How To Keep Him Interested In You Forever.

How To Keep Him Interested In You Forever

“I once had a thousand desires. But in my one desire to know you, all else melted away.”

– Rumi

Rita, a massage therapist from San Diego, was fresh from a breakup when she met Henry.

Her ex walked out on her without warning after five whole years of being together. So, she was keen on starting over with her new guy.

She’d only been seeing Henry for a couple of months, but she knew he was different from the guys she’d been seeing during the short time she became single.

Several dates later, everything was going great…

…until, well, they weren’t.

Henry was super affectionate and constantly updating Rita with what he was up to. If he wasn’t sending funny messages throughout the day, he’d fire off a quirky picture with a silly caption.

But then the communication slowed down to the point Rita had to text him a few times before he’d send a half-hearted reply. She practically had to beg him to make plans before they could go out again.

Henry’s behavior left Rita scratching her head in confusion. What made matters worse that her old fears of being left hanging in the air started to bubble to the surface.

She thought to herself, “Who is this guy texting me lukewarm ‘ok’s…and what has he done with the real Henry?”


How to Keep That Spark Burning

It’s pretty ironic that someone who has a job like Rita’s would have a hard time keeping a guy’s interest, isn’t it?

Ok, kidding aside, there are some things a woman can do to make sure her guy doesn’t ever get bored or think about leaving.

And most women think that he needs to feel a certain way all the time, like being head over heels IN LOVE 24/7.

But the truth is that romantic love ebbs and flows over time. Emotions (and people) evolve in a relationship, and it’s not about constantly being in a lovestruck state for years and years.

Those rose-colored glasses will come off at one point, and a deeper, more mature kind love will blossom in your relationship.

You can help that natural process move along if you give him the signs that you’re a solid partner.

And that starts with creating a stable, grounded relationship that can get through the roughest patches and stay generally positive throughout.

If this climate exists between you two, he’ll stick around no matter how long (or short) you’ve been together.

You just need to cultivate the right habits to make this happen:


#1: Make him work for it

You see, the hottest relationships are all about push and pull. This is a dynamic where a person pushes their partner into making them feel attractive, desired and the most amazing person they’ve met.

Then the person doing the pushing withdraws a bit – or pulls away – so that they reverse roles with their partner. This way, the hunter becomes the hunted.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Sometimes, you might push too hard that your guy feels smothered. Or he might give up and lose interest if you play “hard to get” too much.

So, it’s a rather delicate balance to achieve. But when it’s done right, it’s tons of FUN.

Here are a few ways to create this dynamic:

  • Don’t be available ALL the time. Keep your schedule balanced and keep doing all the stuff that keeps you happy, fulfilled, refreshed and revitalized.
  • Have a hobby or passion that doesn’t necessarily pay the bills, but makes you, YOU. Men are interested in a woman who makes it a point to be interesting. This works great because it gives you an additional sense of purpose while effortlessly impressing your guy in the process.
  • Let your guy DO his own stuff, too. If he says he’s going fishing with the boys or anything else that involves hanging out with them, LET HIM. This sounds like common sense…that is, until the neediness monster takes over. Don’t drop by with a pizza to “see how he’s doing”, or bombard him with a bunch of texts asking him to check in with you. All guys in a relationship need to feel free – within a reasonable level, of course.
  • Introduce a little tension. Tease him a bit and be playful. Bust his chops every now and then and give him a hard time like his pals do. In some ways, he’s still that kid at the playground trying to catch a girl’s attention by poking fun at her and launching spitballs or whatever. So flirting with him flips the script, keeps him on his toes and hot on your trail.


#2: Be his number one fan

If you want your man to stay in the game, take the initiative by setting the bar.

Show him the same behavior you’d like to see from him. Having his back is a good way to do that.

A guy needs to know that you appreciate and cherish who he is now, and who he’s capable of being in the future. This makes him feel accepted and secure in the knowledge that you’re rooting for him.

That means he doesn’t have to hold back some part of himself because he has no reason to. He knows he can be himself, including being vulnerable around you.

