How do they do it? Couples in loving relationships that can go for years without a major incident. Maybe you’ve even known of couples that last 40 or 50 years, or until death just like their vows said. What made them special? Were they products of the greatest generation? Is it unrealistic to think someone from our age could ever have a relationship so devoted and caring?
Of course not. If you want a marriage like that, you can have it. It takes some patience and learning, but that’s exactly what those long-lasting couples did back in the day. They were committed to each other and wouldn’t give up just because they faced challenges. One great help was keeping up the daily routine. Not all routines are bad. Keeping up these 11 daily habits (that the strongest couples in loving relationships kept) will help you to stay focused on what’s really important.
1. Be physically intimate every day.
You don’t have to have sex every day, but physical displays of affection are important. Whether it’s a hug, kiss, embrace or several minutes of cuddling time before bed, this is what keeps a relationship warm and intimate. You strengthen the bond between you.
2. You talk about your day with open-ended questions.
Asking in one sentence how your partner’s day was, and getting a one-word answer, is where familiarity breeds contempt. However, the reason this gets tiresome is because it feels so formal. Change that by asking open-ended questions, getting your partner to talk more about what thoughts he had, what happened, and what he feels like doing.
3. Strengthen your connection by trying new experiences.
Chemistry between you and your partner works best when you build upon what you already know with new experiences. Try new things, not just sexually or romantically, but simply living every moment to its fullest. Try new activities on your day off and read about new things every day so you can share a new conversation. It makes life so much more fun!
4. Compliment, compliment, compliment!
There’s no reason to play it coy anymore. When you live together every little bit of kindness helps your partner get through another day. Reminding him that he’s handsome, so funny, so smart or any number of compliments that will make him smile are always worth it!
5. Find reasons to laugh every day.
A day without laughter might as well be a wasted day. Take every opportunity to make your partner laugh or to laugh with him at something funny he said. Watch funny things on TV or online. Find the humor in everyday foibles. This will reduce stress and build a stronger bond.
6. Forgive each other each day.
It’s best to not even try keeping track of every time your partner annoys you. In fact, just make it a daily occurrence to forgive freely. Let that argument go. Forgive him for being crass. Laugh at him if he does something silly rather than picking apart his every action and taking offense. Accept him for who he is, the same man you fell in love with. He will do the same for you and you’ll find far less conflict on a daily basis.
7. Talk about each other’s wishes, desires, and dreams.
The future may be uncertain and a dreaded topic but by sticking to the positives you can always have a meaningful conversation. Ask him what he wants to do in the distant future, the near future, and even this month and this week. Challenge him to do something fun! This not only makes life more exciting but also reminds the both of you that your commitment together is firm, even as you make future plans.
8. Look for the positives with a 3-1 ratio.
Research has shown that when there is a 3-1 ratio of positive experiences to negative experiences, couples tend to be much happier. Knowing that, make a conscious effort to find three positives for every negative. It will help you think positively and also take the time to appreciate the little things in life we sometimes take for granted.
9. Give him some independent time.
You both need some time to be apart and do your own thing. You may have hobbies you enjoy separately and that’s fine. It just makes you appreciate the times you come together and have a good time all the more so. Men enjoy feeling independent, just as much as they enjoy providing for you. It’s part of a man’s nature to be alone and get in touch with his thoughts. It helps him sort out how he feels and that in turn improves communication with you. So let him take a walk, surf online or do what he enjoys doing. Try your own passions and hobbies. It gives you both something to talk about!
10. Take action.
While you might not get an opportunity every single day to take strong action, overall, taking action in a relationship is so much more important than promising. There’s sure to come a time when your partner hurts your feelings or vice versa. Don’t ignore his feelings or dismiss them. Talk things out. But instead of arguing for superiority in the argument, spend more time expressing your feelings and getting him to express why he’s upset. Then, rather than merely promise or simply say you’re sorry (which is good too) do something actionable to prove how seriously you’re taking this discussion. Are you sorry you hurt his feelings? Then don’t just apologize and stare…hug him or kiss him. Let him feel positive emotions. That helps diffuse arguments.
11. Embrace ritual—it really does help keep us together.
There are good routines and tedious routines. Good routines: eating, drinking, sleeping and laughing! Bad routines: having the same argument, having the same boring conversation, trying the same sexual routine. The difference is that you enjoy doing the fun rituals and avoid the negative rituals. Many psychologists actually state that creating fun rituals together actually strengthens marriage. Whether it’s going to bed at the same time or making one day a week date night, morning coffee, or even coming together for your favorite show, these rituals help to bring security and comfort to your daily routine. They’re also subtle ways to show your partner you love him!
