Long Distance Relationships

Why is He Ignoring Me?

Why is He Ignoring Me?

Has this happened to you before? Things are going great! Your guy-crush is charming, eloquent, completely into you…he seems to just love making you smile. And then all of a sudden, everything goes dark. He becomes distant. Moody. Weird. Maybe it’s the tone of his voice, his solemn facial expressions, or the fact that his

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When Should You Let a Man Kiss You. Signs He Loves You Deeply. Make a Man Fall Head Over Heels in Love.

How To Not Be Jealous

“Who is she? What were you talking about? Do you want to bang her?!” Ah, the jealous wife questioning. Or in many cases, the jealous husband questioning. Whenever the “green eyed monster” comes out, suddenly we all become interrogation experts. How about this one? “Look me in the eye and tell me there’s nothing between

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Words that melt a man's heart? (Like ice cream!). When He Backs Away. Female Led Relationship. Signs He Loves You but is Scared.

How To Make Him Miss You

Don’t you hate it when your partner is slow on the “I love you too” comeback? Or when they roll their eyes at you after you share something important, or when they seem much more interested in another woman rather than you? Sure, it burns. When a man doesn’t appreciate you and doesn’t give you

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