And when he can let his guard down with you, it’s a huge sign of TRUST, which is the building block of any successful relationship.


#3: Build those inner roads

A guy is more likely to stay when his woman knows how to make him feel connected to her.

You can do this by having a good layout of his world. There are a lot of things that occupy his thoughts and make up who he is.

So the more you’re aware of this, the more he’ll know that you care about him as a WHOLE.

Sad to say, but a lot of men bail because they feel their partner is more concerned about filling THAT role in her life, rather than seeing them as a person.

That said, try to familiarize yourself with the following:

  • Who’s the biggest person giving him a hard time at work?
  • Who are his closest friends?
  • Who were his heroes growing up?
  • What’s the one thing keeping him up at night?
  • What’s his greatest fear?
  • What are the things he hasn’t accomplished yet, and would like to do in the next five years?
  • If money wasn’t a thing, what would be the perfect job for him?


#4: Make it OK for him to disagree with you

Oftentimes a guy is afraid that he can’t be honest about his thoughts or opinions with his girl.

He’s worried she’s going to freak out or get into a screaming argument about it.

(Most of the time, in that order.)

Worse, a lot of men have been burned by past partners who tell them it’s ok to be honest…but proceed with said behavior.

To a guy, that’s like asking him to walk through a door…

…with Jason from Friday the 13th waiting with a chainsaw on the other side.

Admittedly, it takes a certain level of maturity to get to a place where you can accept your differences without attacking each other.

And to be perfectly honest, guys are also guilty of this one, too. But to them though, this is a particularly sore spot.

So, if you’re able to handle his opinions and not fly off the handle, he’ll feel more safe around you.


#5: Tune into his needs

“Well, wait a minute,” you might say. “What about MY needs? Do you expect me to live to please him? Isn’t that one-sided??”

Listen, I get you. No one in their right mind would expect to do ALL the work while the other person sits back and eats their proverbial cake.

If he’s self-centered and makes the relationship all about him, you shouldn’t waste your time on that kind of man. Fair enough, right?

But if you’re with a swell guy (and I’m guessing that he is), your happiness is on his priority list. It’s in every decent guy’s DNA to make sure of that.

And going back to what I said before about setting the bar, a man also loves a woman who can meet him halfway on this.

So build on the habit of getting to know him better, then use that knowledge to give him what he needs.

When you have a good grasp of what he likes and doesn’t like, it’s easy to do little things that make him feel special and valued.

Stuff like his favorite movies, top food choices, interests and hobbies will give you a good idea of the things you can do for him.

The more personalized your acts of kindness are, the bigger effect they’ll have on your man.


#6: Don’t neglect yourself

I said earlier that you shouldn’t let your passions, social life and career slide because they make you the woman he loves.

And the other side of that coin is taking care of yourself on a more basic level – mainly your looks and well-being.

Now, I’m not saying he shouldn’t do the same…

…I just mean that you should do your part no matter what.

Again, it’s on him if he’s not meeting you halfway.

But here’s the thing: men are NOT after perfection or supermodel-like features in a long-term partner. Deep inside, they know that only gets your foot in the door.

In the bigger scheme of things, he just wants to know you’re making the EFFORT.

That’s it.

He just needs to know you care about looking good around him, and caring about yourself in general.

So, that means being on top of the big three: Fitness, Health and Fashion.

Look at it this way – you’re going to have to do this whether you’re single or in a relationship.

So it’s better to be up to scratch on this stuff – and get a serious partner out of it in the process!


#7: Keep him busy in the bedroom

Of course I’m going to talk about this. I might sound a little harsh about this, but the sexual component is a non-negotiable in your relationship.

Otherwise, you might end up with a good friend instead of a romantic partner.

So, make him feel like he’s the hottest guy you’ve met.

He knows full well he’s no Brad Pitt (but good on you if he does look like him), but it still matters to him that you DESIRE him that way.

Men want to be WANTED, just like you do. And when you only have eyes for each other – he won’t look elsewhere.