At some point, all couples learn that active and unending love is about the little things, the daily interactions. Embrace this philosophy and make every day count!
The 5 Word Phrase That Destroys a Man’s Love For You And Drives Him Out Of Your Life
There’s a simple 5 word phrase that will destroy any man’s love for you and drive him out of your life completely…
It usually comes out as an honest question when you want to connect with him…
But only serves to push him away and slowly kill your relationship from the inside out…
It can take a man who is filled with love and passion for you…
And make him feel cold, distant, and uninterested…
Have you figured out what it is yet?
Many women send this as a text message when they’re feeling insecure…
And then are confused why he suddenly pulls away and disappears completely…
Most of the women who ask it don’t even know how harmful it is…
Yet it can take a relationship that seems like it’s perfect…
A relationship where you feel loved, cared for, and like you’ve finally found “the one”…
And overnight, it can tear that relationship apart…
Leaving you confused, frustrated, and heartbroken…
If you don’t know what this simple yet seemingly innocent question is…
I want you to stop what you’re doing and go watch this video presentation that I put together for you at the link below…
Click here to watch the video now <<
My name is Matthew Coast and I’ve been teaching in the dating industry on since 2005…
I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of women, all over the world…
Get into relationships where they feel loved, seen, and cherished by the men they’re with…
When you click the link this link right here <<
I show you what this 5 word phrase is…
I’ll teach you about why men pull away, how to stop it from happening…
And how to attract the man you want…
Into a relationship where you’re loved and adored and treated like a priority…
No matter how painful things have been in your past…
You can attract a great man and have a great relationship…
Just click the link on your screen and the watch the video right now…
If you’re struggling with men pulling away from you…
If you’re tired of giving everything to a relationship and only being taken for granted…
And if you’re ready to have a man see you as a woman that he wants to be with forever…
Click this link to watch my video right now <<
Ilove your advice, thank you so much. I’ve been to multp universities and never was taught these life needed things you advise.
I’m in a long distance relationship we see each other once a month I can apply this to my case we text and video chat maybe every 2 to 3 a week He works 13 hour days.
I appreciate the advice. I’m 74 years young & recently widowed. Caught up with old school friend who is same age. He’s buff & active. He’s an Aries & I’m a cancer. He’s very active & fit. I’m laid back & going to gym to stay fit. I really have learned a lot from your expertise. Please continue to advise those of us who need help.
Thank you
Hi Barbara, I was inspired to write back to you, my Mum was suddenly widowed at 73. She got back out into the world met a lovely man who was 70 who does marathon running. They met online and they have been together 4 years, he introduced her to hiking, camping, 5km running and she’s never been so fit and healthy. She misses her late husband of 38 years and loves him but she has embraced her new life. I wish you the very best with your new friend and much happiness for the years ahead.
I have been with my relationship for 13 years. We have 5 kids together. I always make time for him no matter if I’m in a bad mood, good mood, or how tired, I’m willing to hear what he has to say. However, when it comes to me wanting to address, express my issues, problems, or what bothers me he’s never willing to hear me out or let me finish what I had to say. So, I rather keep it to myself. It’s not a healthy relationship, please if you ever run into a situation like mine, run and don’t look back.
Loved the article
I read this article aloud to my partner and it was really helpful in confirming to the both of us what more we could be doing to strengthen our bond. Matthew Coast is bright and informative and has been very helpful to both my partner and myself and we look forward to many more articles from him.
I am proud to say I was in a relationship that we practiced this often minus a lot of affection but we lived together for almost 2 yrs but I am sad to say he left me for another that he is now living with since July when we split an I miss our friendship desperately!!
Relationships are risky enough . Women especially should be careful not to make it too convenient for a man to have such easy access to her without legal documentation, Times may change, however certain factors about Women have not changed,i.e having the most responsibility when it comes to birth control,as well as hormonal influences affecting the emotions of attachment and other psychological needs❣️☮️
Matthew, you always have good advice. I agree with all your points. When I was married we didn’t do half these suggestions. I’m in a new relationship in my 70s and we try to do these everyday. We take great care with each other and never take anything for granted. I never knew what a good fulfilling and happy relationship was until now. It seems very common-sense but I wish everyone knew this. Keep up the good work! You are helping a lot of people live their best lives.