Are things progressing quickly between you and a guy? Is your guy seriously falling for you and is the passion becoming more intense?
Then now is not the time to sit back, throw your feet up and chill. Now is the time to ESCALATE the romance and literally melt him! The goal should be to come up with texts that are not too cutesy, but just sweet enough to make his heart tingle. Let’s discuss 10 good night texts that are sure to leave him under your love spell.
1. “I don’t know what this is between us…but I don’t want it to stop.”
Great line for early courtship that’s escalating fast. Neither of you have committed to anything but you both are constantly thinking about the sexual tension. You both wonder if there might be romance in your future. You don’t jump ahead of him by saying, “I love you!” But you get the ball rolling by saying what you’re both thinking…whatever this is, we need to explore it. We need to date and see where this strong attraction goes. A magical text that will definitely get an enthusiastic reply!
2. “I love texting you goodnight… but I really prefer whispering it in your ear.”
Great text for increasing the desire for physical intimacy. You remind your boyfriend of the distance between you, as well as the longing to feel each other with all five senses. At the same, you’re not actually fast-forwarding to marriage or living together. You’re just focusing on how good it feels to be intimate.
3. “I wish I could use your chest as a pillow.”
Wonderful text, especially after you both want each other, but before sex happens. Remind your crush / boyfriend in a somewhat innocent way, that physical connection would feel amazing. Not just the sex, which is implied, but the warm and inviting afterglow.
4. “I’m sleepy… but I don’t want to stop chatting with you.”
A woman falling asleep in a man’s “virtual arms” is an underrated aphrodisiac for a man. Usually, a woman leaves after sex or after a good date. But this one flatters his ego, reminding him that he’s just so interesting, she doesn’t want to stop the conversation. She wants to keep talking…and if only they were together, she would talk until she falls asleep in his arms.
5. “I usually sleep naked… though sometimes I buy a new nightgown just for you.”
Tease him sexually, because teasing is what he wants the most. Appeal to his visual side by painting him a pretty picture of how you sleep—and how you would look cuddled up next to him. Men are visual creatures and so of all the five senses, they will appreciate strong and erotic images the most.
6. “If you were here with me right now… I wouldn’t let you sleep.”
Excellent line, especially before sex. Tease him by bragging about your sexual desire for him. Give him a kinky threat, suggesting that he will have to please you as much and as often as you want—which of course, he’s just dying to do.
7. “Sometimes I get uneasy at night… but the idea of you calms me.”
This text accomplishes two things: it gives him a problem to solve, which of course men love, while also revealing to him that his voice, his words through text, and just his attention on you helps keep you feel calm and relaxed. Some men really enjoy the feeling of texting their girlfriends to sleep, knowing that there’s so much comfort and familiarity there.
8. “See you in my / your dreams.”
The idea of meeting each other in dreams is understandably exciting, since dreams are subconscious manifestations of what’s going on inside our heads. Knowing that the both of you are so in love that you start appearing in each other’s dreams, is a reminder of how fast the relationship is moving. You can spend this one anyway that feels comfortable. For example, “I’m going to dream of you tonight” (an expression of love) or “ Will you dream of me? What will we be doing?” (a hint of sex), or “See you in your dreams tonight…you better be good!” (A teasing reply, fitting for a man who is competitive and flirty).
Did I say there was only 8? Here are a two extra just for good measure. 🙂
9. “Spending last night with you was perfect. I had a great time.”
Very effective text, emphasizing positive feelings over the experiences you’ve already had. You remind him that he did everything right and that you feel as excited as he does about the connection you have. But you notice, at the same time, you’re not talking about the future. This is a great line for new couples who aren’t ready to commit but definitely want to feel greater intimacy.
10. “Want to hear a confession? You’re the first thing on my mind every morning and the last thing on my mind at night.”
Now don’t you dare use this line before he says I love you! Because this line is mush heaven, or the gooey cutesy equivalent of a Street Fighter finishing move. But once a man admits he is in love with you, he is also starting to wonder if you love him as much as he loves you. Here’s a great text to reassure him you’re thinking of him all the time. You can’t stop thinking about him, because the intense love you both feel is growing. A man in love wants to believe you’re thinking about him constantly, as much as he’s thinking about you. This should be treated as a REWARD, a reply to when he says something equally extreme, like “I love you” or “I think about you all the time!”
Remember, mirror his energy. Reflect back the efforts and the feelings he sends you.
Use these texts and you can naturally escalate the tension and love between you until it climaxes with an awesome proposal!
