How to Make a Leo Man Miss You.

How to Make a Leo Man Miss You

How to make a Leo man miss you?

Leo is often described as the King of all the Zodiac signs, because of his strong personality, confident nature and of course, his desire to be the center of attention! No wonder Leos tend to be popular, having lots of friends, and occasionally rubs people the wrong way because of his tendency to be overconfident. Have a Libra man instead? No worries, have a look at our article just for getting libra men to miss you.

But think of it this way. If you want to get Leo’s attention, you have to earn it. Leo knows how popular he is and so only respects you and MISSES you, if you do something special to be remembered for. Leo is not easily guilted or manipulated. We can safely say a Leo man wants a strong partner, not a pushover, or someone who’s just going to agree with him all the time.

This however begs the question, if Leo only responds to “strong” behavior, how can you possibly make him miss you by being absent? Isn’t avoiding Leo the worst thing you can do, since he’s so impressed by obvious displays of romance?

Before you try to attract a Leo, and keep him missing you and thinking about you, let’s first consider the “Leo strategy”. You have to understand his character before you decide to communicate your affections for him.

How to Make Your Leo Man Miss You

Here are five ways how to make “Leo the Lion” miss you that aren’t so obvious.

1. You always emit positive energy.

Just think for a moment about the competition you face. Other women want Leo and will also be trying to get his attention. However, negative attention is still attention – and they will try to court Leo by evoking his emotions at all cost. This is why you should focus on staying positive and emanating positive energy whenever you encounter your Leo man.

Whether he’s an ex or a crush, the idea is the same. A Leo man will grow attracted to you based on the strong positive energy you project. Positive energy comes from getting the things you want, finding what truly makes you happy and then connecting with other people. When you’re happy inside, you don’t have to fake happiness or fake success.

That’s why, when you exude confidence and positivity around Leo, he notices. And he will immediately notice that you’re different from the others around him, even women he might be already be chasing.

One of the best ways to do this is to simply analyze your conversation, your flirting style and the conversations you have. Are they overly negative or critical of others? Are you manipulating him to feel something? Or is your energy more natural? You’re not trying to impress him, or prove anything. You simply enjoy his company in your life. That brings us to the next point…

2. You want Leo Man to be Leo Man. You want him to “roar”, because that’s who Leo is.

If you’re looking for sneaky tactics on how to manipulate Leo – don’t bother! Leo is not the type to fall for that stuff. Not only that, but Leo instantly resents anyone who tries to manipulate him, tame him, or make him feel something that doesn’t come natural. You might even say you don’t “seduce” Leo – rather you become part of his life. You let him be as free as he wants to be. You make the choice to play with him, have fun, and go along for the ride.

Whereas many women are threatened by Leo’s self-absorbed nature, you realize that it’s all part of the attraction – why you like him in the first place. You don’t want to hinder him or change him. While it’s true that most men resent controlling women, some can live with it…some will tolerate it. But Leo is definitely far on the scale of “Nope.”

3. Let him chase you a lot, but chase him a little.

Leo has lots of friends and he will lose interest in you quickly if your time spent together is negative or dare we say, more focused on you than him. Don’t get Leo wrong – he will take an interest in you. But as you talk about yourself, it’s important to let Leo also feel valued and appreciated for his special qualities.

Leo is impressed not only with superficial beauty and confidence, but also kindness, sincerity and being sensitive to his needs and wants. Leo is also moody, going hot and cold frequently (NOT because he’s playing with you but because that’s his nature), and so you need to temper your interest in him with patience to let him figure out what he wants.

Just remember this: most guys are overjoyed to meet a mysterious, sexy woman and will spend a lot of time charming you and chasing you. But much of the “loving Leo” strategy is to GIVE – to show him that you’re interested in meeting his true self. To be a little more interested in him than the average girl, since you realize he has that special charisma. You find him fascinating and you’re willing to move at his own pace.

4. Focus on building an emotional connection with him – that’s what he will miss the most.

For Leo, sex, flirting and friendship is easy. So if you really want your Leo man him you must go the extra distance and create that emotional connection that he craves. He will not have that intense connection with just everyone he meets. Most women will like him for his charm, but they won’t completely understand him and the things that are important to him.

That’s where you come in. You become the attractive, confident friend who can get him to confide in you, who’s never offended or shocked by anything, and who can feel what Leo is feeling. Some of this is simply conversing and spending more time with Leo in general. But a lot of it is actually LEARNING Leo, and figuring out what really motivates him. How can you figure out these needs and be the most important person in his life, who knows all aspects about his life?

The more Leo realizes that you’re the perfect match for him, and yet sees you as an independent woman who’s a little too “out of his league”, that’s when he will miss you. That’s when he’ll realize it’s time for the lion to hunt you down! Still wondering if he really misses you? Take our in-depth questionnaire to tell if he misses you or not.

5. Showcase your uniqueness and individuality.

Leo men are attracted to women who stand out from the crowd. Leo men appreciates individuals who have their own passions, interests, and ambitions. Instead of conforming to what you think he wants, focus on being your authentic self. Pursue your own goals, develop your talents, and showcase your unique qualities. When a Leo man sees that you have a vibrant and independent life of your own, he will be intrigued and want to be a part of it. It will make your Leo guy miss the special connection he shares with you.

