive woman talks to him… then you’re just digging yourself a relationship grave.
The problem is that once your insecurities start to flood out there’s no going back. Instead of pushing him away with your self-doubts, show him your happy-go-lucky side and he’ll be hooked.
A good tip to follow is to pretend that every date with your man is a first because there’s no way you’d let him see this side of you then.
For more ideas on how to boost your self confidence click here and watch this free video presentation from relationship expert Amy North.
3. Being Unhappy Without Him
The worst thing you can do is to make a man the sole source of your happiness. Men catch on to this very quickly and it can do serious damage to your relationship and push him away quickly.
Here’s the problem: this type of situation makes him feel pressured to keep you content.
And most people have a hard enough time keeping themselves happy, let alone another human being!
Instead of relying on him to keep you smiling, make the most of your life. Find ways to make yourself happy…
When you do it’ll improve the overall quality of your relationship, not only with him, but with everyone else in your life.
For a deeper insight on what pushes men away take a moment and watch this free video presentation.