What Do Guys Like In a Girl.

What Do Guys Like In a Girl?

Guys will always be attentive to an attractive woman, that’s just biological! But that’s the catch about handsome and successful men. They’re always interested…until they sleep with you and that’s when they lose interest, right?

To some extent, yes that’s true but it’s not actually the insatiable sex drive of a man that causes the problem. The problem is that some women sleep with a guy too soon, after feeling an attraction and some hint of a connection…but not realizing that the guy was really not all that impressed with them.

The answer then in getting guys to seriously like you is to focus on changing the way you communicate – and changing your behavior to more accurately reflect the way you feel in real life, rather than giving guys what you think they want.

Let’s break it down by a few simple points, explaining what men actually want in a woman and behaviors qualify you as someone “special”, someone that captivates their imagination.

1. Guys like girls that are strong but feminine.

Two misconceptions: One, guys like weak women – no way! They may have sex with a weak woman but they can’t be with someone they don’t respect for the long-term. Two, guys like aggressive and empowered women. Well, maybe some do…but the majority don’t!

It’s not that guys are anti-feminist or anything like that. They just prefer to chase. They want to feel as if the attraction is coming from them. They want to feel the rush of trying to impress you and working for your attention. A woman who is too sexually aggressive, or too intellectually competitive, or too desperate for a man’s approval will be one night stands only (if even that). Men crave feminine women…it makes them feel macho and confident. And there’s nothing wrong or weak about letting a man chase you, since he enjoys it so much!

2. Guys like girls with high confidence.

Another misunderstood concept. Men are not turned on by arrogant women or by women who have a “witch shield” up and are unfriendly. That’s not what confidence is. Confidence means that you are in control of your own life. You are happy in who you are. But at the same time, you’re not a push over. You demand respect from people, just as you give them the respect they want. You have good reason to be confident because it comes from within…namely…

3. Guys like girls who are very intelligent (but mature about it).

Whoever said that men don’t like brainy girls is sorely mistaken. What they don’t like is women who lecture them, or try to be smarter and competitive. This is what turns men off. The idea of a brainy woman on his side is a great comfort to a man. He wants you to be intelligent and good at what you do because this will make you a better person. And yes, this high level of intelligence does help you to become a more confident person.

4. Guys like girls who are fiercely independent.

Yes fiercely being the keyword. Because men are hardwired to “protect women”, and to take care of “weak women.” This is precisely why strong-minded and independent women are such a mysterious and challenging idea to a man. He wants you to need him, just a little maybe, but that’s just not who you are. You are in complete control of your own life and you don’t need his approval to be happy. He finds this attitude – that you like him, but don’t need him – very irresistible. It’s what makes him fight for your attention.

5. Guys like girls who have an expressive body all around.

Men want communication and talking is maybe about 40-50 percent of bonding. They also pay attention to your body language (are you “interested” in the way you stand and use gestures?) and eye contact. Furthermore, they love a woman with an expressive face. Your reactions to what they say excite him; it gives him more energy and more creativity to keep flirting. You don’t have to laugh at everything he says. Sometimes just an expressive face (a naughty smile, a roll of your eyes, a teethy smile, a wink, a skeptical raise of the eyebrow) can be communicative.

6. Guys like girls who are naturally playful.

A lot is written in dating today, saying the men should be less “boring” and more playful, more flirty on dates. And the same is true of women! We are simply cheating ourselves out of the joy of dating if we’re trying so hard to be well-behaved and perfectly civil. That’s not sexy or fun. Instead, learn to tease the guy. Be upbeat and fun. Have a sense of humor and poke him just a little to get a smile. Guys love it when a woman entertains herself and makes the conversation fun. Then they GET as much out of the experience as they GIVE.

7. Guys like superheroines.

There I said it. Get the idea of being a “bad girl” out of your mind, because only really screwed up guys are looking for a dysfunctional relationship! You can be bad in the bedroom all you want…

But focus on being a good person in a relationship. There’s no reason to manipulate his emotions or bring negativity to this friendship. Guys are attracted to women who are considerate of their feelings. They’re attracted to women that show respect as a mature person, with nothing to prove. They’re attracted to women who are kind to their family members and friends – who have empathy for the people she meets.

And yes, the more you do for others – for your community, for charity, for people who are in need, the more men are fascinated with your life.

They really do just want to marry Wonder Woman, or maybe Bat-Girl (you know if they like the mysterious type). Be a nice girl…but don’t be boring. He will admire your convictions and morals.

As you can see it’s not difficult to be a woman men are attracted to and interested in for the long-term. It’s just a matter of improving communication and speaking their language!

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Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

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