At 47, Kimmy had endured a lifetime of toxic relationships.
She was married to a verbally and physically abusive narcissist…
And after she was divorced, she went from one bad relationship to the next…
When she thought she’d finally found a good one, he’d turn out to be worse than any of the ones before him.
Because of this, she stopped dating for 6 years and built a wall around her heart to guard it from further pain.
Eventually, she started to feel lonely…
Her kids, now older were pushing her to meet someone knew…
She wanted companionship, she wanted to be valued by a partner, but was she doomed to either loneliness or toxic situations?
That’s when Kimmy found us.
Kimmy’s problem is one I see all the time…
If you go up with missing or dysfunctional relationship role models…
If you have traumatic experiences around men, women, or relationships when you’re younger…
Or you somehow get yourself into a toxic situation and that becomes your model for how relationships are…
You’ll continue to attract toxic relationships until you break free of the pattern and train your brain to attract something else.
We worked with Kimmy to break these patterns, get her familiar with what healthy is like, and then showed her how to attract and connect with a healthy man.
Going through a process like this isn’t always easy…
But its always worth it.
After six months, Kimmy met someone special…
A man who valued her, respected her boundaries, and treated her with the kindness she deserved.
This was the first healthy relationship Kimmy has ever had… and it can easily be the only one she ever needs.
If you want to know what my best clients have done to attract their Forever Man and getting into a healthy, lasting, committed, loving relationship…
Talk soon,
Matthew Coast
P.S. I do webinars on a variety of topics about how to break through your obstacles and attract the man you’ve always wanted.