How to Make Him Worship You.

How to Make Him Worship You

There seems to be a lot of information across the internet about how to make a guy like you. And sure, it’s nice to have guys notice you, flirt with you, and be your friend. It’s also nice to have a friend with benefits, or a boyfriend, or a husband and so on.

But let’s get real for a second. What if you could have more? But what’s more? Isn’t a husband the ultimate goal? Sure, having that commitment says a lot about your ability to hold a man’s love and trust, but do you know how to make him adore you?


Make Him Worship You

What about having a man or husband that absolutely WORSHIPS you? He doesn’t just like you, he doesn’t just love you. He’s not interested in just sex, or just romance. He loves you so much that he would do anything for you. Unconditional love! When you make him worship you, you’ll find your love to grow.

So strong that your man would do anything for you.

Don’t feel guilty. There’s nothing weird about desiring that. We all want unconditional love. We crave it…but we don’t really believe in it, do we? It seems like every relationship is based on give and take, 50/50, teamwork, and equal rights. It doesn’t seem like a “worshiping” relationship would work, since this indicates one partner holds all the power and the other one is treated like a happy slave.

But that’s the wrong way of looking at it. It’s not about power, it’s not about dominating the relationship. It’s about creating a stronger and more honest bond between the both of you. A relationship where he will worship you BECAUSE he wants to please you, fulfill your every fantasy, and make you feel loved without inhibitions.


Make Him Worship You

Want to learn how to make him worship you? Ready to discover how to make a man fall deeply in love with you? Let’s review the key steps in building a relationship based on unconditional love, one where he will worship you for the rest of your life.


1. Take an interest in HIM, don’t just let him fawn over you.

It’s easy to succumb to the temptation of letting a man worship you based on your beauty. The problem is men eventually move on from that. What truly lasts a lifetime however is taking an interest in your man’s life. From the very beginning, show interest in him as an individual. Be a good listener. To make him adore you, you must adore him.

Be interested in what makes him unique. That includes his hobbies, ambitions, passions, likes and dislikes and life goals. Some single women simply don’t care about the men they date. They’re only interested in what makes them valuable, what makes them sexy or successful. So imagine how impressed a guy feels when someone actually finds his personal life and career ambitions interesting. She wants to talk in depth about HIM. His interest perks right up!


2. Show him how you feel.

I know, it’s a big no-no to tell a man that you like him first. But here’s the thing. Men actually love it when women express their feelings. Men admire passion, they admire women who are emotional in a positive way – confident and expressive!

In many cases, he’s probably counting on you to be expressive and to draw more emotion and conversation out of him! He will worship you when you take the time to express your emotions and provoke his feelings.

Rather than telling him that you like him, instead try to SHOW him how you feel. At least give him a hint through conversation that YES, I feel the same way about you that you do about me. This might involve touching him, more eye contact, or being more honest about how you feel when you’re together. It might also involve talking to him about important things and having deeper and more intimate conversations.

A man can’t worship you if you’re too afraid to be vulnerable in his presence. Trust him. Let him trust you. Bond together through experiences and discussion. Make him adore you through open, honest, intimate communication to let your ever growing love blossom into something unconditional.


3. Use your skills to pamper him, surprise him and spoil him with love.

Want to learn how to make a man adore you? Spoil him first.

Every man has an inner child who loves to be spoiled with love. So spend a day pampering him whenever you can afford to. Cook something he loves on a special day. Tantalize him with a sexy roleplay and a new costume one night. Give him a massage. Surprise him by taking him somewhere he enjoys for his birthday, like a sporting event. Buy him something you know he’s been wanting. Show him random acts of kindness and remind him of how much you love each other. He’ll be forever grateful to have someone that loves him unconditionally… and he will worship you and return the favor.


4. Don’t push him or leave him…tease him!

Your first reaction might be to push him towards commitment or to move on to someone else if you sense he’s stalling. But what if there was a third option? What if there was a way to make him worship you via teasing?

What if you took your time dating? Spending more time getting to know each other and slowing things down will keep him coming back for more. Focus on the joy of the moment. Be mysterious. Flirt with him even after you’re together, just to surprise him.

If you find out he likes specific qualities in women then start projecting those qualities, letting him see what a perfect couple you make. That’s the kind of playfulness men find irresistible.

There’s no reason to rush into a relationship if you’re both having fun and enjoying the early stages of dating. Understanding how to make him worship you is all about diving deep into the purpose of your relationship, navigating what works and what doesn’t.Learn to tease him in a playful way so that he always wants more. Leaving him wanting more makes him fantasize about marriage and commitment. He wonders how amazing it would be to know you completely and to have a closer and more intimate relationship with you.

Keep him wanting more, even after marriage and family, and he will worship you for a lifetime.


5. Take pride in your accomplishments.

Finally, the best way to make him worship you is to push yourself to be better, to be a “high value” woman that leaves him in awe. Don’t settle for beauty.

Bedazzle him with your brains, your intellect and your intuition. Touch his heart by talking about social causes that matter to you. Show him your humanitarian side. Have your own hobbies and show him your skills so that he realizes how unique you are, even among other beautiful women. Soon enough, you’ll make him adore you without an end in sight.

Yes, being worshiped is all about maintaining your own high value (staying attractive and constantly improving yourself) and also appreciating his high-value. Support his career, believe in his work (even if others don’t). Most of all, appreciate his ambition, loving not just his potential to be great, but the man he already is today.

Don’t settle for romance when you can build an even stronger relationship. Go the distance and surpass all the other girls who like him, by becoming the woman of his dreams and he will worship you for an eternity!


The 5 Word Phrase That Destroys a Man’s Love For You And Drives Him Out Of Your Life

There’s a simple 5 word phrase that will destroy any man’s love for you and drive him out of your life completely…

It usually comes out as an honest question when you want to connect with him…

But only serves to push him away and slowly kill your relationship from the inside out…

It can take a man who is filled with love and passion for you…

And make him feel cold, distant, and uninterested…

Have you figured out what it is yet?

Many women send this as a text message when they’re feeling insecure…

And then are confused why he suddenly pulls away and disappears completely…

Most of the women who ask it don’t even know how harmful it is…

Yet it can take a relationship that seems like it’s perfect…

A relationship where you feel loved, cared for, and like you’ve finally found “the one”…

And overnight, it can tear that relationship apart…

Leaving you confused, frustrated, and heartbroken…

If you don’t know what this simple yet seemingly innocent question is…

I want you to stop what you’re doing and go watch this video presentation that I put together for you at the link below…

Click here to watch the video now <<

My name is Matthew Coast and I’ve been teaching in the dating industry on since 2005…

I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of women, all over the world…

Get into relationships where they feel loved, seen, and cherished by the men they’re with…

When you click the link this link right here <<

I show you what this 5 word phrase is…

I’ll teach you about why men pull away, how to stop it from happening…

And how to attract the man you want…

Into a relationship where you’re loved and adored and treated like a priority…

No matter how painful things have been in your past…

You can attract a great man and have a great relationship…

Just click the link on your screen and the watch the video right now…

If you’re struggling with men pulling away from you…

If you’re tired of giving everything to a relationship and only being taken for granted…

And if you’re ready to have a man see you as a woman that he wants to be with forever…

Click this link to watch my video right now <<

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