For starters, don’t be afraid to get tactile with him even when you’re not doing the deed. Hold his hand in public, touch his arm often and give him a kiss before parting ways.

As for the main event, communicate your desires to him when you’re in the heat of the moment.

Tell him when he’s doing it right, get a bit vocal and compliment him on his masculinity.

As far as the bigger picture’s concerned, guys aren’t after the perfect partner or relationship.

They’re more interested in someone who’s just as on board as they are – and more importantly, reassures them that they’re committing to the RIGHT girl.

Once your guy knows he’s making the right choice by being with you, you won’t have to worry about where you stand with him.

But if you’re doing everything possible to keep your man interested and it STILL seems like he’s slipping away, you shouldn’t blame yourself.

Every guy is different, and he has his reasons for withdrawing that have nothing to do with you.


This 1 Mistake Makes Him Lose His Desire to Commit

If you’re in a casual, friend with benefits, “situationship” with a guy that you have feelings for but he doesn’t feel the same way or he won’t commit to you

If you’re sitting around waiting for a man to commit to you and questioning whether you should walk away or give him more time

If you’re single and you feel like all the men you meet just want sex, don’t put in any effort, or are all talk and no action

If you’re tired of all the games, putting in all the effort while getting nothing back, and men who are confused or not sure what they really want…

Make sure you NEVER press his “commitment phobia button” or else he’ll feel like you’re the WRONG woman for him.

He’ll begin to feel unsure, confused, and avoid the topic altogether.

Click here to learn more

Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

P.S. If a man IS commitment-phobic, your best chance of making him crave a commitment with you is to use something I call, “The Power Phrase.”

Many times, this is EXACTLY what he needs to hear to commit.

Click here to learn more


43 thoughts on “How To Keep Him Interested In You Forever”

    1. I have actually found the love of my life and it only took 6 years! After a divorce and three kids later I thought I would never move on, until I met Stephen. He is the man i have dreamed about since i was little. He can make me smile anytime of day and we are 3 hours away from eachother but we have made it a whole year now and I would I still feel just as in love with him as i ever have if not more. This is very informative and confirming alot of things on this list i was already doing without knowing it! So this actually works! Stimulating his mind from 3 hours away is so amazing to do and he feels like we have never left eachothers arms and we are closer than ever. You dont need a whole lot of ingredients just the right amount with a couple of curve balls to top it off! Thank you for the encouragement!

      1. Kristen how ironic I am in the same situation that you are except we’re just 2 hours away and it still feels like we first met I must admit sometimes it gets a little hard but when I talk to him all of those scary feelings just go away good luck and I wish you the best in the future with the man of your dreams.

  1. I have learned so much over the past year! And always look forward to keeping things going strong!I did learn that my fiance was using tips and copying and pasting love poems,etc. Was kinda upset at first, until you made me realize that at least he still cares enough to keep his end of romance up!

  2. I felt like this was directed to me personally. I have a habit of being the one to go after what I want. I feel like I am a over communicator at times. I can usually catch the attention of men, but don’t ever seem to be able to keep them.
    I appreciate all the advice that you have given and I really am going to give it a try.

    1. Melissa
      Your post could have been written by me. I had to learn the hard way again and again before I decided it was something about my long term communication with men that was not working. Now, I am in a beautiful relationship for a year and so happy !
      How? Lean back and smile a lot.

  3. I wish there was more advice for those of us who have reconnected with someone we knew in school and grew up with . We never dated but always had a crush on each other. It’s only been a month but everything you have mentioned is true and works like a charm. But it’s cone naturally so far. I will continue with your amazing advice.

      1. I reconnected with someone that I had a crush on since Jr. High school, but we actually had a somewhat thing going on until he moved miles away. He asked me to visit him and I did just that. Well I thought thing were going okay then one day the daily Good morning and I miss you stopped. I had a strong feeling he was seeing someone, but he kept saying he was single.
        Do I just need to stop trying or give him time?

