30 Text to Make Him Smile at Work.

30 Text to Make Him Smile at Work

What are some text messages that can make your man smile while he’s at work?

Monday morning…it’s the worst! Everybody’s working, everybody wishes they could stay in bed. But we all have somewhere to be, don’t we? Work is stressful for everyone…but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a good laugh.

Assuming then that your guy crush is at work, sighing to himself, and wishing it were Friday afternoon…

Now is the perfect opportunity to make him laugh! One of the best ways to do this (and start creating positive associations that keep him interested in you) is by sending him funny and cute text messages at work.

But what’s funny? What’s cute? What makes him smile? That’s tough to say because every guy has a unique personality and sense of humor. The best thing to do is to get to know him and figure out what makes him laugh, what makes him smile and what puts him in a good mood.

Granted, that’s not always easy to do in the beginning and right after you just met. The best thing to do is take a chance and send him some texts that are universally funny or sweet. From there, you discern his brand of humor, and what works and doesn’t work.


Text to Make Him Smile at Work

Let’s consider 20 classic texts that are more than likely going to bring a smile to his face. These texts are easy to relate to, fun and easygoing, which is what you want in the beginning.

1. What would I do without your sweet good morning texts? They are an awesome part of my daily routine.
2. You always make me feel better about myself. I’m just a happier, more awesome woman, whenever you’re whispering in my ear.
3. Life is going good. I’ve got a great job, a nice car, good snacks to go home to…and your text messages to keep me laughing. I’m a lucky gal.
4. We ought to have a Netflix night, you and I. There are some movies I think we should see and talk about.
5. Ha! I was just thinking about you. What a coincidence you wrote me!
6. I bragged about you to someone today. But you don’t want to know about that, right?
7. You can always put a smile on my face. Not like a Joker smile, but a sweet happy and cool smile.
8. You should hug me a lot more. It makes me jolly.
9. Sometimes I think about you…like when I see a spider or a big bug. I think ooh I need to call (NAME) to kill it.
10. Just when I think I’ve figured you out…you do something crazy or awesome and I have to go back to the drawing board!
11. I like you slightly more than pizza. And that’s a helluva lot!
12. Hey……. Ha! Made you look. Have a nice night!
13. We ought to take a trip to the Smoky Mountains some day. Wouldn’t that be an adventure of a lifetime?
14. I’m still going to be friends with you even when I’m an old lady. I’ll be bopping your head with my cane!
15. Tell the owner of your company that I said to give you a raise. I’ll betcha they’ll do it!
16. I hope you get through today with a smile on your face and a mind full of happy thoughts.
17. You are so hot when you’re all focused on work! I predict you’re going to be a billionaire playboy someday! You’re too smart not to be.
18. You work so hard…you need to play just as hard! I need to take you mini-golfing some time.
19. Don’t forget to be thankful, be mindful and enjoy the moment today. You’re a fantastic person and need to give yourself some time to relax. Just thinking about you. Have a great day!
20. I know you’re going to kick butt at your presentation today. Go knock one out of the park! I know you’re going to do great.


10 Romantic Texts to Send Him

Next, let’s consider 10 more romantic texts for when you’re in a long-term relationship with a husband or boyfriend.

1. I sometimes forget to tell you how happy I am with you. I don’t always say it but I think it. I think it every time I look into your eyes…and fall in love all over again.
2. I feel something so strong and confusing every time I think of you. You make me crazy sometimes. I can’t explain it, but I just want you more with every passing day!
3. I have a surprise for you tonight. You won’t believe it! But I have a feeling you’re going to love it.
4. You are such a good kisser. My girlfriends are so jealous because I accidentally brag about you in public…a lot.
5. I love being your wife…but I’d like to try being your mistress too. I want to see the good you and evil you. (Smile)
6. I won’t be OK today…until I’m in your arms, in bed, and thinking about how wonderful you are.
7. There is only one thing hotter in this world than your body…your sexy personality. You are the total package!
8. I’m always in a pretty good mood…because I met you and realized that true love is always possible, no matter what.
9. You are my bucket list. You are my happy ending in life.
10. I cherish every moment that I spend with you. These are the best times in my life, talking to you, going places with you, experiencing the world with you at my side.

As we have discussed, the best texts are the ones that are simple, easy to read, and fun to think about. (He might even read it and re-read it when he needs a pick-me-up) That’s exactly what a guy wants on those long work days: a reason to smile. Whether you’re being cute or funny, he will appreciate the effort. As long as you keep things positive, he will look forward to your texts and the relationship will slowly advance.


Text him this to trigger his desire to chase you…

Did you know that you can trigger a man’s hormones through your text messages?

It’s true. How you communicate with a man can actually release different hormones in his body.

One of the most important ones is testosterone because that’s what makes him CHASE you, pursue you, and invest in you so that he gets “hooked” and desires something more with you.

Want to trigger this in your man?

Click here to learn more

Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

P.S. You can actually trigger a “cocktail of emotions” inside a man that makes him feel like he can’t get you out of his mind and even feel addicted to you, if you text him a certain way.

Click here to learn more


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