Text him this to trigger his desire to chase you…
Did you know that you can trigger a man’s hormones through your text messages?
It’s true. How you communicate with a man can actually release different hormones in his body.
One of the most important ones is testosterone because that’s what makes him CHASE you, pursue you, and invest in you so that he gets “hooked” and desires something more with you.
Want to trigger this in your man?
Talk soon,
Matthew Coast
P.S. You can actually trigger a “cocktail of emotions” inside a man that makes him feel like he can’t get you out of his mind and even feel addicted to you, if you text him a certain way.
Hi my name I’d Monica I’ve bien dating this guy for 3 years but we dont txt during the week maybe I do once in a while I try not to. he only call me on Friday nights after his baseball game that’s at 10 maybe he’ll call me earlier to see what’s up for that night I dont know what to do but I really like hem and I what more of hem can you help me
3 years? You go all week and don’t talk? You need to ask him what you are too him. And be blunt that you need more than just a what’s up once a week.
If he does not immediately start texting during week .. you need to let him go.
Once a week after the baseball game? You’re not dating. Move on.
Thanks,dia your messages are so nice
Hi I just start dating a Spanish guy and I’m Asian indian. He text me every day and meet me for lunch frequently. But he doesn’t spend much time on weekends. He take alternate weekend to have dinner with me. But he always claim that he is not someone who hook up in the phone. Sometimes he takes 20mins or an hr to reply me. I don’t know what how this relationship will go. But I really love him
What makes it a relationship?
thanks dear for your messages are good
Hi my ex and I were a couple for 3 years straight and then broke up cuz we were fighting a lot, after that I dated someone else for 1 year and 10 months. We recently started talking again and he seems very lowkey about it when he used to be all over me. I want to know if he is playing games or that he actually wants to continue our relationship.
I’ve been dating this guy for 2 years now, but there were complications in between. His ex who is legally married, but husband is in jail, claims she has his kid. Started to pm me on ig and claims she aborted his kid 3 times and he left everytime she is pregnant. Well actually we get to find out the kid is actually her current husband ex galfwen that he left and this crazy ex offered to take care of the kid. She lied her wat through but he still talks and secretly met up with her when 1 fine day she videocall while with me and I started to browse his phone for the 2nd time. Its nt the 1st time it happen, I have asked him to leave and totally blocked him. But he keeps coming back and try to “mend” his ways. Whenever I was healing, he would come and start all his romance shit which I literally melt again. Nothing has been said between us, of what we are, but I did once confronted him & he says he is unable to commit. So I just assume he just wanna fuck and go as he has options. Please help.
Yeah, I’m sorry :((( No commitment means only FWB. I’m sorry. Heart will be broken. But we need to move on 🙁
These are perfect.. I’m in a LD relationship for over a year now. He’s in Cali and I’m in New Zealand and we text all day every day, unsure how thr first comment goes all week without texting someone they have been with for 3 years that would hurt and make my head wonder why what’s going on. Hope you have answers now.
Yes, her “man” is not actually her man. He treats her like a roommate type of friend. Not in a great “real friend” manner, as well.
I’m in the same type of mess all the red flags are standing up for me to see but I had to admit it its my actions that this keeps going on not his lack of actions he lives 50 miles away and makes no attempt to see me I do it all and go there about once a week for over a year. There’s evidence of another girl and I know we will never be a couple . So either I keep doing what I’m doing a ND ignore my feelings and just suck it up or I stop putting in the work to be with him. I fell In love he didn’t. I’m hoping I just grow tired of it and it dissolves itself. Lol. In the mean time I’ll just torture my heart and soul. It’s a heartbreaking self degrading nightmare and I know it but I won’t stop. I think I’m very weak and it’s no way to spend my 1 precious life on this earth but I do and it’s so sad.
Somewhere inside of you is the courage to love yourself. Courage doesn’t require bravery. It is simply the necessary action we take to overcome the fear when the pain of staying the same is just too great. When that moment happens, this man will mean nothing to you because he has given you nothing. And you will draw power from each step you take walking away…..
Oooh la la!
They’re all pretty good, Matthew, and definitely leave a lot of room for the imagination to flourish, but if I had to choose a favourite, it would be #8 – “See you in my/your dreams” – who doesn’t love to dream? I do, and I’ll even let you in on a little secret: I’m guilty of having a vivid, overactive imagination!
You’re a very intriguing, cheeky man, Matthew, and blessed is the woman that God has in store for you!
Blessings, Sandra