  4. 3 mo. ago he left me for other woman after 22 yrs. Says loves me, not in love. Comes b ack to work it out, ok but no sex (he can’t perform) and leaves week or 2 later (several times) goes back to her. Read all your info, anything I can do to keep him for good?

  5. Virginia HarrisEl

    I really need this, I’ve been with a man I love for 3 years and I’m not sure what to call us. I need help.

  6. He is not in touch with me. I feel lost the connection sometimes. Doesn’t answer me my mail s. Isn’t he interested . And yes does not reveal much about himself so difficult to comprehend the situation and relationship. Last never met him, tell me the validity of the love type of relationship. Cos u r the coach or guide . Let me understand I’m very much REALLY confused .

  7. What if he acts not interested and says he likes his alone time and then makes a point to say hi when he sees me? There’s mixed signals also. I’m a widow and I’m new at this one night standards. I’m not a CHARITY CASE ! Dint feel sorry for me !! If your not interested just say so. But do I say something to him??

    1. He was blunt from get go, he’s not interested and he just sees you as a friend. He’s not sending out mixed signals what you’ve mentioned, he was just blunt from the beginning. Avoid those booty calls as it only benefits man and very rarely turns into anything, if your the booty call (him getting sex), walk away.

  8. My husband has lost interest in me having sex but left with responsibility . He once got an escort to satisfied. We talked and decided to give it a try but he havent been initiating for a yr now. We decided to try again on this rs but Not sure how can i keep the sparks.

  9. I have a guy we met online we have spent only 2 months in this relationship but these days he has changed he doesn’t reply my messages what should I do

  10. Question. I was having a short conversation with another guy in passing, and he got upset at me and said it was over. Is there a way to bounce back from that? Is there a way to convince him that I wasn’t interested in another guy the same way as him, and can I use the techniques to get him back on track with me?

  11. I did all of this right. Thought we wereon the same page with everything. And he broke up with me yesterday out of the blue.

  12. My husband is not happy because I am not staying with him simply because I stay in different state and we are already married but no kids been away because of the inheritance my late parent leave for me but the will said until I am married and now I am married but the debt of taxes on the co partnership company have been paying since I lost my parents keep me away from my love please advice me what to do about this my husband need me and I need him as well

  13. Words that can proof I love him but circumstance and distance kept causing issues and I need to get my inheritance before I can leave my state to him…but he want me home please what words can I tell him on phone to show I want to come also but my name on inheritance keep me here kindly give me advice

  14. In chat relationship since 10 months, never met, videocalls. We were attracted one each other, but now he just want to be a friend. We tried to met, but he left away at the last time, and the second time I made the same. I think he’s a great guy, but I don”t know what to think about this story. Maybe a wrong story?

  15. I’ve tried it all and I really thought that we could move past our mistakes as we both had cheated on one another!!

    Now he’s doing the same thing he did when I found out the first time hiding his phone and he’s SUPER SUPER ADDICTED NTO PORN!
    I’ve tried it all and nothing works I think jots time to think about me

  16. Karen Phillips

    My man is constantly saying he is done with me we r over and he is always talking to other women we have been together for t years now and he is my perfect match we have alot of the same interests and he has always said I have always had his heart and now I’m not so sure

  17. Have a great man, we get along awesome, one problem I’m the more physical partner. Now he is an introvert and honestly has not in his 40’s been in many real relationships . He is very respectful and loving just not sure how he might take the more sexual freaky sex. Now he says he is open to anything but not sure how to get him really there. We just got engaged and need to know how if i just take charge and have more foreplay and playful sex. I think he has had a sheltered sex life and I don’t want to come on to strong but I plan to spend the rest of my life with him then I need little more spice and I have been up front about my sexual likes. So do I go for it ?

  18. All of this was very informative and I do have a guy friends with benefits but we were friends for 15 years before anything happened He said he can talk to me about anything. And vice versa I did sort of gave him the ultimate but changed my mine the same day and said it wasn’t worth loosing a friendship. I would be happy just knowing we have that Candace Sur

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