6. Keep the element of surprise alive.

Leo men love excitement and being entertained. To make him miss you, introduce an element of surprise into your interactions. Plan unexpected dates or outings that showcase your creativity and spontaneity. Surprise him with tickets to his favorite band’s concert or take him on a surprise weekend getaway. The key is to keep him on his toes and make every moment with you an adventure. This will ensure that your Leo man eagerly anticipates spending time with you and creates a sense of longing when you’re apart.

7. Support his ambitions and celebrate his successes.

Leo men have a strong drive for success and recognition. Show your Leo man that you believe in his dreams and ambitions. Offer your support and encouragement as he pursues his goals. Celebrate his successes and milestones with genuine enthusiasm. By being his biggest cheerleader, you become an indispensable part of his life, and he will miss your unwavering support and belief in him.

8. Maintain your own social life and personal interests.

While it’s important to spend quality time with your Leo man, it’s equally vital to maintain your own social life and personal interests. Don’t become overly dependent on him for your happiness and fulfillment. Continue nurturing your friendships, pursuing your hobbies, and engaging in fun activities that bring you joy. This shows him that you have a well-rounded life outside of your relationship, and it will make him appreciate the time he spends with you even more. It will also an effective want to make a Leo man miss you.

9. Give him space and time to pursue his passions.

Leo men have a strong need for independence and freedom. They thrive when they have the freedom to pursue their passions and interests. Give your Leo man the space he needs to express himself fully. Encourage him to engage in his hobbies, spend time with his friends, or embark on personal projects. By showing him that you respect his need for independence, he will miss your understanding and support. It will also make him realize that you value his individuality and are confident enough in yourself to give him space.

How to Make Leo Men Chase You

Remember, making a Leo man miss you requires a delicate balance of showing your affection and independence. By following these tips and maintaining a strong sense of self, you will create a dynamic that makes him long for your presence and cherish the time he spends with you. Alternatively, if you’re already at a point where you think you might have lost your Leo man, read this article on how to make him regret losing you.

Text him this to trigger his desire to chase you…

Did you know that you can trigger a man’s hormones through your text messages?

It’s true. How you communicate with a man can actually release different hormones in his body.

One of the most important ones is testosterone because that’s what makes him CHASE you, pursue you, and invest in you so that he gets “hooked” and desires something more with you.

Want to trigger this in your man?

Click here to learn more

Talk soon,

Matthew Coast

P.S. You can actually trigger a “cocktail of emotions” inside a man that makes him feel like he can’t get you out of his mind and even feel addicted to you, if you text him a certain way.

Click here to learn more

7 thoughts on “How to Make a Leo Man Miss You”

  1. Dear Matthew

    I have a complicated situations, between my special one and the one that soon will be my ex husband .

    I really hope u can help me .

    Later I will tell u the details of my conditions .

    Looking for what to hear from you soon , please.

    Best Regards

  2. Why is it i cant get threw to my friend he is a leo that i cant figure out we make love like we in a relationship we dont want that but we always around one another my problem is that he is a slow texter it will take me 20 mins later to text back it feel like he not telling me something what should i do

  3. Melissa Williams

    My fiancee and I have been together for 4 year and 7 months, and we were to move into another house, but this month roughly 2 weeks and 3days ago my daddy threw him out, insulted him,embarrassed him, called him names, and couple minutes after that he broke up with me after and told me he is giving me and my dad our space and he wants nothing to do with me again and his love for me has died then started to cry. We have a child together, and he has started to lash out, he is there for our 3 year old daughter, and he was my high school sweet heart for 2 years but we lost contact and when we gained it back he was marrying and I told him that won’t work out and 4years later we were back together. We decided we wanted a baby but I found out 2 days after the break and he said he doesn’t want it get rid of it. We were to move out and marry and now I’m having another baby with him that out of anger he wants to kill the baby that he wanted by me. He keeps telling everyone else we aren’t on good terms at the moment or we just aren’t not speaking right now. My dad refuses to apologise and my dad has been picking on him all the years and I have always had his back through it all. I never did nothing so why leave me for my father’s doings.

  4. Hey Melissa! Please stay hopeful and give things some time. They’ll be fine eventually. May your special one understand everything really soon. Love and prayers.

  5. Am in a distance relationship with a Leo man, he currently came to my city to spend 1week with me, we had fun, he never stopped telling me he love me until he left my city things changed, he started acting up, no more I love u, and yet he said there is nothing wrong, I finally get him to speak after another week of coldness, instead telling me the things I did wrong, he started looking for faults, hes trying to use my weaknesses against me, giving me conditions and did I mention this is a year I started courting him yet he has never displayed my pictures for once not even on my birthday, he has never introduced me to any members of him family except for his friend. He wants me to do the chase now, what do I do, I love him but at the same time I don’t want to loose myself .

    1. randominternetperson

      ditch this guy playing mind games and wasting your time hun. that guy is just in it for the thrill and not the commitment.

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